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New Permission

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Well, i was out ferreting yesterday, im going to do the write up on that later in the week when i get the pics from my uncle.


Anyway, I had went out last week to my small permission and done about 6 sets, with only one producing rabbits (4 of). So we went back yesterday just to get out for a few hours and let the ferrets have a run about, didnt expect much. We done one set and got none. There was a field right next to us, belonging to another farmer that had a tree line littered with burrows. By chance the farmer was out on the tractor working in the field, i thought i would chance it and go and ask him if we could run our ferrets through the burrows on his field. He was pretty easy going and said yes straight away, asked us if we could ferret all the way down the treeline as he really wanted rid of all the rabbits, so we did, and spent quite a while on his land.


Ended up with 10 in total, and permission to come up and ferret whenever we want, wherever we want.


We didnt cover a major amount of ground compared to the size of it all, so i think theres a lot of days ferreting up there ahead of us.


I reckon we have another day or two's ferreting up there left until we need to stop, but im delighted we've got this place to look forward to for next season.


Anyway just thought i would tell you all, just goes to show if you chance your luck and be polite you might get lucky.





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Well, i was out ferreting yesterday, im going to do the write up on that later in the week when i get the pics from my uncle.


Anyway, I had went out last week to my small permission and done about 6 sets, with only one producing rabbits (4 of). So we went back yesterday just to get out for a few hours and let the ferrets have a run about, didnt expect much. We done one set and got none. There was a field right next to us, belonging to another farmer that had a tree line littered with burrows. By chance the farmer was out on the tractor working in the field, i thought i would chance it and go and ask him if we could run our ferrets through the burrows on his field. He was pretty easy going and said yes straight away, asked us if we could ferret all the way down the treeline as he really wanted rid of all the rabbits, so we did, and spent quite a while on his land.


Ended up with 10 in total, and permission to come up and ferret whenever we want, wherever we want.


We didnt cover a major amount of ground compared to the size of it all, so i think theres a lot of days ferreting up there ahead of us.


I reckon we have another day or two's ferreting up there left until we need to stop, but im delighted we've got this place to look forward to for next season.


Anyway just thought i would tell you all, just goes to show if you chance your luck and be polite you might get lucky.





done the same today,was ferretin in a field ,seen 3 warrens with about 6-10 holes each in neighbouring field,heard farmer making noise in his shed and decided to call over and ask for permision to go on his land,he was more than welcome as he said the rabbits were becoming a bit of a pest,got 3 from 1st,4 from 2nd and another 4 from the 3rd and he said i can call back anytime no problem, :boogie:

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sounds good but i noticed you say you ferreted warrens with nothing home. Ever thought of getting a marking dog? Save you a hell of a lot of time, and energy... well done on the new land.


Cheers. Yeh i have thought of that, not to sure if the mum and dad would let me but im going to try and introduce the idea slowly to see what reaction i get, or hopefully my uncle will get one as he had a dog a while back but never got a new on once it passed. At least it gets me out rather sitting on my arse doing feck all :)

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Good result that mate. Me and a mate have had some similar good news! Got a good new permission teaming with rabbits! Only negative is he wont let us have the dogs out, he's scared of them spooking sheep in lamb.




Nice one mate. Suppose getting permission although no permission for dogs is better than getting no permission at all :thumbs:



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Well, i was out ferreting yesterday, im going to do the write up on that later in the week when i get the pics from my uncle.


Anyway, I had went out last week to my small permission and done about 6 sets, with only one producing rabbits (4 of). So we went back yesterday just to get out for a few hours and let the ferrets have a run about, didnt expect much. We done one set and got none. There was a field right next to us, belonging to another farmer that had a tree line littered with burrows. By chance the farmer was out on the tractor working in the field, i thought i would chance it and go and ask him if we could run our ferrets through the burrows on his field. He was pretty easy going and said yes straight away, asked us if we could ferret all the way down the treeline as he really wanted rid of all the rabbits, so we did, and spent quite a while on his land.


Ended up with 10 in total, and permission to come up and ferret whenever we want, wherever we want.


We didnt cover a major amount of ground compared to the size of it all, so i think theres a lot of days ferreting up there ahead of us.


I reckon we have another day or two's ferreting up there left until we need to stop, but im delighted we've got this place to look forward to for next season.


Anyway just thought i would tell you all, just goes to show if you chance your luck and be polite you might get lucky.





nice one :victory:

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