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If you could pass one law, What would it be ?

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I've said it before. I am agin the death penalty. Not because I'm a bleeding heart or a liberal leftie but because it's an easy way out for them. When you're dead you're dead. I want them banged up for life and left with the decent thieves and bandits. It was great to read about that b'staard who killed baby P getting jellied. And when he comes out of A&E he'll get done again. He's gonna spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder and the guys in there will still nail him. Wherever they send him there will be lads who know what he did and they will be waiting. Why do you imagine so many of these scumbags top themselves? Don't give them what they want. Let them suffer for the rest of their lives. And may thay have long and painful lives.


Bit of an unusual viewpoint I know but think about it.



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the culling of the stupid

If your next door neighbours cat shites on your drive any more you can see how many lives they really have

What about banning a religion started by a pedo that stones 12 yr old girls for the crime of being raped,or who's followers regularly kill their own daughters/sisters for "shaming" them?   While im

I've said it before. I am agin the death penalty. Not because I'm a bleeding heart or a liberal leftie but because it's an easy way out for them. When you're dead you're dead. I want them banged up for life and left with the decent thieves and bandits. It was great to read about that b'staard who killed baby P getting jellied. And when he comes out of A&E he'll get done again. He's gonna spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder and the guys in there will still nail him. Wherever they send him there will be lads who know what he did and they will be waiting. Why do you imagine so many of these scumbags top themselves? Don't give them what they want. Let them suffer for the rest of their lives. And may thay have long and painful lives.


Bit of an unusual viewpoint I know but think about it.




Now i understand this viewpoint Ric,i saw one of the moors murderers victims mothers on tv [think its the lad they cant finds mom] she said "people wanted to hang them,but its to easy for them,ive got to suffer for the rest of my life,so should they" maybe it should be the decision of the victims family?

I still want to top the nonces though,slowly.

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I've said it before. I am agin the death penalty. Not because I'm a bleeding heart or a liberal leftie but because it's an easy way out for them. When you're dead you're dead. I want them banged up for life and left with the decent thieves and bandits. It was great to read about that b'staard who killed baby P getting jellied. And when he comes out of A&E he'll get done again. He's gonna spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder and the guys in there will still nail him. Wherever they send him there will be lads who know what he did and they will be waiting. Why do you imagine so many of these scumbags top themselves? Don't give them what they want. Let them suffer for the rest of their lives. And may thay have long and painful lives.


Bit of an unusual viewpoint I know but think about it.




Now i understand this viewpoint Ric,i saw one of the moors murderers victims mothers on tv [think its the lad they cant finds mom] she said "people wanted to hang them,but its to easy for them,ive got to suffer for the rest of my life,so should they" maybe it should be the decision of the victims family?

I still want to top the nonces though,slowly.


Nah they shouldn't be hung they should be thrown in a cell with no bed or furnishing and denied food and water until they perished.

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Ban all employment agencies so jobs have to be direct no fekin middle men pimping of somebodys hard graft for doing feck allcensored.gifmad.gif

Yep a shower of "maggots" the fu**ing lot of them, I did a job via an agency a while back @ £10 an hour, later to find out they were getting paid £24, so they were picking up £14 an hour, the next time they phoned I fu**ed them right off.

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