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Barking and neighbours

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Maybe looking at the reason the dogs are barking in the first place might help you sort it out my neighbours dog isnt kenneled outside but they do kick it out in the morning & it does bark


This dogs problem is seperation & its totally wrecked the house so now its in the garden & wrecking that :laugh:

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i have 3dogs myself lads and live in a built up area, i will pts any barking dog that continues to bark,including my own. have done it before and will do it again most of you lot,must never have l

Maybe looking at the reason the dogs are barking in the first place might help you sort it out my neighbours dog isnt kenneled outside but they do kick it out in the morning & it does bark


This dogs problem is seperation & its totally wrecked the house so now its in the garden & wrecking that :laugh:


Snap, i have a neighbour next door but one who has a maltese terrier, yappyest little bugger i've ever heard, inside and outside the house, my immediate neighbours say nothing as he lost his wife and the dog is his only companion :cry:

I asked the guy why he doesn't deal with his noisy dog and he replied its only 2 yrs old and will grow out of it :blink: i'm just glad thet neither of my two make a sound in the garden, not even when the terrier is in full song :doh: otherwise i know i'd be on the receiving end of a complaint, i have snidy neighbours too.

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my neighbour complained about my dogs then started shaggin some prick with 3 staffies . then there idea of fun was throwing a ball about at 10,30pm getting all 3 barking . then monday morning hed go home .pulled the thick cnuts and told them that my dogs had better not get the blame for there noise as they were there permanent not just weekends the thick cnuts just looked disgusted :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::censored: but the noise stopped the big fat bitch :thumbs:

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dont know if any of you lads have found this, but if you try to be friendly and polite to some people, and try to be helpfull towards them, i think some people see you as a soft touch and think they can start telling you what to do and what not to do, then stab you in the back, i have found a few people like this and it makes my blood boil, my neighbours did that, i wouldnt care but they nearly all have dogs anyway, i told my neighbours me or my dogs wont be going anywhere, when ime dead and gone my sons will live hear and have dogs, if my neighbours dont like it they will have to f.ck off,dont back down to them mate, cos if its not your dogs it will be something else f,ck em, (ps ime the nicest friendliest person in this village, i just dont like arrogant neighbors dictating what i can and cant do in my own property, ) in fact ime getting mad just thinking about it....................

i had the exact same situation as cocker .....i was to nice to my neighbours and they took it as a sign of weakness the main culprit being 2 coppers that were shacked up together 2 doors down,, when we went on holiday they started a wee group petition for me to get rid of my 4 dogs but on my return they got a shock as i told them all to there face one to one what i thought of them and that me and the dogs were going nowere ,,the landlord was my friend and also told them i was not the problem it was them trying to be snobby (what a sight)after this i totally ignored everyone of them and slowly i got an apology from all of them except the coppers,,i moved out 6 months later not because of them and moved into a street that had a dog or 2 in every house almost ,,the only problem i have had here is my wee paterdale has shagged every bitch in the street he could get his wee paws round and i have had to help rehome 3 litters from him this year alone

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My dogs act better than my neighbours lol.One neighbours certain friend thought on saturday nite it would be a good idea to kick my door a few times and throw a few beer bottles about.The reslut was some pysco women came flying out of said door and grabbed him and explained that this wasnt very nice and with three dogs standing there too.I think he knows he was very neughty and not to do it again.Not only did it set 3 dogs daft with barking and wanting to eat someone it gave me the fright of my life at 3 or 4 am.Im telling you tape them one way or another and take that to the council that way they can have proof your dogs dont bark 24/7

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