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well as we all know the zinmeister is heading off to germany today and i think we would all like to wish him and his family all the best and a safe journey this bloke has add so much to the forums and im sure some people have learnt a great deal from his videos and write ups

on a personal note im down a good shooting partner and a cracking friend (ive said down and not lost ) cos im sure germany wont keep him away from the forums so until he gets settled in the land of bratties all the very best to you and your family si safe trip and good luck in your new post mate :toast: :toast: :toast:


atb gary

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well i agree with gary

a very good friend and top bloke to chat to and he always made time for me as well as everyone on here have a very safe time out in germany and the family to matey we are all going to miss your videos and write up's and i feel for gary to as you 2 are very good friends he will be a little lost without you going shooting with him another top bloke gary but me and brenden and family wish you the very best in germany and when you get back on leave your more than welcome to come for a shoot over here but i am sure everyone if possible will make time out to come and see you when your home for a good chat and a days shooting si.




shay and brenden

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I can't begin to say how helpful Si has been to me over the past few months. As well as his posts, he has PM'd me with lots of information that he has gleaned over the years and offered some sound advice born of experience. :signthankspin:


I really hope he continues to post and impart his knowledge, although I'm sure we will all miss his videos.


Hope he settles in well in Germany and his wife and Dylan are happy(and Zini of course).


Top bloke who will be sorely missed. :cry::cry:





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Thanks all guys,


Its very kind of you all to say the nice things.


Im sat in a hotel in Dover at the moment and will be going to Germany tomorrow morning.


Ill catch up with all of you when i get set up in Germany.


Thanks Gary buddy, you are a very good friend.


To all teh regulars on here.


You have taught me as much as i have taught you.


Thanks for that



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Best of luck in Germany Zin'. Unfortunately i've not had time to speak with you but i wish you & your family all the best over there. I was posted over to germany whilst serving in the forces and was completely amazed to find that nobody on camp ect spoke much German at all. :yes:


I did learn some German whilst over there. The main phrase being;


"drei Bier bitte." :tongue2::clapper:


Kind regards.



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Thanks all again for the great support :thumbs: .


Davy buddy, you called me "Si", im impressed buddy :toast: Im glad that you are starting to warm to me mate :laugh::angel::laugh:


Thanks for the nice comment buddy, your a top bloke too.



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