Guest ROUGH COATED Posted February 23, 2010 Report Share Posted February 23, 2010 WHAT A CROCK OF SHITE!!!!!!!!!!! Quote Link to post
Squirrel_Basher 17,100 Posted February 23, 2010 Report Share Posted February 23, 2010 When threads go this way ,at least you can see who NOT to have a pup off in the future.Thankfully ,this side of the water ,we respect the dogs and quarry .For those spouting shite about having to start a terrier doubled up ,look at some of your own websites and you will see its thankfully not the norm.Why not try a dog on its own,surely this will sort out the better dogs so you can breed accordingly . Quote Link to post
waidmann 105 Posted February 23, 2010 Report Share Posted February 23, 2010 would it be possible to start a poll?? who has worked raccoon on how many occasions? only then can we see who is in ant way qualified to give an oppinion on THIS case. as for ANY quarry should be worked one on one,what quarry are we talking about? badger? pigs? puma? mountain lion? there are some things we know NOTHING about and so cannot apply our PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS to. i for one have worked more than one terrier in very big badger earths(25-30 tubes) where foxes regularly hole up and give a single dog the run around for hours,add another terrier and the fox will bolt.these are things SOME diggind men will not want to hear,others who have experiance of "un diggable"(beechwood hill.huge boulders and a set over 100 years old spread over 500 square yards)earths and "controlling" foxes MIGHT see my point.if not then not. an example: snaring is forbidden in germany. if on a german forum WE would be slated as unsporting,barbaric.crude hunting knobs. who would aggree with that?? not many i expect.(i expect that any foreign comparrison will be met by scepticism from the narrow minded but i'm trying to spell it out for them). i admire the principles of some of the posts,lads who know the quarry and have spent years respecting and hunting it. i find it a shame that SOME of these lads are too narrow minded to accept the views of men who HAVE experiance in this field and live by different standards. a good thread turned into a slanging match.if you can't accept the view or disagree with it then of course its your right to air your own. i see no need to be childish and immature at all. waidmann Quote Link to post
genuine 81 Posted February 23, 2010 Report Share Posted February 23, 2010 On 22/02/2010 at 16:56, wilko tango said: On 21/02/2010 at 22:08, genuine said: On 21/02/2010 at 21:33, Coyotehunter said: Ok I've put the video back up, Youtube for those that want to see it Great video mate i enjoyed it! Thanks! As for all the stupid comments from retarded so called terrier men,well you can see he has broke through and there is plenty of room for a pup to be with an experienced dog so what the fucks your problems! And when theres a load of dogs ragging a dead coon" AND" I would hate to be your f*****g dogs do all the hard work and not even aloud a rag,call yourself terrier lads f*****g the lads post up because of that video,more like anti sheep shaggers to me,funny smell around hear! As if what he does in another country where its all leagal would effect us! your the only f*****g retard on here if you think videos like that cant do damage to our sport if got into the wrong hands. and if you think what you saw in that video is real terrier work then you have a lot of learning to do.what ever happened to lifting a terrier when you get down to him???? and then by all means give a young terrier a look. any one on here that thinks thats alright what happened on that video should be ashamed to call themselves terrier men I quote your the only f*****g retard on here if you think videos like that cant do damage to our sport if got into the wrong hands. If he is in Canada Hunting coons how will that ever effect the BAN in the uk?? Go on surpise me with some more of your slava! I quote and if you think what you saw in that video is real terrier work then you have a lot of learning to do. Im not saying this would be what it would look like when we are working,but each and every terrier man/women have there own ways of doing things when digging and im happy with that! As for bringing a young dog on, AGAIN everyone different and me for one can respect there ways! Personally i would be lifting and letting look but each to there own,if it doesnt hurt me or the way my dogs work why should i care! Ashamed to be called terrier men,im not ashemed one bit i can respect another mans way of hunting quarry which i for one will likely never get a chance to make contact with,and unless youve been there done that got the brownie points i guess you should pipe down! Quote Link to post
clinker 0 Posted February 23, 2010 Report Share Posted February 23, 2010 On 23/02/2010 at 00:08, wilko tango said: i taught as much clincker you f*****g mouthpeice. now do your terriers a favour and forget about terrier work all together. please dont reply to this S IVE WAISTED enough time and effort on you. i dont wANT TO TALK TO DICKHEADS LIKE YOU WHO WOULD NT KNOW THE ASS END OF A DOG FROM THE FRONT. anyway smell ya later muppet you still didnt anwser my qustion shite hawk,what the fuk do you know about racoons? il tell ya ,fuk all,now dont be runnin down other peoples videos and dogs that they went to the bother of puttin up for the likes of little rats like you to slaggin Quote Link to post
mart 131 Posted February 23, 2010 Report Share Posted February 23, 2010 On 23/02/2010 at 09:56, waidmann said: know NOTHING about and so cannot apply our PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS to. thats what i was trying to say waidmann, an opinion about working dogs without having the experience to back it up isn´t worth anything. got a bit worked up thats all. i have never worked two dogs together, even our hounds are worked single handed. up here, if you work more than one hound at a time, its because your dogs are rubbish. even starting a pup together with an experienced hound is considered to be a bad thing. now that certainly does´nt apply to you, does it? Quote Link to post
waidmann 105 Posted February 23, 2010 Report Share Posted February 23, 2010 no mate it does not a difference in opinion can only be a good thing.then we can learn from experiance of others bu we must have a mind open to them,THEN we can form our own conclusions as to whether we can use it,learn from it or disregard it as utter bull@@@@. as has been said before there are more than one way to skin a cat. if YOU are happy with the way YOUR terriers work and get the result YOU want then all is well.who am i or anyone else to say its wrong? what i can say is that I find it "unsporting" or that I would do it differently(preferably without calling the other a "knob","dickhead" or god only knows what). some will feel strongly that their view is "right" and all others are wrong,sadly that will probably not change and they will carry on the way dad and grandad did( hopefully not pitting dogs to unfavorable odd's against quarry which outweighs,outbites for no apparent reason). as i see it the mods are increasingly urging people to"hit the report button" and so would i,if people insist on insulting,ruining threads and generally being a nuisance they should be reported,warned and banned from the site. maybe this would be more of a hunting forum and less of a playground for the bored bullies. yours in sport. waidmann Quote Link to post
wilko tango 50 Posted February 23, 2010 Report Share Posted February 23, 2010 On 23/02/2010 at 12:00, waidmann said: no mate it does not a difference in opinion can only be a good thing.then we can learn from experiance of others bu we must have a mind open to them,THEN we can form our own conclusions as to whether we can use it,learn from it or disregard it as utter bull@@@@. as has been said before there are more than one way to skin a cat. if YOU are happy with the way YOUR terriers work and get the result YOU want then all is well.who am i or anyone else to say its wrong? what i can say is that I find it "unsporting" or that I would do it differently(preferably without calling the other a "knob","dickhead" or god only knows what). some will feel strongly that their view is "right" and all others are wrong,sadly that will probably not change and they will carry on the way dad and grandad did( hopefully not pitting dogs to unfavorable odd's against quarry which outweighs,outbites for no apparent reason). as i see it the mods are increasingly urging people to"hit the report button" and so would i,if people insist on insulting,ruining threads and generally being a nuisance they should be reported,warned and banned from the site. maybe this would be more of a hunting forum and less of a playground for the bored bullies. yours in sport. waidmann if your refering to me then go ahead and report me. i was just voiceing my opinion clincker started the name calling so i played along. genuine called half of the site retarded so i just gave it back to them. any way the boys were right i dont know f**k all about hunting coons and they have a point with that. what i do know is that brian nuttall sells a lot of pups to america that grow about ten inches to the shoulder and apparantly they have no probs working coon single handed. now ive got nothing against a small dog so long as there 100 pc game the only problem i find with them is they get bullied no fault of there own just there size!!!! so what i cant understand is if small dogs can do it then why is coyotye putting up vids of good size russells doubled up all credit to the man his dogs look like there in tip top shape. that is all am saying on the matter and as for reports i dont care. if i ruined the thread for anybody then i appologise for that. but i taught this was a site were people could voice there opinions and so if its not then i dont give a monkeys if i got banned. from what iv being told its full of antis just waiting for vids like that so post anything yous like. Quote Link to post
waidmann 105 Posted February 23, 2010 Report Share Posted February 23, 2010 (edited) no bud the post was not aimed specificly at you. the post was aimed at those who spend their time offering insults with little or no input to the thread(if you feel you belong to that group then it was also aimed at you). i have no intention of "reporting" anyone for anything unless this kind of abuse and bullying is aimed at me,its up to everyone to decide whether they find it appropriate or not for themselves. waidmann p.s. that a dog can overcome a raccoon is not in question.whether it is necessary to let the dog take more stick above the ground than needs be. i would say no it is not and let a dog work as long as is needed and then dispatch the quarry.if two dogs can drag a raccoon out of a barn better than be it. Edited February 23, 2010 by waidmann Quote Link to post
fish 148 Posted February 25, 2010 Report Share Posted February 25, 2010 On 25/02/2010 at 11:13, kevin em said: terrierman who needs ants.your doing a good job with out them. Quote Link to post
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