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Should we introduce an air rifle licence?

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I think a licence for air rifles would be a good thing. I think it should be the same as a shotgun certificate, where you can buy as many guns as you like and can use them where you have premission.Doing this would stop criminals and idiots getting hold of airguns, plus I think licence holders should be allowed up to 30ftlb's of power. It makes sense doesn't it!? A licnence that isn't too hard to get providing you're not a violent criminal, and will allow resposnible people to own and use more powerfull airguns.


So basically idiots won't be allowed any airgun, at all!, but more powerfull guns will be avalible for sensible hunters and target shooters.


What do you think?

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  On 15/02/2010 at 23:38, LordGamebore said:

I think a licence for air rifles would be a good thing. I think it should be the same as a shotgun certificate, where you can buy as many guns as you like and can use them where you have premission.Doing this would stop criminals and idiots getting hold of airguns, plus I think licence holders should be allowed up to 30ftlb's of power. It makes sense doesn't it!? A licnence that isn't too hard to get providing you're not a violent criminal, and will allow resposnible people to own and use more powerfull airguns.


So basically idiots won't be allowed any airgun, at all!, but more powerfull guns will be avalible for sensible hunters and target shooters.


What do you think?



I think it would be a good idea to those who are already in the sport but it would make it harder for people to get into airguning im sure if they had to go through all the hasle of getting a licence they would just go through to an sgc because most people getting into airguning are just using it as a means of getting permission to shoot on land and not moving on. i dont think it would stop the idiots getting hold of air rifles because there are just too many out there and it would take way too much police time to get rid of them all and i think a lot of good quality classic air rifles would be destroyed simply because there owners do not want to get a licence and will hand them into the police also i dont think they would issue a licence because air guning is just too big a buisiness and many gunshops and internet buisinesses would go out due to less people buying air rifles and accesories. They could possibly up the legal limit to 30 ft-lbs or posibly have no legal limit but the they would impose so much stupid rules it would be impractical and we would be better off as we are. What we need a simple general licence that should be open too anyone without a criminal record, you shouldent have to have every single piece of land granted and should be allowed to keep an unlimited amount of guns of any calibre just in return that you have to attend many lessons in gun safety and shooting practices and pass an exam before being granted a licence but that would mean the government giving us a little freedom and do you think that will ever happen?



Edited by RaiderBoy
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I think in theory it is a very good idea :yes:


In PRACTICE however, it all come unstuck BIG TIME :yes:


There are an estimated four million airguns in the UK most of which are 'untraceable' hundreds of thousands of them don't even have a serial number on them.


We've all bought second hand guns before, and we have no idea of the guns history, who got it, who used it, was it stolen at some point etc before we got it?


According to Humberside Police, an airgun licensing system would be unworkable.


Remeber Handguns had a 'workable and enforceable' licensing system, but idiots still got them and it was licenced users that brought about their downfall making it illegal for sensible users such as you and I to own them, now only criminals involved in illegal activities can get their hands on them :yes:



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It would really suck as it wouldn't work. The idiots who currently use air rifles for illegal purposes are the ones who will still be able to get them without licensing, but the honest ones who can't/won't get a license get screwed. Even with a power increase it wouldn't be practical or good.


And as has been said, the reason why most people get into airgunning nowdays (imo) is that there is no license required, it is like a gateway drug but in shooting terms, and it would really suck if in order to join a new sport you had to go through the 6 off month process of getting a license; people would go straight to sgc or fac.


Anyway, if you want that power increase, just get an fac.

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No it would not be a good idea. Wouldn't solve anything. People who do stupid things with air rifles can fill in forms too. It would probably come with an age restriction, making it harder for young people to get into the sport. I recently met a man who found an air rifle while cleaning out his shed that he didn't know was there, he would be a criminal if there was a licensing system in place, there are thousands of air rifles out there.

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Totally un-workable. As gas been said, there's so many guns out there now.


Crims will be crims and stupid people will always do stupid things. If folks aren't bothered about the laws that already exist, they're not going to too fussed if a licenceing system exists or not. Banning hand-guns didn't make it any more illegal to shoot someone, did it?


It'd screw the gun trade and be a total nightmare for the cops, who are already under so much pressure keeping crime in check and makeing us all feel safe... A-hem...



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