leegreen 2,221 Posted February 18, 2010 Report Share Posted February 18, 2010 (edited) And please could you put some pics of these whip/greys with big bags. As i think it would be a good learning curve for me. Ps dont waste my time if its less then 40 because otherwise my point still stands that its rare for whip/greys to get bags over 40. "Waste your time", "bags over 40", grow up! Edited February 18, 2010 by leegreen Quote Link to post
whip x grey 276 Posted February 18, 2010 Report Share Posted February 18, 2010 [ i agree with you,,,,,,they are injury prone,,,,,,but when u get a 36lber or 40lber ,,,,behind a deer or hare,,,,and knowing the speed they can reach,,,u know there quarry doesnt stand a chance,,,,,,even more so now as there so close , on advrege on breaking the 8 second barrier 2day,,,,20 years ago this was unthinkable i hunt mine,,,,but i have to be carefull,,on ground i run them on,,,,,,but feck me ,,,,when the hunt is on ,,,u can double the excitment iam feally to normal working dog,, do they have there place in hunting world?????? i think they do,,as whip x grey ,,,,gives u the option,,,,rather than going to a big track greyhound,,,( more feeding) best dog i ever seen on bolting rabbit,s was a whip x grey ( i agree with folk with there injurys,,,,somtimes u get agood un,,,,and there,s no injurys,,,,,there the smarter type,,,and it is hit or miss )but come with age 4/5 year old is there best time in hunting game sorry for double posts lads,,,,, but i hear alot ,,,,non peds and greyhounds cant turn,,,,this is true AND FALSE ,,,,,,but if trained to the hunting game,,,they are very good turner,s,,,,i gave my mate a 5/8 whip x 3/8 whip,,,,,cause he used her ,,,for hunting soley,,,,she can turn on a penny, AND HAS STAMINA i hear alot guys taking out track greys,,,,but cant turn,,,,but there running at such a high speed,,,ur lurcher couldnt turn that good at that speed they reach ( THEY ARE THE ATHELETS OFF THE DOGGY WORLD ,,,OFF COURSE THEY CAN TURN,,,,AND THEY ACCLERATE OUT OFF THE TURN FASTER THAN ANY OTHER BREED,,,,,AS LONG AS THATS WHAT THERE TRAINED FOR ,FROM DAY ONE ) I HEAR IT ALL THE TIME ,,,GOT A TRACK GREY AND IT COULDNT TURN,,,COMMITTED SUCIDE ON A FENCE,,,BUT IF THE GUYS TRAINED THE DOG AS A PUP,,WOULD HAVE TURED OUT DIFFRENT BUT THESE DOG,S ARE VERY INJURY PRONE,,,,THAT I WOULD 100% AGREE WITH,,,,BUT THAT COMES WITH SPEED,,,,BARB WIRE FENCES /BRICK WALLS ,,DITCHES,ALL MAN MADE GUYS JUST MY OPPION,,,,,,,BETTER TO HAVE A OPPION THAT NOT AT ALL,,,,,THATS WHAT I LOVE ABOUT HUNTING LIFE,,,,WHEN IT COMES TO DOGS,EVERYONE HAS THERE OWN OPPION AND QUITE RIGHTLY SO,,,AS ITS THE DOG GAME Quote Link to post
Dan Edwards 1,134 Posted February 18, 2010 Report Share Posted February 18, 2010 whip x grey You and I think alike in alot of ways. I do not see the need for any other blood in a sighthound. I like fast dogs that are superior athletes. I do admire some of the bull x and other type lurchers but overall I like my dogs to be able to catch stuff they shouldnt be able to catch and I want my blood to be boiling every time I watch em run. Quote Link to post
boyo 1,398 Posted February 18, 2010 Report Share Posted February 18, 2010 leegreen you just quoted me and i dont know where you have read what you put up but it 100 per cent wasnt me that said that or anything like it check what your writing about before you post it THANKS Quote Link to post
poacher3161 1,766 Posted February 18, 2010 Report Share Posted February 18, 2010 A mate of mine who owns a well known raceing champion admited to me that these types can be too fast for their own good.It is a breed that has to be schooled to the lye of the land from a very young age most of the heart ache comes with them if they have been used for raceing for the first few years of their life.atb dell Quote Link to post
leegreen 2,221 Posted February 18, 2010 Report Share Posted February 18, 2010 leegreen you just quoted me and i dont know where you have read what you put up but it 100 per cent wasnt me that said that or anything like it check what your writing about before you post it THANKS Sorry Boyo, not too good on the keyboard ting. Quote Link to post
boyo 1,398 Posted February 18, 2010 Report Share Posted February 18, 2010 no problem lee Quote Link to post
steveS.Yorks 161 Posted February 18, 2010 Report Share Posted February 18, 2010 [ i agree with you,,,,,,they are injury prone,,,,,,but when u get a 36lber or 40lber ,,,,behind a deer or hare,,,,and knowing the speed they can reach,,,u know there quarry doesnt stand a chance,,,,,,even more so now as there so close , on advrege on breaking the 8 second barrier 2day,,,,20 years ago this was unthinkable i hunt mine,,,,but i have to be carefull,,on ground i run them on,,,,,,but feck me ,,,,when the hunt is on ,,,u can double the excitment iam feally to normal working dog,, do they have there place in hunting world?????? i think they do,,as whip x grey ,,,,gives u the option,,,,rather than going to a big track greyhound,,,( more feeding) best dog i ever seen on bolting rabbit,s was a whip x grey ( i agree with folk with there injurys,,,,somtimes u get agood un,,,,and there,s no injurys,,,,,there the smarter type,,,and it is hit or miss )but come with age 4/5 year old is there best time in hunting game sorry for double posts lads,,,,, but i hear alot ,,,,non peds and greyhounds cant turn,,,,this is true AND FALSE ,,,,,,but if trained to the hunting game,,,they are very good turner,s,,,,i gave my mate a 5/8 whip x 3/8 whip,,,,,cause he used her ,,,for hunting soley,,,,she can turn on a penny, AND HAS STAMINA i hear alot guys taking out track greys,,,,but cant turn,,,,but there running at such a high speed,,,ur lurcher couldnt turn that good at that speed they reach ( THEY ARE THE ATHELETS OFF THE DOGGY WORLD ,,,OFF COURSE THEY CAN TURN,,,,AND THEY ACCLERATE OUT OFF THE TURN FASTER THAN ANY OTHER BREED,,,,,AS LONG AS THATS WHAT THERE TRAINED FOR ,FROM DAY ONE ) I HEAR IT ALL THE TIME ,,,GOT A TRACK GREY AND IT COULDNT TURN,,,COMMITTED SUCIDE ON A FENCE,,,BUT IF THE GUYS TRAINED THE DOG AS A PUP,,WOULD HAVE TURED OUT DIFFRENT BUT THESE DOG,S ARE VERY INJURY PRONE,,,,THAT I WOULD 100% AGREE WITH,,,,BUT THAT COMES WITH SPEED,,,,BARB WIRE FENCES /BRICK WALLS ,,DITCHES,ALL MAN MADE GUYS JUST MY OPPION,,,,,,,BETTER TO HAVE A OPPION THAT NOT AT ALL,,,,,THATS WHAT I LOVE ABOUT HUNTING LIFE,,,,WHEN IT COMES TO DOGS,EVERYONE HAS THERE OWN OPPION AND QUITE RIGHTLY SO,,,AS ITS THE DOG GAME Thats a good honest post on this x mate Quote Link to post
whip x grey 276 Posted February 18, 2010 Report Share Posted February 18, 2010 (edited) [ i agree with you,,,,,,they are injury prone,,,,,,but when u get a 36lber or 40lber ,,,,behind a deer or hare,,,,and knowing the speed they can reach,,,u know there quarry doesnt stand a chance,,,,,,even more so now as there so close , on advrege on breaking the 8 second barrier 2day,,,,20 years ago this was unthinkable i hunt mine,,,,but i have to be carefull,,on ground i run them on,,,,,,but feck me ,,,,when the hunt is on ,,,u can double the excitment iam feally to normal working dog,, do they have there place in hunting world?????? i think they do,,as whip x grey ,,,,gives u the option,,,,rather than going to a big track greyhound,,,( more feeding) best dog i ever seen on bolting rabbit,s was a whip x grey ( i agree with folk with there injurys,,,,somtimes u get agood un,,,,and there,s no injurys,,,,,there the smarter type,,,and it is hit or miss )but come with age 4/5 year old is there best time in hunting game sorry for double posts lads,,,,, but i hear alot ,,,,non peds and greyhounds cant turn,,,,this is true AND FALSE ,,,,,,but if trained to the hunting game,,,they are very good turner,s,,,,i gave my mate a 5/8 whip x 3/8 whip,,,,,cause he used her ,,,for hunting soley,,,,she can turn on a penny, AND HAS STAMINA i hear alot guys taking out track greys,,,,but cant turn,,,,but there running at such a high speed,,,ur lurcher couldnt turn that good at that speed they reach ( THEY ARE THE ATHELETS OFF THE DOGGY WORLD ,,,OFF COURSE THEY CAN TURN,,,,AND THEY ACCLERATE OUT OFF THE TURN FASTER THAN ANY OTHER BREED,,,,,AS LONG AS THATS WHAT THERE TRAINED FOR ,FROM DAY ONE ) I HEAR IT ALL THE TIME ,,,GOT A TRACK GREY AND IT COULDNT TURN,,,COMMITTED SUCIDE ON A FENCE,,,BUT IF THE GUYS TRAINED THE DOG AS A PUP,,WOULD HAVE TURED OUT DIFFRENT BUT THESE DOG,S ARE VERY INJURY PRONE,,,,THAT I WOULD 100% AGREE WITH,,,,BUT THAT COMES WITH SPEED,,,,BARB WIRE FENCES /BRICK WALLS ,,DITCHES,ALL MAN MADE GUYS JUST MY OPPION,,,,,,,BETTER TO HAVE A OPPION THAT NOT AT ALL,,,,,THATS WHAT I LOVE ABOUT HUNTING LIFE,,,,WHEN IT COMES TO DOGS,EVERYONE HAS THERE OWN OPPION AND QUITE RIGHTLY SO,,,AS ITS THE DOG GAME Thats a good honest post on this x mate thanks,,,ALTHOUGH IVE BEEN BROUGHT UP WITH GREYS, OR WHIP X GREYS (hardbloods),,,,ALL MY LIFE,,,SINCE I WAS BORN FROM GRAN FATHER AND FATHER WHAT I WOULD SAY,,,AND ITS IMPORTANT,,,,ANY YOUNG GUYS READING THIS,,,,,FAST WHIPS OR WHIP X GREY,,OR GREYS,,,,,ARE NOT FOR (YOU) AS THESE ARE RUNNING DOGS,,,,,,AND THE CONTIONS HAVE TO BE RIGHT,,,,AND IF UR ABIT GREEN TO HUNTING WITH THESE TYPES,,,,,PLEASE FOR GOOD SAKE DONT GO OUT AND BUY ONE, AS,IT TAKES THE MORE EXPERENCED DOG MAN TO WORK THESE ,,,SAFLY DUE TO FARM LAND E,T,C:thumbs: these dogs wont run a ploughed feild,,,,e,t,c,,,so dont bother,,,,,,,,there speed machines,,,grass or stubble feilds,(e,t,c ),,,,,young guys dont bother,,,as ull run any ground ( I DONT LIKE SEEING YOUNG GUYS USING THESE DOGS IN THE WRONG PLACE,, Edited February 18, 2010 by whip x grey Quote Link to post
whip x grey 276 Posted February 19, 2010 Report Share Posted February 19, 2010 whip x grey You and I think alike in alot of ways. I do not see the need for any other blood in a sighthound. I like fast dogs that are superior athletes. I do admire some of the bull x and other type lurchers but overall I like my dogs to be able to catch stuff they shouldnt be able to catch and I want my blood to be boiling every time I watch em run. THANKZ IF U EVER NEED A HARDBLOOD ,,,,AND IF MY BROTHER BREEDS ( NCH ALMOST BOBS 37LBER X THE ONE AND ONLY SUP SCOTT RCH NCH SUGAR RUSH ),,,,,IF THEY DO BREED THESE TWO TOGHER ,,,,AND U PAY THERE EXPORT,,,,,,I WILL GLADLY SEND ONE ACROSS,,,,,AS I KNOW AMERCAN,S ARE INTO PED,S,,,,, U PAY FOR PUP,S TRAVEL,,,,,ILL GET MY BOTH BROS TO GIVE IT FOR FREE,,,, ALL THE BEST BOB,,,,,,I LOVE UR HUNTING PIC,S,,,,,KEEP THEM COMING DAN Quote Link to post
pie 10 Posted February 19, 2010 Report Share Posted February 19, 2010 ive got a greyxwhippet n shes kicked the ass off a few dogs stamina? well u av to put the work in,she done well today,seen a few loud mouths off, Quote Link to post
pie 10 Posted February 19, 2010 Report Share Posted February 19, 2010 somtimes other dogs jst get in the way of this very sharp runnin dog,lots of fun loyalty stamina needs wrk,sure every body with this type agrees? Quote Link to post
pie 10 Posted February 19, 2010 Report Share Posted February 19, 2010 ive jst read through a few comments,whippet/grey,your hearts in your mouth [bANNED TEXT] they go,always check your ground,i learned the hard way,she aint daft wont chase a lure,me as my witness run through the middle of 2 top dogs,fast n accurate,pick your ground b Quote Link to post
delboy p 183 Posted February 19, 2010 Report Share Posted February 19, 2010 i have whippet x greys the ones i race i cane not work as do not stop and will run in to any wall tree fenc but the little bitch iv got for working is very good for small fields and ferreting as all my land is small sheep fields so need a dog that is quick of the mark my bitch is 20tts and is 3/4 grey 1/4 whip Quote Link to post
Gripper 1 Posted February 19, 2010 Report Share Posted February 19, 2010 theres a lot of strong opinions on here, but the people who have posted with experience of the breed havn't left a negative post yet, all the bad points of the breed have been pointed out by peoples opinions. this breed may not have the best stamina but if there was such thing as a perfect breed evreryone would have one Quote Link to post
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