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  On 24/02/2010 at 06:33, whin said:

who said you need a lurcher to work a net j darcy ,the reverse three qaurter colie type would work a net ,reverse three qaurter spaniel with a touch of greyhound , and marc c glenns little beardie worked the net ,i dont think alot of use have trained a dog to a high standard ,it can be done ,but you need dogs who work naturaly in a circle ,and a man to control them , you dont need a a lurcher anything thats soft natured but with a good nose , but in this day and age people like brite lights for hunting lol, it can be done ,with modern shock collars trainig etc i think it can be done,not my seen,but you can train a dog to worked back to you ,but needs to have natural hunting in it ,i used to chuck luke and lana out the jeep they would qaurter a feild no hare come back to me now lana not but luke you could had harned him into not ouching game in net he done it with purse nets easy and as a pup very soft, unles it bit him then was wild,you just cant let them mouth game ,only put it up and that would be his only job



BINGO :clapper:


As you say a spaniel or spaniel cross should have the ideal traits bred in it for this kind of work.ie good nose and the natural ability to quarter a field.



Its somthing to start with anyway :notworthy:

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ye it can especaily if the dogs are not used the net but these are things you try and rectify ,or train in to them as youngnsters ,not the rabbits in some areas now to set or run the net out ,but th

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mick i used to slip them out jeep they would go to far end of feilds then qaurter back steady ,for a hare , now harnesed and trained it can be done if that is what you want out of a lurcher ,but it has to have natural hunting qaulities that you can only have in them and bring out like a collie on the send away just in a diffrent way ,but the softer the dog the better ,but ,the price of rabbits it would be pure devilment to catch a good few for the crack , to much training for litte return cheers

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  On 24/02/2010 at 06:33, whin said:

who said you need a lurcher to work a net j darcy ,the reverse three qaurter colie type would work a net ,reverse three qaurter spaniel with a touch of greyhound , and marc c glenns little beardie worked the net ,i dont think alot of use have trained a dog to a high standard ,it can be done ,but you need dogs who work naturaly in a circle ,and a man to control them , you dont need a a lurcher anything thats soft natured but with a good nose , but in this day and age people like brite lights for hunting lol, it can be done ,with modern shock collars trainig etc i think it can be done,not my seen,but you can train a dog to worked back to you ,but needs to have natural hunting in it ,i used to chuck luke and lana out the jeep they would qaurter a feild no hare come back to me now lana not but luke you could had harned him into not ouching game in net he done it with purse nets easy and as a pup very soft, unles it bit him then was wild,you just cant let them mouth game ,only put it up and that would be his only job



I didnt....but as we are in the running dog section i thought the topic we were discussing was regarding lurchers.


Of course a "non sight hound" breed would eb easier to get to work a net at night, spaniel, lab or collie. :victory:



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  On 24/02/2010 at 01:21, Mick C. said:

I think you might have a valid point there it does seem quite a romantic idea .No one has sent a reply that begs to differ. whistling.gif

I do tend to look at tasks from a poaching point of veiw and imho a lurcher or any dogs in a couple of night time tasks would be a liability no matter how well trained they were and would it be viable just to keep a certain dog for one task.atvb dell

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ye anything can be worth it if there is a vaible market ,you meen the time it takes to train a dog is it worth it ,well some of the collie crosses that i would call wastage would be worth it as it gives them a job to do ,and basicaly give them a life ,lots of things can get caut in a net and a good net dog is a handy jukel ,i wouldnt want one ,for sure but there places were they could be very handy for pushing through game into woods into strong netting ,and doesnt draw attention ,lots of litle jobs for a cur lurcher type a wee gaurd dog if you are up to allsorts at the river , there alot of little jobs for a netting cur type dog ,just maybe not the men to train them now

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  On 24/02/2010 at 11:45, whin said:

ye anything can be worth it if there is a vaible market ,you meen the time it takes to train a dog is it worth it ,well some of the collie crosses that i would call wastage would be worth it as it gives them a job to do ,and basicaly give them a life ,lots of things can get caut in a net and a good net dog is a handy jukel ,i wouldnt want one ,for sure but there places were they could be very handy for pushing through game into woods into strong netting ,and doesnt draw attention ,lots of litle jobs for a cur lurcher type a wee gaurd dog if you are up to allsorts at the river , there alot of little jobs for a netting cur type dog ,just maybe not the men to train them now

I suppose it could be viable whin if you were longnetting by yourself but its a task i would never contemplate trieing to do by myself.And i wonder how meny poachers have been recognised at night by the dog they have with them

atvb dell

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  On 24/02/2010 at 11:45, whin said:

ye anything can be worth it if there is a vaible market ,you meen the time it takes to train a dog is it worth it ,well some of the collie crosses that i would call wastage would be worth it as it gives them a job to do ,and basicaly give them a life ,lots of things can get caut in a net and a good net dog is a handy jukel ,i wouldnt want one ,for sure but there places were they could be very handy for pushing through game into woods into strong netting ,and doesnt draw attention ,lots of litle jobs for a cur lurcher type a wee gaurd dog if you are up to allsorts at the river , there alot of little jobs for a netting cur type dog ,just maybe not the men to train them now


You sound like a man who speaks from experience and knowledge not hearsay.




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We always took a lurcher birding or netting trained to walk just in front about fifty yards saved our bacon a time or two a good dog will tell you if theres anyone about or someones sneaking up in the wood only had a couple that could work the nets but would not be without a dog at my side at night on keeperd land :thumbs:

Edited by blacktabs
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  On 25/02/2010 at 07:02, blacktabs said:

We always took a lurcher birding or netting trained to walk just in front about fifty yards saved our bacon a time or two a good dog will tell you if theres anyone about or someones sneaking up in the wood only had a couple that could work the nets but would not be without a dog at my side at night on keeperd land :thumbs:




What was the breed of these two dogs .

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do any 1 have any videos they could upload of making a long net as i would like to try a bit of long netting on a field with as a lot of crops and stuff and woould like to have a go at driving them thru but the prices of long nets these days are really high and as i am only 14 i havent got 70 pounds to spend on a long net so would like to give it a go :) thanks and atb lurcherboii14 :gunsmilie:

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  On 25/02/2010 at 10:32, lurcherboii14 said:

do any 1 have any videos they could upload of making a long net as i would like to try a bit of long netting on a field with as a lot of crops and stuff and woould like to have a go at driving them thru but the prices of long nets these days are really high and as i am only 14 i havent got 70 pounds to spend on a long net so would like to give it a go :) thanks and atb lurcherboii14 :gunsmilie:

a decent quickset net and rig will cost you a lot more than 70quid but are worth every penny,save your birthday or pocket money if you have to as they are quick to set and quick to take in.it would take absolutely ages to knit a long net and probably cost as much in materials,I don't set many purse nets these day's because of the speed and ease when ferreting of putting out a decent long net,we use short length's of long net varying in size from 3m to 6m to make stop nets coming off the hedgerow or fence either side of the warren we're working,these are attatched to electric fence poles cut down to give a bit of bag in the net,very much the way a gate net works but can be used anywhere due to being on poles,I sometimes put 2 or 3 of these stop nets side by side together to block a specific escape route,these stop nets catch much more than my long nets ever do,hope this helps you,yis,wirralman

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  On 25/02/2010 at 09:39, blacktabs said:

Just bitsas collie deerhound types mother and daughter used them on gate nets at first then went onto pegging with them handy on ground you couldnt drag with a line.




I have the same problem on one of my fields.


This field runs paralell to a railway batters . It is quite a straight forward drop.I have netted it several times in the past.Not big numbers of rabbits caught but its close to home and its nice to get out locally for an hour when the winds right.


At one end of the field theres a lot of snags and heavy cover -a steady dog would come in handy here.


Did the dogs just pick the idea up naturally or was a certain ammount of training involved.


I am not looking for perfection ,more of a natural progression me thinks.

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