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if you had 1 wish

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i bet some of you thought "oh no not another 1 of these topics" it has nowt to do with air guns

if you had 1 wish to say "what you'd like to be" take today for example


i wish i was a mind reader then id of known both them fresh cream slices wernt for me lol :whistling: :whistling:


atb gary

Edited by festa
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Iwish i could understand the female mind :icon_eek::blink::laugh:





I see APPLE have announced today the development of a chip that can be implanted into a woman's breast, and play music. The i-Tit will cost£499.00, and is regarded as a major breahthrough, as woman are always moaning that men just stare at their tit's and never listen to them.


Sorry Ladies :icon_redface::D








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A deep one this...



At about 20 years of age my girlfriend of the time ( now fiancee & due to be married next year) fell pregnant. At the time she was in university and we decided that it wouldn't be a good time.


A few years on i often find myself wondering who he/she would have grown into ect, Hair colour, eye colour. What job would they have chosen ect?


So i simply wish i could turn back time and to give he/she a chance in life. I'm not over run with guilt ot anything like that. But i'm sure a few of you guys with children know what i mean. :thumbs:



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A deep one this...



At about 20 years of age my girlfriend of the time ( now fiancee & due to be married next year) fell pregnant. At the time she was in university and we decided that it wouldn't be a good time.


A few years on i often find myself wondering who he/she would have grown into ect, Hair colour, eye colour. What job would they have chosen ect?


So i simply wish i could turn back time and to give he/she a chance in life. I'm not over run with guilt ot anything like that. But i'm sure a few of you guys with children know what i mean. :thumbs:





PHEW! shaun you have brought a tear to my eyes,what a lovely wish :thumbs:





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A deep one this...



At about 20 years of age my girlfriend of the time ( now fiancee & due to be married next year) fell pregnant. At the time she was in university and we decided that it wouldn't be a good time.


A few years on i often find myself wondering who he/she would have grown into ect, Hair colour, eye colour. What job would they have chosen ect?


So i simply wish i could turn back time and to give he/she a chance in life. I'm not over run with guilt ot anything like that. But i'm sure a few of you guys with children know what i mean. :thumbs:




I can relate to that. Twice...


Messes with your head.


Cheers, my mate. Don't let it rule your life. It all happens for a reason, I believe.

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