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killed deer

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Reading tonights paper and theres a story on the front page about someone using a tranquilliser to catch a deer,they then killed it gutted it and left the carcass,it says they used a dangerous tranquilliser called immobilin which is highly harmful to humans,police are warning butchers and the public not to let it into the food chain. :sick:

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Guest baldie

This is a damn good reason , not to pick up road kill deer, to feed your dogs, unless you happen to have "knocked it down" :D Vets will put deer down, with drugs, but leave the carcass.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Bloody good point.


Actually, the more I think about this one, the more it stinks ..... Like; Aren't those 'Dart Guns' a bit special? Like, ye can't just pop a tranquiliser dart into a 12 Bore or .22 Rimmy, right?


And who in hell is going to have access to the proper gun except a vet ..... or maybe one of these " Animal Welfare " type, amateur outfits ...


" Loaded with dangerous chemicals - don't let it get eaten. " ? Oh yeah; Just like every Dog ever stolen from suburbia is " On life saving medication " .....


Something here stinks worse than a dead bambi in a 90% heat wave :hmm:

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This is a damn good reason , not to pick up road kill deer, to feed your dogs, unless you happen to have "knocked it down" :D Vets will put deer down, with drugs, but leave the carcass.

Having some knowledge of this mate ,Vets are not allowed to administer lethal drugs ANYWHERE without first establishing a means of carcass disposal .Its the law .A clean up team is usually on the way if a vet has been called to a roadside casualty.

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I can remember a few years ago on a now deceased forum, a guy posted he had taken a road kill home. The meat killed his ferrets and pups, only his older dog survived. He thought it had been injected and left?


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Guest baldie

I,ve heard of enough animals being poisoned to know the proper procedures arent followed, i, will bet good money, its virtually impossible to get the vet out to administer drugs in the first place, as they cant charge anyone for a wild animal, so they are hardly likely to send a clean up team afterwards are they? I agree mate, there are procedures, that SHOULD be followed, i just dont believe they are.Tranquiliser guns are more common that you think DS, i had a guy in the shop last week, buying a rimmy, he owned a deer farm, and he had one on his ticket.When he needed it, he got the stuff from the vet, and used it.Its that dangerous, the antidote has to be there with the drug, and it can be absorbed through the skin :blink: 2ml, will fell a deer apparently, and kill a man, in less than 2 minutes.

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I,ve heard of enough animals being poisoned to know the proper procedures arent followed, i, will bet good money, its virtually impossible to get the vet out to administer drugs in the first place, as they cant charge anyone for a wild animal, so they are hardly likely to send a clean up team afterwards are they? I agree mate, there are procedures, that SHOULD be followed, i just dont believe they are.Tranquiliser guns are more common that you think DS, i had a guy in the shop last week, buying a rimmy, he owned a deer farm, and he had one on his ticket.When he needed it, he got the stuff from the vet, and used it.Its that dangerous, the antidote has to be there with the drug, and it can be absorbed through the skin :blink: 2ml, will fell a deer apparently, and kill a man, in less than 2 minutes.



Scary stuff baldie :icon_eek:

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I think you have the story a little confused.


It was people with dogs that broke into a Deer Farm and caught deer and gutted them before taking them. Some youngsters were left with broken legs and many had severe cuts to them. The Deer that was taken was a Deer that had been TREATED with Imobilon, so if the meat is eaten by people or animals they will be very ill if not dead! The animals were not for human consumption which was why they were treated with that drug.


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Oh really, strange. I saw it on the news, wonder if it was a different story? You would think they wouldnt be stupid enough to use immobilon on an animal then gut it, you'd only do that if you were gonna eat it!


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