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:notworthy: thats good for you coyotye. and no thanks i dont want a pup :icon_redface: but in fairness coyotye all jokes aside posting stuff like that on the site only gives the antis ammunition. or is it a thing that you dont care because your in coon country and it does nt affect you. and f**k all decent and real terrier men in ireland and britain who live for the sport????
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i have not seen the video but from what i've read( and i have worked raccoon) i do not see the problem. that the raccoon bolted is a sighn the dogs were doing there job( i have NEVER had a raccoon bol

i agree, earth work is a one dog job no matter what the quarry( "pushing on" etc) above ground multi dog works more efficiantly. i see no reason why a small terrier(in my case prt bitches at around 1

Guest busterdog
  On 19/02/2010 at 14:28, Coyotehunter said:

Ok... I suppose i should have seen that reaction coming like a freight train, the coon was located by a SINGLE dog, the heavy marked bitch was out for only the second time and the first time time she was just teathered by the earth, so i let her have a look at a stop end.

Busterdog you really are a patronizing Prick ...... I am from the UK originally and have worked terriers for over 20 years and will probably have seen more good working terriers than you could dream of feck.gif

Its People like you that think if we keep a low profile and keep our heads down that no-one will mind, well that worked well in the past didn't it doh.gif not !!!!!!

I hunt and i'm proud to do it, if that offends you, well who has the problem ?

as for the pack of dogs Mauling the coon, it was bolted out of some bales and shot, the Pack of dogs your reffering to are some of the farmers dogs that had gotten in on the after action

Wilko Tango , The Black and Tan Border Russell in the last part has been bred from, he has hunted well so i have used him, do you have a problem with that ? not that i care either way .

drink.gifYIS CH



What ever tit, twenty years in the top flight and yet you've still got shite russells that work two'd up whistling.gif ..

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  On 19/02/2010 at 19:17, busterdog said:
  On 19/02/2010 at 14:28, Coyotehunter said:

Ok... I suppose i should have seen that reaction coming like a freight train, the coon was located by a SINGLE dog, the heavy marked bitch was out for only the second time and the first time time she was just teathered by the earth, so i let her have a look at a stop end.

Busterdog you really are a patronizing Prick ...... I am from the UK originally and have worked terriers for over 20 years and will probably have seen more good working terriers than you could dream of feck.gif

Its People like you that think if we keep a low profile and keep our heads down that no-one will mind, well that worked well in the past didn't it doh.gif not !!!!!!

I hunt and i'm proud to do it, if that offends you, well who has the problem ?

as for the pack of dogs Mauling the coon, it was bolted out of some bales and shot, the Pack of dogs your reffering to are some of the farmers dogs that had gotten in on the after action

Wilko Tango , The Black and Tan Border Russell in the last part has been bred from, he has hunted well so i have used him, do you have a problem with that ? not that i care either way .

drink.gifYIS CH



What ever tit, twenty years in the top flight and yet you've still got shite russells that work two'd up whistling.gif ..

........................ :boxing: ...........................

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  On 19/02/2010 at 20:53, goldfinch2007 said:

been nice to see the vid its gone.send me it in a pm coyotehunter :thumbs: nice to see some russells work.


Hey Goldie, sorry you didn't see it, i took it down, i got fed up with arseholes dissing the dogs, i thought that it might have been appreciated on here but obviously it wasn't no.gif

I never claimed them to be world beaters but they suit me and i like the way the work, i should have maybe clarified that the one dog was a pup just starting off, but then people love to think the worst of people !!!!

or is it a thing that you dont care because your in coon country and it does nt affect you. and f**k all decent and real terrier men in ireland and britain who live for the sport????

Of course i care, do you think i have shoveled shit and took shit from Masters and contrary Huntsman for the last 15 years for nothing, so don't tell me i don't care, don't you think i don't live for it !!! its my job and livelihood !!! so jump off your soapbox now

Edited by Coyotehunter
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  On 19/02/2010 at 21:43, Aaron Proffitt said:

I think it's a sad fecking day when a hunter shows a vid of legally hunting game...and feels the need to take it down cause of OTHER hunters.


Makes no sense.

I agree! The antis must have brain-washed a bunch of you over there :no: .....this is what we do and are not ashamed of it!


Put the link back up CH....you've explained yourself enough ;)

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i have not seen the video but from what i've read( and i have worked raccoon) i do not see the problem. that the raccoon bolted is a sighn the dogs were doing there job( i have NEVER had a raccoon bolt from an earth,imho in winter they are too slow and fat and know it.and so will stand and fight. i'm not doubting that they will bolt under other circumstances,hay bails,sheds,barns etc)

i have only left one dog to work them when below ground.when found above,bushing,hunting up etc i always leave the dogs run.i see no point in letting one dog take stick he doesn't need(nor does the raccoon need to fight any longer than needs must).we owe it to the quarry to DISPATCH is soonest.that does not mean watching a dog bite it to death but to humanely dispatch(with a knife or bullet)it.

prolonging the effort of the dog is senseless and inhumane,THAT is the kind of thing that got the ban in place i will not use the "b" word on here but that is what it boils down to.

i realise that some will not appreciate this post but find it a tad silly that people who have never worked this quarry feel the need to slate the lad for making a contribution (and a VALID ONE AT THAT)to the site.

ch sorry you feel the need to defend yourself.i have read and appreciated the posts you have written/shown to date and hope this won't deter you from further posts.



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come on lads give the lad a break ,he said one was a pup starting off and over there is totaly different from over here ,some of you,s sound like anti,s the way you go on at times .hunting is what we do so stick together now that all has been explained :thumbs:plus these lads are out hunting in -30 at times so ground would be like rock i supose ,it just could be the ways things are done over there to get results

Edited by dog fox
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