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Out on a fox control, and found....

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Yep, thats right.... gay! :icon_eek:


After reading that thread recently about the gay dogs (LOL) I thought what a load of old shit, but today me eyes were opened to the grimey world of the bent canine....!!


We were on the pheasant shoot, looking to account for a lamp shy charlie, and after a walking over many likely spots that drew blank, we were greeted with the lurcher giving a solid mark at a rabbity place on top of a steep wooded crag. So, shotgun at the ready, we entered the brock dog, but he couldnt get far down the rabbit tubes, and after a bit of digging etc, we managed to swap him for 'G' who we dropped in at the other end of the warren. Suddenly two red-faced homos flew from the earth, (in the act), and were cleanly shot by your truley 8)




And after they were seperated.....




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lmao     some great pics mate

Yep, thats right.... gay!   After reading that thread recently about the gay dogs (LOL) I thought what a load of old shit, but today me eyes were opened to the grimey world of the bent canine....!!

Ah right, I get ya mate, it was yesterday alright, and up on my patch in the hills of Northumberland, it was so frozen in the fields that I couldnt go to work, and we couldnt get any trapping done, th

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