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Private Eye

Guest JOEB

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Because they're the only ones with the bollocks to upset the balance.


It's much easier to do and say f**k all.


I agree.......well put CJ


If the people at these organisations (CA, BASC ect) used some of there contacts to get to at least 1 national newspaper, and that paper took a sensable pro-hunt stance, they could expect to increase circulation by what???.........100,000 a day, judging by the amount of people on the march?

£££££ talks...........I wonder?

It wont change the law....but it may put the brakes on any more crackpot laws?


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Like Chris says,its easier to do and say nowt...............so who has visited they're local friendly anti hunt MP then ?


I have :yes: ...........she came bounding up to me in the street on the vote hunt..............she wont make that mistake again :yes:

I wrote and asked for an appointment as well to discuss these things, but didnt get a response.

My Local MP is Angela Smith.........FULLY IN THE POCKET OF LACS


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Guest Ditch_Shitter

" ..... And I don't give a f**k if you vote for me or not!!! ".


Mike Hancock, SDP MP. Portsmouth. About twenty years back. Now a fully paid mouth piece / string puller for the LACS.


Still; I Was There!

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Whether the tories will or won't is open to speculation. They can't decide what they want for themselves yet.


We have to be in it to win it so we either send a 30 second email to each of the candidates asking their stance on hunting or we don't do anything at all.


A vote could see a change. Doing f**k all certainly won't. I mean how many people are aware that LACS are in the process of bringing a second hunting prosecution forward?


I'd rather main stream publications like Private Eye were bringing it to the attention of the public, than the piss poor attempts from the CMW (supposedly our weekly press) at least this way someone is giving us a voice.


Vote for a pro hunt MP and if you don't have one then spoil your paper. Doing f**k all is just plain lazy. Use your voice.

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Chris, it might be a good idea for you to put up a draught of what type of letter, content etc people can email to their local representative. For those people who do not feel confident/able enough or feel their grammer, spelling may be poor. They can them either copy it or use the general wording/layout and add or change bits to suit themselves :good:


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My local conservative has assured me he is all for hunting with dogs , The only problem is will they do anything about it ? and will they have a big enough majority to be able to push it through parliment .

I don't think there is a man or woman here that trusts a politician. This is the chance we take though. If we want a repeal or an ammendment we have to join the political process and vote on that wish. This way we have a chance at a change in the law. If we don't vote nothing will happen at all. Our opponents do vote. They use the political process because they're dedicated and they know we're half arsed at best. They're all ready to hand in a petition to ban snaring and are lobbying their MP's for a change in the law. Who here is lobbying their MP to keep snaring as a legitimate form of pest control? How many here are pressing for the abolition of the Animal Welfare Bill which will see ban on tail docking and powers of search and seizure for the RSPCA? None of these new proposed laws are going to do us any favours.


I believe that the new look Tory party are our best shot at a change in the law. They're already taking advantage of the Labour mess and are currently the best bet. Alot can change between now and then which is why it's necessary to keep at them even if you can only muster one email a month or once a quarter.


Whether we're too late to save dog work remains to be seen but to opt out completely is unconditional surrender for every other fieldsport.


I don't think a template email to cut and paste is the way forward. They end up getting deleted as spam. Just send a basic letter/email to your MP and ask them what is their stance on fieldsports and ask them if they would support a repeal on the Hunting Act 2004. A simple yes or no answer is easy enough for them to reply to so brief questions are more likely to get a response rather than long rants. These people argue for a living and will take any opportunity tell you how wrong you are and give you a dozen reasons why. Don't waste the time. Stick with the ones that do want to see fieldsports continue and offer them your support on that basis.


If anyone wishes to join this process go to this website. http://www.writetothem.com


Type in your postcode and it lists your local MP and councillors.


These people are elected to work for their constituents but they're here to win your vote. They will do what it takes to keep themselves in the lifestyle they're accustomed to and will do what they can to appease the voters. We have to engage these people in dialogue. If they don't know what you want they won't even make a token gesture to help you. Again that equates to unconditional surrender because for every 5 hunters that can't be bothered there is a dedicated anti writing weekly letters and emails and regularly phoning their MP to make sure their agenda is pushed. If they only hear one voice they will act only for that voice. Apathy doesn't change policy. This is why we're in this mess to begin with because nobody believed it would happen.

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Well said Chris on the subject of letters its worth remembering tht MPs are of the opionion that if a subject is dear to you you will write a reasond letter not just sign your name at the bottom of a templated letter the substance of which they've read a million times before! :clapper:

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yes this is all very well and i agree but we are missing the point.....everyone knows what goes off in the hunting world..yet members are asked/told not to say this/not to say that because its banned. so it seems to me we are saying one thing and doing another ..are we just kidding ourselfs everything will turn out ok.. its all words in the street by the ordinary layman. afterall prostitution,drugs,speeding,shoplifting,pissing in the street. are all banned yet it goes on everyday.......[love thy neighbour but dont get caught]..

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I'm not missing any point. If we want to try and change the law we have to use their political methods. If people want to donate to the CA then fine they'll pursue their own agenda. Your agenda begins and ends at the ballot box.


If you don't want to do that then that's entirely upto you but in the time it's taken to write a post on this forum you could've sent a brief letter to your local MP. The law will stand until it's changed or ammended.


I'm on first name terms with my local MP. She's gone from ranting to polite correspondence. I know I can't change her bigotted viewpoint but I do know that her majority was slashed and I let her know that I'm working for her opponent (who is pro fieldsports) at every opportunity.


All they care about is their jobs. Remove them with your keyboard. Shit you don't even have to leave the house which will suit quite a few people on here! ;)

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