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Trapping Corvids

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  On 20/02/2010 at 12:44, Countrykid said:

No I don't have any but have looked at prices thanks though!


most of the materials you need to make them are easy to get your hands on and and pretty cheap. If you struggle to find springs, you can use inner tubes from a bike. Ive used them before and work pretty well. Also make sure the bird you use to attract the others is fed and watered and has cover from the weather. (be aware of the laws)

Also youre best off using a bird from a different area to where you use it because it will make more noise in a place its not familiar with, which will attract more corvids.


Hope this helps

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  On 21/02/2010 at 10:45, salukiwhippet said:

Just a thought, if it's rooks and jackies you're after rather than carrions, give a ladder trap some thought...






spot on :clapper:

you can get 20-30(and more) a day in these things( check at night,at £1 wach its worth it :thumbs: ) you will need a calling bird( mark it with wire on one leg so you can identify it when dispatching the unwanted birds.some call well,some don't)which will speed up the catching :thumbs:


if making them yourself knock it up so that you can trasport it(in sections) and you can take it from one farm to the next.put a lock on the door so no one can let them go(farmers take them out so they won't have topay you so much :icon_eek: ).

good to see some capitalistic thinking :thumbs:

good luck


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