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My little man.

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Not been on here for a while due to giving birth to my little man on the 1 Dec, so thought i would give an update. Had a horrible labour, was pushing for 7 hours in a community hosp before having to go to a city hosp via ambulance. Had to have vontouse, forceps then an emergency c section where i lost 1000 ml of blood. Got discharged then had to go back in for a blood transfusion and then again for IV antibiotics as i became septic with a mastitis infection!! So it was a rubbish first experience, but i would do it all again.


Alfie was born weighing 7lb 11oz and now weighs over 15lb at 10 weeks!!



me at 37 weeks



1 hour old excuse me looking rough as hell!!



1 day old

Edited by dangergirl
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That's you at 37 weeks? :icon_eek: I was nearly that big at around 24 weeks with the twins. By the time I got to 37 weeks I resembled a beached whale, and I threatened to start taking hostages if they didn't enduce me and get the little blighters out :laugh:


Labour ain't much fun, is it?


But well done you - he's a gorgeous little lad. Welcome to the fold Alfie :victory:

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