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fox hunting

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does putting a topic on like this not give antis ammo? i think a little commonsence could be used here..........


Obviously he has f*ck all of that :laugh:

all im doing is fk asking a question how hard is that god you all think im one dont you can i not ask it

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does putting a topic on like this not give antis ammo? i think a little commonsence could be used here..........


Obviously he has f*ck all of that :laugh:

im one that does surport the fox hunting been brought up with it all my life shot foxes been hunting them the lot fox hound hunts near me and this can go on but not the hunting thats been going on for hundreds of years

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not meaning to pick a argument here but if you been "brought up with it all your life " as you say surely you would know the about the ban and what it entails?

yes i do its a ban on hunting with hounds go on say it there not hounds yes think i will cross lurchers and hounds that will be ok. not here to argue to just having my say thats all mate. or is it the horses to

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