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mange ???

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Sorry not been on for a couple of days to see where thread was going . But the pup now seems to have slowed up on the scratching after the spot on used by the vet .I couldn't have used the engine oil as the pup is in the house and my mrs would go mad with it all up the sofa. i may still take her into the vets tomorrow to let her have a (free) look at the pups arse which is now as bald as my head.Just out of interest does the mange ever make them ill if untreated as my pup has shown no signs through all this

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Just got back from the vet good news saw another vet (the owner ) who came out wearing a liberty and livelihood sweat shirt and confirmed it is fox mange told me a bit more about it gave the pup a injection to ease itching £4 then went on to tell me that mange is rife at the moment because they have stopped the hunt from cleaning up the mangy fox's

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