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Trainee/Apprentice Wages

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Didnt think about that as for no lodgings if the possition was available i would forward my details and a few references as we are looking to move from scotland anyway no idea where but with the hope of a chance like this my partner works from home so the low wage etc would not be a problem as the qualification and experience would be more important plus with her wage we could afford a let . Anyway sorry for being so forward but it is a great chance and the early cold starts aint new to me nor is the basic's of what the job involves i spent alot of time on a local estate with a good friend while he was underkeeping i am also regularly on another shoot run by my best friends father but anyway good luck in your search .

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I know what its like bud i was up and at the estate every day for 6 am with my mate helping out and didnt see a half crown for it but was great hard at times but its half the battle when you enjoy it naturaly as a youngster the highlight of the day was checking the traps .

Edited by fresh earth
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Hi my uncles a gamekeeper and just the other week the other gamekeeper who was helping him out decided to pack it in he is getting on now and there is to much work to do for one person so im helping him i never thought about wages because he has told me that when the seasons starts again i can do some ferreting and lamping etc so even if he does turn round and say heres £50 or heres £100 ether way im happy because i dont mind helping to do some ferreting :thumbs:

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My husband is looking into taking on a trainee keeper probably to do an NVQ while working here as well. If any of you are a trainee or if you are a keeper and employ a trainee could you please give me an idea of wages? (PM if preferred) He was on £50 a week (10 years ago) when he started and wants to know if going rate has changed! Thanks in advance for any help.


Littlevixen, the word around the packs over here in Ireland is that your hubby has an extremely gay brother who keeps a line of very runty show russels.

Can you confirm this to be true and would the gay brother be prepared to offer "extras" over and above the £95 per week wages? :kiss:

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Littlevixen, the word around the packs over here in Ireland is that your hubby has an extremely gay brother who keeps a line of very runty show russels.

Can you confirm this to be true and would the gay brother be prepared to offer "extras" over and above the £95 per week wages? :kiss:


Sadly I can confirm the above to be true, fortunately the brother is three hours drive away so i'm not sure the "extras" would be worth travelling for!

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22 years ago ,the wage was £75 a week as beat keeper.No house and i travelled 35 miles to the job in an old mini pickup that guzzled a fiver in petrol a day .Havnt a clue whats the going rate now as i out of it.On the field by 4.30 am in the summer and never left until the work was done.Winter saw us having to go lamping ,and believe me its a chore after a days shooting and we wouldnt get back to the yard much before sun up ,vast acreage .Tips ,well what a joke ,60-40 it was explained .60 to the head keeper and 40 between 4 underkeepers and me? . Loading was the thing i was good at ,pocketing £200 a day with the right man .To go into the job at any level with money on the brain is not the right approach BUT i know how things are when you have to live as well .

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I was a trainee recently and got £100 a week had no house and had to travel 35 miles each way.. Crap money but i would have done it for free and paid the petrol myself i loved every second, It was well worth it anyway as i now have a full time job :)

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