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yorkshire dales...

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HI lads took the staffy out to the dales today for a walk with my dad. SHe usually has no chance of catching the rabbits in the open fields. i was so suprised when she brought one back so munched up i didn't even no what it was at first glance. No signs of mixy though. Ten minutes later i seen she caught one with mixy. So i thought id have a little walk over a few heather patched etc. Loads of dead rabbits witch have had mixy and the staffy had caught three more with mixy. So it doesn't look promising for the winter with all the mixy about :(:( . anyone else seen mixy about?


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i've been ferretting in the dales about 15 times so far this season and getting around 15 mixied every time. There's usually a bit a the start of every season but seems to be worse this year :no: Its handy for bringing a young pup on though, builds there confidense no end. Sad way for a rabbit to die though

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i know fella, how long do they actually suffer before they die? there was still a fare few without mixxy. but the ones what did were totally oblivious to me. What a cruel way for a rabbit to die. Me and my mate are going up on the weekend with his lurcher pups wheaton greys to give them a few little runs on some mixxy rabbits and watch some more experienced dogs run rabbits. Well if my dad will take us up lol he doesn't like the rabbit been killed :11: . Well he was getting a bit excited when the staff was giving chase lol :)

staffy-1 ;)

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  stevolad said:
I'm in Darlington, North East England and I've found a few mixy just outside the town which the terriers and the lurcher have picked up. We see it round here periodically in different areas round the town but they always seam to bounce back.


Hartlepool - some places full of it . its always gonne be there though :cry:

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