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Barking and neighbours

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hi i have my own house and my dogs howl like wolves, personally i dont give a f/ck, the neighborghs complained, so i filled a couple of the neighborghs in and threatened the rest of them, this stopped the problem of my neigborghs, complaining.


hope this helps





Hhahahaahaha!!! Good one Cocker!! thats one way of doing itnotworthy.gif

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i have 3dogs myself lads and live in a built up area, i will pts any barking dog that continues to bark,including my own. have done it before and will do it again most of you lot,must never have l

if were you and you were confident the dogs were ok why not get on to the enviromental health people and ask them for advice invite them in, invite the rspca, the police every f****r. then get a hold of your neighbour by the jaw and give him a friendly shake.


im a bit of a scary looking bloke soft as shite really but my size and my miserable looking face puts people off

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why ??????????????????????????? hes only 2 years older than me, he shouldnt come round my house knocking f.ck out of my door then sticking his foot in the door when i told him to go back home, shouting his mouth off and upsetting my wife and kids, what the fu.ck do you want me to do,


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i have had every one at my door lspca wild life park of ireland and dog wardens make sure all ur dogs are lienced and in good shape and feck all can be done i let the cocks out of the shed at 6.30 before i go to work and the barking is history

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why ??????????????????????????? hes only 2 years older than me, he shouldnt come round my house knocking f.ck out of my door then sticking his foot in the door when i told him to go back home, shouting his mouth off and upsetting my wife and kids, what the fu.ck do you want me to do,

Act yer feckin age

Edited by rob.i
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i aint read all the post's on here but i got letter through the door the otherday saying i have been reported for dogs barking and i just think it is some t**t got something against me cause about a week ago i had RSPCA at my door saying they had a report my dogs have been fighting with badgers witch they havent :whistling: the person checked my dogs over said there all fine sorry to waste my time this could be the same with you someone could have something against you f*ck the lot off them i say

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Do you own either a dictaphone or a video camera.Film or tape the dogs all day to prove when and when not the dogs bark.My friends neighbour said her dog was barking for 3 days on the trot when it was staying here with me lol.Council came along and where swiftly told unless they can hear the dog from mine theres no chance it was their dog.Also legally they can make you quiten the dogs but takes years to take you to court etc.

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Well my neighbour came round and said he can here the dog barking in th kennel, he only barks if someone's in the garden. The neighbour who is a towny living in the country said it could be the wild life scarring him, so I told him he has carried more wildlife back to me than he has seen on countryfile. Stupid f*****g neighbours.

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The guy complained about my chickens, saying they were noisey and brought vermin into the garden.


Now he is saying the dogs make a noise. He doesn't even live next to me!


I have spoken to my immediate neighbours and they don't have a problem.


I am going to get a list of all the complaints from the council and go and see a lawyer about it saying it is harassment. It always comes up everytime he tries to sell his overpriced house.


Decided no to go round there as I reckon things could get heated... :boxing:


Cheers for all the replies.

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