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is this fair??

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right about a month ago i got kiked out of my school because i stuck up for my self, this one girl came up to me and my friend (who is allso a hunter) and said you two are evil little b@sterds then punched my mate in the face, i grabbed her and basicly fully pasted her.. now im kiked out of my school and the girl who started all of this only got a detention for rough behavior i had a letter sent home saying im a danger to the school site and that im excluded for good, now i find that abit unfair dont you agree or do u have a diffornt opinion?


thank you!


georgia.. x

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you have your rights girl and you stick by them ,you did the right thing and you will always encounter people like that through your life ,and the out come will always be the same ,many years ago i used to get a bit of stick at school for hunting my dogs by a small group of lads ,nothing i couldnt handle though ,now many years on i still speak to one of the lads who was dead against it and is a very keen shooter now and on accasions comes out with the dogs too .funny how he cant remember being against it though when we take the piss out of him .if you like what you do then you keep doing it regardless to what other people think :thumbs:

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Its some thing you will have to get used to all your life as most hunters i have come across have got a mind of their own and the majority of people now a days are like sheep and carnt accept any body different unless your from a different country or religion.Always stand your ground and never change to make other people happy.Wats the saying better to have lived for an hour in the life of a tiger than a year in the life of a sheep.thumbs.gif atvb dell

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years ago goergia nobody botherd us hunting with dogs sawonlt to fechers in the eighties , school chums had ferrets dads had greyhound and the odd guy had a lurcher, i used to walk through our fishing village with mates maybe a hare or two maybe a few rabbits nobody back then thought cruel just what you going do with them , in our time now ,get clever and tell them nothing and well if you sre going to make sure you got back up, my nephews hunt , no afew lads over the years who have hunted and still do ,a few of the girl freinds to , just keep at it and tell them nothing or explain its for pest control , to help farmers etc ,most of my old mates dont like it but they tuck into aleg of venison prepared for them or burgers or whatever , just get wise and dont tell them to much even tho you arevmaybe proud of what you are up to

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fcuk me wouldn want to mess you about :notworthy: ,well done for sticking up for your mate but make sure you finish your education somewhere else lass




I agree with scent regarding your education, because that school taught you fcuk all, I learened to spell different in a different way to you. :clapper::clapper::tongue2::tongue2:




But fair play to you for standing up to the bully :boxing::boxing:

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... the secret is dont tell anyone feck all - keep your hunting exploits to yourself ..




Don't tell ? DON'T TELL !!!


She's not some pervert or heroin dealer !!! She's a hunter, someone actually being a part of nature, a participant as opposed to an observer. Talk about your exploits , tell everybody, take pictures.....for every one that thinks you're a butcher, 5 will want to know more.



Proud of ya, BTW, and you be proud that you are descended from a long line folks who emmerse themselves into what we love.The land, the fields, the animals...we love being the predator that we have been for over 10,000 years.

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I agree Aaron! I grew up in a hunting home but became a mild anti (for want of a better phrase) during the first couple of years of college: that's college for you! However, by the time I left college I'd looked into things in more depth and realised all the stuff I'd been hearing was lies.


When I bought my first lurcher and started working her I kept quite about it at first, worried about what others would think. After a few years I became more open and honest about it and was amazed at how many pro-hunting people there are around. I've lost count of the number of people I've met who say something along the lines of, "Oh, you keep ferrets. My grandad had ferrets and I went out with him every week when I was little."


Keep educating people as to what you do Georgia. Some won't listen but some do: I'm proof of that.

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