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any one ever herd of this


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Has any one ever herd of driving rabbits out of hard to do holes with rags soaked in creosalt . On a piece of my permission i have a telephone exchange all fenced in with holes going under the fence i cant get in to net the holes and i would like to get the rabbits to use the holes away from the exchange i have herd if you go the week before and stuff rags soaked in creosalt down the hard holes you will drive the rabbits out and into easer holes?

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Folk used to do this when planning to rough shoot a piece of land the next day. They would go round the day or so before and chuck paraffin soaked rags down the holes. The idea was that when they came to rough shoot it next day there would be more rabbits sitting out above ground.





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Has any one ever herd of driving rabbits out of hard to do holes with rags soaked in creosalt . On a piece of my permission i have a telephone exchange all fenced in with holes going under the fence i cant get in to net the holes and i would like to get the rabbits to use the holes away from the exchange i have herd if you go the week before and stuff rags soaked in creosalt down the hard holes you will drive the rabbits out and into easer holes?


That idea would probebly work.


I beleive that it was used so that rabbits would lie out in the bushes so they could be walked up and shot. :)


The creosote may be difficult to get hold of though.

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I have found that the most effective thing to do when this problem occures is to soak pine cones in diesel for at least 48hrs and roll them down the holes no more than 48hrs before you want to go.

Stick a couple down each hole and you should find most of the little critters will be away on their toes.

Hope this helps


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Has any one ever herd of driving rabbits out of hard to do holes with rags soaked in creosalt . On a piece of my permission i have a telephone exchange all fenced in with holes going under the fence i cant get in to net the holes and i would like to get the rabbits to use the holes away from the exchange i have herd if you go the week before and stuff rags soaked in creosalt down the hard holes you will drive the rabbits out and into easer holes?


That idea would probebly work.


I beleive that it was used so that rabbits would lie out in the bushes so they could be walked up and shot. :)


The creosote may be difficult to get hold of though.

you can get creosote in any hardware store

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They sell creosote in my local hardware- but it is not the same as the old stuff , still stinks pretty similar though.!

Need to be careful as not to drown the place , you might find the rabbits all sitting out or gone elswhere. Maybe an alternative would be to surround the place with a longnet. Good luck

Edited by HEDS
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They sell creosote in my local hardware- but it is not the same as the old stuff , still stinks pretty similar though.!

Need to be careful as not to drown the place , you might find the rabbits all sitting out or gone elswhere. Maybe an alternative would be to surround the place with a longnet. Good luck


If you leave a longnet in place, they'll just chew through it mate.

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Has any one ever herd of driving rabbits out of hard to do holes with rags soaked in creosalt . On a piece of my permission i have a telephone exchange all fenced in with holes going under the fence i cant get in to net the holes and i would like to get the rabbits to use the holes away from the exchange i have herd if you go the week before and stuff rags soaked in creosalt down the hard holes you will drive the rabbits out and into easer holes?


That idea would probebly work.


I beleive that it was used so that rabbits would lie out in the bushes so they could be walked up and shot. :)


The creosote may be difficult to get hold of though.

you can get creosote in any hardware store

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Has any one ever herd of driving rabbits out of hard to do holes with rags soaked in creosalt . On a piece of my permission i have a telephone exchange all fenced in with holes going under the fence i cant get in to net the holes and i would like to get the rabbits to use the holes away from the exchange i have herd if you go the week before and stuff rags soaked in creosalt down the hard holes you will drive the rabbits out and into easer holes?

yes i think it does work mate, my dad and granddad used to do it to move the rabbits out of big sets or sets they could not net,so that they go into smaller sets.

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They sell creosote in my local hardware- but it is not the same as the old stuff , still stinks pretty similar though.!

Need to be careful as not to drown the place , you might find the rabbits all sitting out or gone elswhere. Maybe an alternative would be to surround the place with a longnet. Good luck

providing there are fields or soft ground around the exchange there's no reason why you can't use a longnet to your advantage,slip your ferrets in,game over,you should catch whatever is there.

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Stinking out difficult or dangerous buries so rabbits either move to easy holes or sit- out works. In the past I've used creosote,Reynardine (ah the sweet smell of Reynardine ...happy days ) and some foul mixes of anything that smelt bad . The quickest and cleanest method was a backpack sprayer full of diesel squirted down the holes . Had to leave some holes free of scent so the rabbits had clean exits or they may have been tempted to stay deep in the burrow .I've also used it in reverse to prevent rabbits moving back into burrows that have been ferreted.

The problem nowadays is of course the fact that substances are "approved for specific uses" and I really can't think of anything approved for the purpose . Certainly a professional using the method would not be covered by insurance and there might well be other legal considerations ...

Edited by comanche
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