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ferreting with out a ferret finder !?

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HI everyome,


I am atotall novice at ferreting...i have 2 hobs who i have only worked a couple of times but done well so far, im just scared of loosing them...the problem is i cant afford ferret finders as i am buying a new deer/fox rifle...does anyone still do it the old fashioned way? :thumbs:

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at the mo i dont use a ferret finder as i dont have one , just use two jills keep the hob for {lie ups} kills below ground. but im only doing this weekend at a private school thats having some probs then thats it till next season , and then old knoby the hoby will be fited with a collar for any lie ups as i will be able to aford one by then , its worth saving for one for next season you might have to forfit a few nights out in the summer but it will be worth it :thumbs: or two nights out if you were like me :doh::laugh:

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We where out yesterday giving a young guy a day out and he had a mk3 with one collar and three jills and yesterday was the first time he had dug a ferret out after seeing what we get up to with the locators hes looking for more collars that says it all :whistling:

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There will be a few on here that say you can still do it the old way, and that may actually be true, but think about it this way, before phones people sent letters, before cars people used horses, before washing machines...... well i think you get the message, Of course all these things can be done the old way, but why would you want too?

Do yourself a favour and wait until you can afford a collar, i learn't the hard way. It would be a shame if you had too.

Good luck with your ferreting.

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I never used to use a finder mate. but i got one just to be on the safe side of things. last thing you want is to be waiting hours for your ferret to come bak up because you dont know where to dig. I didnt have much monay either so got an old MK1 and its never let me down :thumbs:

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I use a finder (luckily haven't had a dig all season) but my mate doesnt and his hob just kills and moves on. If he sticks you just whistle down the hole and call 'sam' and he comes out. On sunday he was down longer than usual though, he must have found a litter of kits and everyone got a bit paniced, at that point im sure everyone was thinking . . . an extra collar might be a good investment.





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i would always use collars myself mate never put a ferret down a sett with out one theres plenty of people who dont use collars these days but its up to you self fella if you want to put them in not collared theres always the risk of not getting it back atb anyway mate happy hunting :thumbs:

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Yer this has been done to death, its an evolution of ferreting. However some people don't and do perfectly well. It's like a lot of things in life, each to their own, but most people who have come into contact with locators soon get one.

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  On 22/02/2010 at 19:35, langouroux said:

HI everyome,


I am atotall novice at ferreting...i have 2 hobs who i have only worked a couple of times but done well so far, im just scared of loosing them...the problem is i cant afford ferret finders as i am buying a new deer/fox rifle...does anyone still do it the old fashioned way? :thumbs:



Two small Falconry bells on a collar it will then give you some hope in finding the ferrets if you have to dig 9 times out of 10 most Ferrets move off there kill anyway, plus when you feed the ferrets call them with a whistle mine always comes to a whistle at feeding time if you whistle down a warren they will recognize the sound it doesn't work all the time, it just becomes a common sound, it has worked at times for me.


When you can afford a locator do buy one they save you a lot of time. another tip if you have the leave a ferret down a warren because they have killed and decided to rest up and it's getting to dark block all the holes go home and in the morning I promise you when you unblock the holes your ferret will make it way out.


Happy Ferreting " Remember it's only in the field when things go wrong that you will learn by our own mistakes" you will never lose a ferret

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I used bells quite a lot in the 1990s,and they were useful when ferreting thick brambly hedges on my own, they gave a warning of the ferret surfacing unseen and moving off, or if it come out the other side. they were ok in dry weather or in sand , but clog up and dont work if earth gets in them. They were small cat bells from petshop, sometimes the ferret will get stuck if it goes through a net but not normally a problem . I used to get the ferret to wear the the bells in the hutch for a while so they get used to them before they went out. Many the time it was a relief to hear that tinkle, especially if using a fast jill that was liable to take off.

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me self i think depends on the ferret, if its a big hob or big jill then no no, you will need somthing [bANNED TEXT] will not hold em or you could have a long wait,

better off just savein for a locater and plus its more intresting with one anyway :thumbs:

atb jamie

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