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out with the ultra


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went for another look round the allotments with eli this morn. we walked around the sheds but but didnt see owt, then on our way back past the turkey shed, had a quick look around and saw that the 2 concrete flags that are used as a step had been under mined even more than on last visit. i decided to stay for a while and have a quiet watch. after about 5 or 10 mins i noticed a little brown head popping out of 1 of the holes, then another and a third. after a while they ventured out and came to the feeder and went about their buisness quite happily, but never ventured outside the harris fencing. the fencing is a barrier to keep the hens and turkeys in, but a rat could easily go under or through it, but it was as if they new they were safe. i thought about it and came to the conclusion that a trip with the air rifle might be in order.

after dinner, and washing up(well it is valentines day). off i set back to the allotments, with the ultra, and the new scope zeroed in at 15 mtrs ( the estimated distance from my earlier chosen shooting position)

i sat down on the old chair and waited for about 15 mins before i saw any movement. this rat wasnt hanging around. it ran round the end of the turkey shed and didnt stop until it got behind a large window that was leaning against the shed, through the dirty glass i could see the rat clambering all over 1 of my cage traps doing its best to get at the chicken inside, without actually entering.then it went out the same way it came but made a mistake, by stopping to check everything was safe. the bad news was delivered in the form of a bisley pest control pellet, that was sent first class. :lol: . the net sound was the tell tale dull thump as the pellet first made contact with its target and then the metalic clank as it exited and hit the tin sheet behind.

no movement for about 10 mins. then 1 appeared from under the flags but couldnt get a shot off, then another appeared, a clear shot was on for the bigger of the 2, squeezed the trigger it rolled over. i exspected the other to make a sharp exit , but no it stayed close to its mate sniffing the air. it was the last thing it ever sniffed. 3 nil :wink: :wink:







sorry about the quality of the pics. :):):toast::toast:

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P.S eli is my 8 month old plummer terrier. he is coming along nicely, and has started taking a few recently






this is him with his first full groen rat. not really relavent on the air gun site, but im just so proud, before this hed only had a few greys, so its a nice jump. cos it was a biggie. eli is 14 inch just to give you an idea. :toast::toast:

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Mate that last rat is wrotten! Good job on the dog!


Bisley Pest controls Ive never used much as havent had any closer range shooting oportunities recently, but for rats I imagine they are top notch, they weight about twice the ammount as most pellets dont they??




Edited by JackReid
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Mate that last rat is wrotten! Good job on the dog!


Bisley Pest controls Ive never used much as havent had any closer range shooting oportunities recently, but for rats I imagine they are top notch, they weight about twice the ammount as most pellets dont they??




not sure exactly what they weigh but they are quite heavy. and dont half hit with a clout at close range.accurate enough a short distances as well.

hopefully have my smoker up and running this weekend so hopefully get a few more. but im out at a show all day sunday with the missus and kids, so il have to try and finish it on friday to get a few hours out on sunday. :thumbs:

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