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F.A.O Strong Stuff

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why would you need a collar like that for any dog. ive nothing agaisnt the collars but what do you think they are lions :11: if uyou by good leather it will last for years.; or am i wrong why dont you get them a harrness off a shire horse.. it might make your dog look stronger.........

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My dog is spending a fair bit of time teathered on a chain at the moment until my kennel run is built and I allow him to pull on lead when we're walking to muscle him up a bit, the width of the collar speads strain on his neck. And I like them.:rolleyes:

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Guest the poacher

i had some of these collars because they are top quaility stuff and with my white terrier i put up he dont stop pulling on the lead and when his leather ones get wet it starts to take the hair of his neck with these it dont

and i hada couple for the lurchers as every leather collar i own kept getting bit through :whistle: and to be honest i dont think anything will bite through these :)

Edited by the poacher
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  snoopdog said:
why would you need a collar like that for any dog. ive nothing agaisnt the collars but what do you think they are lions :11: if uyou by good leather it will last for years.; or am i wrong why dont you get them a harrness off a shire horse.. it might make your dog look stronger.........


lol i was going to say the same thing ! is it just the case of my dog looks hard in these colars ? lol all you need to do is take a look at the dogs in the pics and then you relise that this is the case ! chav collars , for chav dogs ! made by king of chavs ! lol eny working dog man knows that nylon against eny dogs skin is a no no as for the friction is far graiter than that of leather , lol this thred must be out of boerdom? :rofl:

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:) Well, last year i bought a number of top quality leather collars. My dogs get out a fair bit and are out in all weathers. Three of the four collars on my dogs are now in need of repair. The stitching has come out. Now, im a bit paranoid, but imagine if a dog was to ground and the others were coupled up, imagine if the stitching gave way as the dogs were pulling and more than one ended up in a big earth. no collar. it wouldnt be nice.

So, this seaason i will be trying the strongstuff collars out. They are certainly tough. I also hope that strongstuff will be able to make leads too as i will be needing a couple of them.

so come on guys, if you like leather, thats up to you, but not everyone has faith in it. The lad makes a quality product, so fair play to him. I certainly recommend them. good hunting.JD :rocker:

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Guest the poacher

why would i think that a 6 month old pup is hard with one of these collars on :hmm: i bought these collars for the reasons i stated in my previous post not to make my dogs look hard if you dont like these collars why reply your just out looking to cause shit :censored::censored:


keep up the good work making these collars mate top quailty :yes:

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