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My Trigger Finger's Fecked :(

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Well Guy's, Doll's and those that aint quite sure.


During the winter my skin on my fingers has been getting progressively worse :angry:


Now I am in the position of not being able to pull the trigger on my HW40 Pistol (very light and crisp) without it causing me severe pain :cry:


I've tried going to bed in gloves filled skin softner, tried the "Snow Fire" stick which is good but which dont seem to last very long, tried Nutragena etc......

What can I use to soften and repair this?




As you can imagine being on the end of the fingers, these hurt like hell when I try to use the pad to pull or even touch the trigger (or anything else come to think of it!)


Its also the reason I wear surgical's when gutting/skinning bunnies.


Advice or reccomendations greatfully recieved :yes:




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phantom go to the doc's.

i now work in the fishing industry and hands getting cut up and scabby is all part of the job.after the doc had tired this and that, use witch hazel as a wash and super glue the cuts .


ps wear boxing gloves in bed will stop you playing around .

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  On 19/02/2010 at 22:09, wrowmon said:

phantom go to the doc's.

i now work in the fishing industry and hands getting cut up and scabby is all part of the job.after the doc had tired this and that, use witch hazel as a wash and super glue the cuts .


ps wear boxing gloves in bed will stop you playing around .


Dont have any witch hazel now (had some before xmas)


If I wear boxing gloves in bed the wife wouldn't be happy at all ;) Bag mits she mightcope with but the 12 ounce gloves is a no no even for her :laugh:



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Phantom dude get thee down the quacks


I suffered with cement burning a while back fingers split to buggery, anticeptic creams didnt help (sudo good stuff though for many things) but its gotta be worth getting it checked out if you dont know whats causing it.

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Looks real sore that Tony pal :(


I think you need to go to the doctors pal and have them find out why your fingers are really like that.


Once they have located the problem then a cure will come easier pal.


All cream may do is cure it for a while until it comes back again



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hi tony

i suffer from the same sort of ting,round about this time of year.as my skin on my fingers decided to split,due to working with plastering products.i always use a barrier cream twice a day now.


but will tell you the reason for all the pain is the dead/dry skin around the cracks/splits,i bought my self a manicure kit very cheap these are and rub down the dry skin with an abrasive nail file.

i know this will be painfully but no pain no gain.

pick off any dead skin and wash hands then apply cream i use a hemp cream from the body shop.its very good for me.also use the suda cream on ya fingers then put on the surgical gloves and leave on over night.this also helps ease the pain.this is some of the tings i do to ease the pain when me fingers split,mainly on me right thumb and right fore finger.if that dose not work get ya self to the doctors he will probably give you some E11 cream





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I get similar problems with my fingers as im using cement alot and hands going from wet to dry etc i use "climb on bar" available from climbing shops and off internet, is very good you can cut pieces off it to pack into deep cracks or just rub the bar on your hands, it is an antiseptic and also contains anaesthetic, it realy works, you will be impressed!

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Cheers Davy and Darryl,

I did try leaving some surgical finger on for a while, it did help keep the cream in place, and that in turn made it a little less painful.

Trouble was, during the day, the fingers dried out again :(



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Buddy they must be bloody sore, I recently had a small crack on the end of one of my fingers (just to the right of the nail) and that was a real pain in the butt. I cut away the dead skin with a stanley knife and it then healed itself! Obviously not anywhere near as bad as yours!


As many have already advised, get yourself down the docs. You may even get something a bit stronger on prescription from them?!??



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