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10 mth lab being cheeky


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My 10 mth lab bitch has always been bold but lately has started a bunny hop on the sit and stay which has been excellent in the past. She'll do it for so long then hop round me in circles. Can't even let her off the lead now as she's stopped responding. I've been told by a trainer to be harsher using a smack of the lead as scruffing has no effect. Any thoughts?


She also plays with or doesn't retrieve retrieves now, so I'm worried about progressing to cold game in case she chews it! Sounds like a case of teenagedom gone horribly wrong so back to training on the lead, basics? Or progress so she stops being bored?

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my lab done this when she was about 10months, after i had trained her to walk to heel and was training to walk to heel off the lead. as soon as i let her off she would go mental. i used to be firm with her then put her back on lead and start again. maybe you hace progressed to fast with this dog? just a thought



atb lee

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Go back to basics with her, but dont over do it, small sessions every day but not to long as it sounds like she is becoming bored,try to leave training on a good note even if you have only done 5 minuets, If she is ignorning you shouting loud and deep at her and as soon as she responds be gentle and responsive to her, she will soon come round.

Also when you regain her focus i would start her hunting, whether it be blind dummys or even rabbits, she will be ready at 10 months and it will rekindle her intreast in working for you, but again dont over do it and if she becomes to excited end the session.



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COULD be at that age when she is testing you to see who's top dog go back to basics + if she knows what a comand is and dos'nt do it then don't give it again enforce it if its sit and she moves get hold of her take her back to where you want her to sit and sit her down in that spot keep doing it until she responds. plus sometimes no eye contact no chatter only praise when she does good try and nip it in the bud or she will challenge you all the time i've got one like that and shes now 10 years old :icon_redface: this is only my take on things hope it helps atb.

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sorry i cant give you an answer BUT i would be thinking twice about clouting the dog round the head,as you could end up with a dog that becomes wary of you.if he gets to associate your hand with a clip round the head he might start thinking twice about retrieving game to you.

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Thanks to you all so much for your answers, glad someone else thought a belt with the lead probably wasn't a good move! Definitely back to basics then and make it all a bit more interesting :) fingers crossed, will let you know how I get on. Ruthi

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