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Ferret not working

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Hello, i have a polecat jill that seems unwilling to work. She goes down the holes no problem but comes up soon after. Seems to have no intrest in finding the rabbits at all and is a bugger to get out of the hole when we need to move on. She wont eat raw meat at all and is not interested in the rabbits i put in the cage for my other jill. Could this be the problem? I thought about starting it off with rabbit meat cat food?? Anyone had a similar experience, i think she could be really good as she is full of energy so i dont want to write her off completely.


Any advice much appreciated

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I have a rescue jill that wont eat anything else other than dry food, but works her tiny little legs off, all you can do is just keep entering your jill to warrens and hope she gets down to work, she should do in the end. When your jill surfaces, dont be tempted to snatch her from the burrow until she is fully out, or she may be a git to pickup and become a bit of a peeper :)

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if she keeps poping out its likely its aN EMPTY SET , and if you dont leave the sets for a few months at least your wasting your time, in my experience a little poley jill can take a bit longer to bring on and will always have her moments , i have a poley jill she was untried till a few weeks ago and if theres no one home in the burrow she can be a little trying, but if she gets a scent well she flushes even pregnant does shes magic . so be patient as for the meat once they realise they aint geting anything else and if yours are like mine spoilt they son come round,could always pop down for a day out if you like no probs

Edited by Jamie m
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Thanks all, shes about 2 years, she has only been out a couple of time so i spose i should be more patient. Im sure there are rabbits in the holes becuase after pulling her out we have flushed them with other ferrets. Il just have to wait till next season and hope she gets the hang of it, she wont learn anything in her box afterall. Thanks very much

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hope things work out but by there second season should be in them even tho you havent trained her up , if she doesnt work give her to the rescue homes as they take anybodys ferrets , or put her away to apet home , not allferets work hard and good

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I have a jill here who has just completed her third and best seasons work, she has always preferred biccies over meat and will turn her nose at rabbit if she hears the biscuit bag :icon_eek: she's 100% reliable when working and i wouldn't chamge her at all. it took until the end of her second seasons work to really come good. give it time mate, and don't forget to spend plenty of time handling her at home when not working :victory:


best of luck mate LD13 :thumbs:

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All my ferrets are rescues and they are usually unwanted pets that have never seen a rabbit never mind work but they all come round eventually .Take your time mate it'll come right in the end and there's always the risk that if you get rid of it you're loosing a good worker .



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If she hasnt really been worked before until recently, It sounds like the is acting like a young ferret does when 1st entered. All the young 1s I have worked heve been really skittish and flighty when trying to pick them up after they come out the hole. As far as im concerned thats just the norm! They do quickly get used to it. Mine actually come to me when I call them as they come out.

ATB matey, best of luck

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