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Finally got new rifle

Guest bodgerbear

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Guest bodgerbear

Well the day finally arrived. I went down to Sandwell Field Sports to pick up my new rifle. I went with the Prestige Kub Side bolt thumb hole in a .177. Spent an hour on my permission with my mate and ended up with a pigeon a piece. Fantastic rifle will be going out for a walk about with it and will try and write a review on it. Stil debating about buying a bipod for it, any suggestgions on there usefulness?




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  On 16/02/2010 at 19:46, bodgerbear said:

Well the day finally arrived. I went down to Sandwell Field Sports to pick up my new rifle. I went with the Prestige Kub Side bolt thumb hole in a .177. Spent an hour on my permission with my mate and ended up with a pigeon a piece. Fantastic rifle will be going out for a walk about with it and will try and write a review on it. Stil debating about buying a bipod for it, any suggestgions on there usefulness?



Good looking Rifle you got there. Good luck and happy shooting.thumbs.gif

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Guest bodgerbear

Well not even had the kub 24 hrs and already really impressed with it.

Im lucky as I have permission where I work. I got in this morning and was getting itchy fingers, and luckly the two birds in the photo landed just outside my office. The pigeon was about 25 yards and the magpie was about 35 yards, both taken with a head shot.


The one thing I cant get over is how quiet this rifle is (My other rifle is a .22 BSA Supersport).


Im off for a week next week so I will be giving the Kub a proper field test, so should be able to put up a review soon.



Happy Hunting




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Guest bodgerbear

Hi im not sure if there bringing a carbine version out heres the website link Prestige. I know they've brought out a Black Kub version its got a black painted stock, an adjustabble cheek piece and a factory mod on it (But I really didn't like it).Sorry not much help.

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Great shooting mate :thumbs:


The bloke in my local gun shop cant sell them fast enough.


As soon as they come in they are gone within hours.


The rifle is surposed to be the biggest secret in shooting so far.


It will be nice to see how you get on in a field test pal.


I wish you all the best.


Did Tony get his hands on the rifle before you bought it from him pal?


If he did i imagine the rifle is as good as any PCPs out there.



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Guest bodgerbear

Hi Si, Tony knows someone at Prestige and managed to get a really nice walnut stock for me. It was Mark from SFS that sorted all the bits and pieces out for me.


One thing I have noticed, I have never shot a .177 pcp or springer so looks like my shooting style needs changing. Im ok with birds but really struggled with the rabbits tonight, managed to pick two off but there were 1 or 2 shots I shouldn't have missed.


Its all a big learning curve but thats half the fun.



Hopefully have something wort writing about on monday



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What range have you zeroed the rifle at Rob?


When you say shouldnt have missed, do you mean because they were very close?


What scope have you got pal and sort of reticle have you got in your scope buddy?


It looks from the pic like a 3-9x40.


I may be able to help you out some if you can answer the above questions pal



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Guest bodgerbear

Hi Si, yeah some of the rabbits were 10-15 ft away not sure how I missed. :icon_eek:


The scope is 3-9x40 Tasco Buck scope. It has a very fine cross hair that then gets alot thicker (Its not a mil dot unfortunatley). I think it was zeroed at 50yrds (im not 100% but its a guestimate).


There is a dial on the eye piece between 3 and 9 and its set a touch past 5. Mark from SFS set it up and I just fine tuned the zero. Im sorry but the scope is the one thing I really struggle with, especially getting it zero'd :icon_redface: . Im not really sure the distance I should be shooting at with a pcp rifle.I knew my limits with the springer but this new rifle is a completley different kettle of fish, Im just trying to practice as much as I can to get to know my rifle.


I really do apprechiate any help at all.

Many Thanks



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