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Whippet x Greyhound!!! A pointless cross???

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YOUR deluded if you think a whipet is faster than a grey, and whippets wil run round a day catching rabbits, you wil also get more courses out on hares in a day than you would with a grey

A pointless cross??? Christ, I can think of many that WOULD be well described as a pointless cross, that are forever getting dragged out the wood work, from your Akita's to your ABD's but never th

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still not really swinging it for me!!! someones got to have a better argument than whats been put up so far????


i knew some 1 who used to own this x and it was a machine on foxe's and a realy good dog on rabbits,

better feet than a greyhound turn better than a greyhound, faster than a whippet and more speed than a whippet, qwick off the mark and good pace when in full flight i carnt see the problem with the x the 1 i seen was a very fast and could turn on a penny




as i understand the cross(lord knows i'm no expert :icon_redface: ) but the "quick off the mark whippet" is crossed with the "top speed" greyhound to improve the allround "hunting style" plus the turning ability of the whippet and you have an allround dog with better feet,turn,speed.

are the "track" whippets not grey x?? because they are faster and bigger than the "working" whippet.

at the end of the day the cross has been around for a long time and does the job :thumbs:

i would like to hear from someone who has more experiance of both and there crosses.


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i dont see the reason in crossing the two together when there are plenty of good small greyhounds about and on the other side of the fence i have seen lots of whippets thats could quite easily pass off as greyhounds to the untrained eye!! why not use one of these instead of mixing the two together???!! im looking for the reason to cross them together what good does it do the dog in the long run?? if you cross a whippet with a collie its to add brain!! if you cross bull to a grey its to add gameness!! like i said anyone tell me how whippet xgreyhound benifits the dog??


HERES SOME REASONS FOR YA :thumbs: THE WHIPP/GREY, wil have more staminar than a pure grey, and more speed than a whippet, it wil genraly be larger than a whippet.

This does not make any sense how will it make it have more stamina then a pure grey when a whippet runs out off lungs well before a grey???? And how can yea have more speed tehn a whippet when the whippet is the fastest dog in the world or 60 metres or so sp dont under stand your point??


YOUR deluded if you think a whipet is faster than a grey, and whippets wil run round a day catching rabbits, you wil also get more courses out on hares in a day than you would with a grey

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People have this breed is because they love dogs with speed and speed only the whippet is the fastens dog in the world over 60 metres the the greyhound comes second and can keep up its speed for about 840metres.

But why dont they get them selfs a courseing whippet that as speed and can stay on that bit longer and is bigger in size just my point.

The only reason l see till having cross this dogs is for the lucher racing in the summer yea cant put full whippets or greyhound in the lucher racing but the whippet x greyhound is called a lucher and if your into the shows and racing why not breed the 2 fastens dogs in the world till win a few shows then sell your pups as champions :thumbs: :thumbs:

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This does not make any sense how will it make it have more stamina then a pure grey when a whippet runs out off lungs well before a grey???? And how can yea have more speed tehn a whippet when the whippet is the fastest dog in the world or 60 metres or so sp dont under stand your point??


YOUR deluded if you think a whipet is faster than a grey, and whippets wil run round a day catching rabbits, you wil also get more courses out on hares in a day than you would with a grey


correct, the greyhound i had, let it off in a field full of rabbits think c**t was running full pelt to them sitting on hedgerows in the field all over never caught a thing eventually kieled over had to carry it back to the car. was shocking to see exactly what it could manage

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its really to do with ,,,what size u want,,,,,a small whippet running over a stubble feild ect,,,is fine ,,,,but when u want to add legg ,,but dont want the size off a grey,,,,,,whippet x grey is better,,,,,( but pure whippet might be better at bolting rabbits )



as for fastest dogs over 100yrd,s,,,,,,whippet ,,(yes ),,,,,,,and also whip x grey (yes),,,,,,,,,,,,fasest whippets in the world,,,,have greyhound splashed threw there breeding (fact ),,,,,in most cases,,,,,,but it really doesnt matter both are fast acerrators in there own right




but it doesnt really matter,,,,as long as ur whippet,,,,,or whippet x grey ,,,,does what u want it for :thumbs:

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I can only speak of this cross on the ones i have witnessed years ago wich were usualy male dogs of the cross out of litters of f1x bred for raceing on a sunday morning at miners welfares up and down the country.The cross gave added height over a ped whippet and a smaller tougher dog than a greyhound and most were capeble of catching hares and rabbits in small feilds and would get the job done quike if you were some ware were you should not have been.They were very popular in s.yorks in the 70s but likes been said their is better crosses out their depending on the type of land you hunt like one would suite me better than a f1x grey/collie were a pacey dog is needed to put a rabbit in the bag.atvb dell

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i dont see the reason in crossing the two together when there are plenty of good small greyhounds about and on the other side of the fence i have seen lots of whippets thats could quite easily pass off as greyhounds to the untrained eye!! why not use one of these instead of mixing the two together???!! im looking for the reason to cross them together what good does it do the dog in the long run?? if you cross a whippet with a collie its to add brain!! if you cross bull to a grey its to add gameness!! like i said anyone tell me how whippet xgreyhound benifits the dog??


HERES SOME REASONS FOR YA :thumbs: THE WHIPP/GREY, wil have more staminar than a pure grey, and more speed than a whippet, it wil genraly be larger than a whippet.


that is the answer pal . perfect :clapper:

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Plus a dog of this breeding will always be fast and sharp enough to catch game in a short distance and made it a good mouching type of dog to work with a bushing dog.Its a cross you dont see much of these days a streight whippet put over a greyhound as most tend to be a nonped whippet wich will already have greyhound blood in it but back over a streight greyhound mostly for the nonped whippet raceing avents.atb dell

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so from what i can gather from everyones opinions the majority of you feel that this is not a pointless cross!! and is a good rabbiting dog in its own right!!! thanks for all the input!! its a breed i steered clear of as i couldnt see the sense in the cross over others so knew very little about!! and i have read some good points!! now i would like to know as a fulltime lamping dog who would make this there first choice???

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Although i havent owned one myself ive seen a few run regularly,ive been resisting posting this but ill stick my neck out and say a true whippet x grey is probably the best catch dog in existance,that said the faults outweigh the plusses with this x,the lad who started this thread said "i wouldnt have one over my collie/grey" no chance mate in a million years could any f1 colliegrey compete with this x,i have had f1 collie/grey and its not even a contest.

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so from what i can gather from everyones opinions the majority of you feel that this is not a pointless cross!! and is a good rabbiting dog in its own right!!! thanks for all the input!! its a breed i steered clear of as i couldnt see the sense in the cross over others so knew very little about!! and i have read some good points!! now i would like to know as a fulltime lamping dog who would make this there first choice???

To be honest it would not be my first choice as a lamp dog but one crossed back to another lurcher cross can produce some very capeable lamp dogs.I.E i would sooner take the chance on a grey/collie x grey/whippet than a grey/collie x grey.atb dell
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Although i havent owned one myself ive seen a few run regularly,ive been resisting posting this but ill stick my neck out and say a true whippet x grey is probably the best catch dog in existance,that said the faults outweigh the plusses with this x,the lad who started this thread said "i wouldnt have one over my collie/grey" no chance mate in a million years could any f1 colliegrey compete with this x,i have had f1 collie/grey and its not even a contest.



thats the most backward comment ive ever seen!! if its the best catch dog ever seen and they so much better than collie x grey why ohh fookin why dont you own one man!! why are you settling for an inferior cross if this is the ultimate catch dog????? :hmm:

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