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Training the gundog by tony jackson

The complete gundog by j humphreys

Gundog training(prolems solved) by j hobson


Tales of the old gamekeepers by r martin

The better shot (shotguns) k davies

Wills shoot w garfit

The world of the working terrier by d harcombe=sold

each book is £8 + p/p cheers.

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Training the gundog by tony jackson

The complete gundog by j humphreys

Gundog training(prolems solved) by j hobson


Tales of the old gamekeepers by r martin

The better shot (shotguns) k davies

Wills shoot w garfit

The world of the working terrier by d harcombe

each book is £8 + p/p cheers.


i will have the world of the working terrier if you still have it :thumbs:

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Training the gundog by tony jackson

The complete gundog by j humphreys

Gundog training(prolems solved) by j hobson


Tales of the old gamekeepers by r martin

The better shot (shotguns) k davies

Wills shoot w garfit

The world of the working terrier by d harcombe

each book is £8 + p/p cheers.


i will have the world of the working terrier if you still have it :thumbs:

have you still got it mate :whistling:
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