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how did you get into airgun hunting

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hi ok am new to site and post's so far have been different...i started hunting with an air rifle when i was given an ols webley.....at the age of 9....have not stopped since ...


have offered country kid a bsa mercury .22 cal 577 fps with eley wasp....unless we can tune it up a little..why...because the sport needs young blood if at the age of 9 no one gave me a gun i would not have the self disapline i have today ...so come on make 2010 the year country kid gets a gun....anyone have a 4x40 for him have mounts... oh poo classic mercury's are making £110.00 but a promise is a promise..

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My dad bought me a second hand .22 air rifle when I was 11. It had open sights and he said he was going to show me how to shoot. Lol, after a couple of hours I was hitting more than he was. But I quickly became bored of targets and moved onto shooting vermin.

Callum will appreciate anything that anyone can give him Im sure, and its good to see young lads interested in the sport.

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Thanks SLing I already have 2 lots of permission.

One 13 acres (my nans not so big farm)

And a couple hundred acres of pedigree sheep cattle and pig farm :thumbs:


Very good buddy, but dont stop there, if you do a good job on your permission then its easy to get permission from land owners next to the land your hunting on. Word of mouth is what gets people alot of permission.

Its nice to see young lads wanting to do something other than drinking on street corners and causing trouble.


ATB Kyle

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Been shooting on and off for over 30 years, but only got back into it properly a couple of years back :D but was only really shooting Pistols.


Never thought I would become a hunter until I wound up with Rodents in the shed, they did a huge amount of damage and although I trapped two of them, I also shot 2 after they p!ssed me off with further very costly damage.

Got one through the kneck with a classic Gamo .177 Sniper and then the next one fell to my beast.

After that I took my beast down to some land and started putting rabbits out of the farmers misery for him.

He never thanked me though :no: but then he never knew about the favour I was doing for him :angel:


Eventually got permission and the rest as they say is history.



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my family have all been in to greyhounds and most have took on the racing well my mum and dad have racing greys, and well were there is food there is always long tails (rats) to you lot and i started shooting them with a air gun i dont remember when like cos i was a bit young it dint stick i liked the dogs doing the work as we had terries on the farm it seamed more fun to me and well it still does now


but it was about 2 year ago when i got a webley xsocet and i was shooting feral pigeons of the stables i worked on then it came to my attension that a good gun could be a good investment my dad owns a 3 aker pond that is a day ticket lake and a 5 aker wood at the side of it so i have been shooting in there ever since i have had a few posts on her of some woodies i have shot am getting better but still got a lot of learning to be done

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I started shooting at about 13 years old when my dad remarried and my step mums brother, my new uncle was a game keeper.


He had various full bore rifle, shot guns and air rifle.


The shot guns and full bore didnt interest me but the air rifles amazed me.


I could already shoot a little bit from being in the Sea Scouts but he taught me from scratch and i just perfected my own style from his teachings.


The military did the rest for me and i just converged all the styles i knew from my experiences to make the style i have now.



Edited by zini
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I started when I was 8-9 when my dad had his allotment.

He bought a Relum Tornado with a 4x20 scope to shoot the rats around the chicken run and the woodys round the cabbage patch. He let me have a go one day and with his guidance I shot my first rat..... I was instantly hooked.

Although I was far too young to be allowed out myself I used to badger him all the time to take me out until eventually he gave me the gun when I was about 10-11.

It wasn't till I was about 13-14 when I went out rabbit hunting with wor kid did I become really hooked.... and it's never stopped from there.


As with Si being in the military both regular army and cadets has also honed my shooting skills as well as owning many rifles in between until I lost my permissions a few years ago and sold up.


I started again last year, again due to wor kid saying we had been invited to shoot on a guys land and to get myself another rifle, which is how I met Zini.


Now we have our own permissions again (however small they may be)it's great to get back into the sport I have ALWAYS loved and most probably always will!



Edited by Marksman
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I started when I was 8-9 when my dad had his allotment.

He bought a Relum Tornado with a 4x20 scope to shoot the rats around the chicken run and the woodys round the cabbage patch. Darryl


The Relum Tornado, I used 1 alot when I was a young lad. Haha, it was a flaming nightmare when you got the crosshairs on a rabbits head and squeezed the trigger, only to realise you had forgotten to turn the tap that loaded up the pellet. :wallbash:


The twin mainspring arrangement was strange too. Good rifles though.

Edited by slingshot82
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i started off when i was in the army cadets where shooting was at the top of my like to do list when i was 14 i got my 1st hw80 i loved that gun but couldnt hit a thing lol i know nowts changed there before anyone says it :whistling:

when i was 15 i sat my army entrance exam and got a job certificate and when i left school at 16 i went straight into the army as a boy soldier thats when i learnt to shoot 12 years later i came out the army and started in pest control and thats where i am now ... shit i feel old now :whistling: :whistling:


atb gary

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hi ya buddy

well i got into shooting because of my dad and grandad as they always went out with the terriers and ferrets and a couple of 410's and i would be the one behind them carrying the rabbits which was always hocked and tied with bail string hang them around my neck under my over sized coat i was only about 5 when i was doing that i never forgot what my grandad always told me and that if someone came and asked us what we are doing we was out walking the dog and his next words were and dont itch yourself when the man is there lol and me mum used to go mad as i would come back with flea bites all the time lol and to my mum horror i got my first 410 when i was around 6 or 7 from my grandad which i still have and my son uses all the time now to she still looks like new then i got my first bsa airspoter which i have as well to this day and so on so i have been shooting for around 30 years now and still love it.



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