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1st Dig and BIG lesson learned!

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well done dogs have done well for first time ,dont worry about it running away ive been digging for years and one pulled the same stunt on me earlier in the year ,couldnt believe it but there sly little feckers at the best of times ,another tip for you mate when a fox is off the floor 9 times out of ten it will freeze untill its feet touches something and then will burst back into life ,a netted fox on the ground will go mad lift it off the ground and it will more managable untill it touches the ground again .....good luck

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good job,you and the terriers :toast::toast::toast:

had a similar thing with afox shot after bolting(dog had worked it for an hour or so).my mate shot it clean,it rolled and lay in a heap.all three opend the guns when the dog appeared(man made earth) he was on the lead and we went to pick up the fox.................................. up and away like greased goose shit. three amazed guns and a dog looking at us with "that" look :doh::doh:


some good encouragement and advice given( some well.......not)

get back and give it a go bud,its would be best to have someone with you(they can get help if things go wrong,cave ins,injury to you or the dogs etc etc).


fair play for getting out and doing the biz :thumbs:


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I would say you have the makings of a good terrierman mate.Just dont get trigger happy with a dog in still in the hole . Not easy on your own but get in the habit of seperating dog and fox with a spade .The old possum playing fox still haunts me from my younger days but dosnt happen now .

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typical bloody russells in and out like yo-yos ,prob just got a bit shy of the digging noise ,the terrier will hopefully be more confident next time, a bolt isnt a problem but your dog coming away from quarry could develop into one, plenty of lads dig alone(i have to no one likes me)best of luck in the future.


For fucksake, they have only just been entered, baying for over an hour before surfacing is pretty good for his 1st real job. Im more than pleased with the way he worked today. He done me proud! Its no wonder nobody likes you, coming out with shit like that!

f**k what howard got to say pal :feck::feck::feck: he be one of them lads that as got the best dog out there and it will shit it shen when it come face to face with a rabbit never mind any think els he what you call a wanker you keep it up pal and put some more post up about your dog as it a good read best of look pal mark
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get rid off it should have not walked out !!!!!

I wasnt asking whether you thought I should keep the dog or not!


Everything deserves a chance and its early stages yet.

i wouldnt feed it never mind keep it........ the dog will make a good bolter by the sounds off it :whistling: remember walk out once theyll probably do it again, but as long as your happy .... :notworthy:
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Great honest post from the heart pal made me chuckle not at your misfortune just because i remember similar incidents like that when i was new to the game glad to see it hasnt put you of and you have seen it as a learning curve ,its also great to see some one coming into the sport which is not a total idiot claiming how shit hot he is and how perfect he was from the very start if you lived down my way pal i would offer you a day out with us any time wish you well in the future and dont listen to any folk sniping at you we all were learners once

Regards Hedz

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Out on my 1st dig this afternoon with my 2 russels, Dogs done great. I was the let down, but ive learned my lesson and it wont happen again.


Collared up my 1st dog after he almost dragged me to the earth. Within a minute he had found and was baying at the fox, I located him at a depth of 7'. Being on my own, I wasnt pleased as I thought the earth would only be 4' or so. Nevermind, he was still baying at the same spot 10mins later so I began digging. Got down 5 foot after an hour and lost my mark, I turned round to find my russell standing behind me. I shouted him to get back in, and he flew back down the hole, but by that time the fox had moved. I got another mark- 5 foot deep, 6 foot from where I had already been digging :-(. Started digging and my russell must have pushed the ginger b*****d back to the stop end. Back to the location I 1st dug.


With only a foot or so to break into the tube, I started digging again. I broke into the tube right on top of the dog and covered him with earth. Blocking the tube with my spade, I removed the earth and uncovered the dog. He was going crackers so I lifted the spade and he flew at the fox, they battled for 5mins or so and all I could see was the arse end of my russell, I pulled him out to find the fox had a good hold of him on his upper snout. I went for the shotgun and my other russell got loose and dived in on the action and he quickly took hold of the foxes face which made it release my first russell. He stood off for a minute before lunging at the fox, I couldnt part the dogs from the fox and 10 mins later, since the fox hadnt moved I pulled the dogs and got the fox from the earth.


I laid it down on the ground on top of the earth for a photo, dead as a doornail, or so I thought! :-( Just then the damn thing got up and ran as fast as the wind with both my terriers chasing it.


F**K it, Ive learned the hard way, 6 foot for absolutely nothing. Until then I was absolutely buzzing!


Anyway its all experience and my dogs seem to be coming along ok.



Hahaha quality mate,catch and realise just what we like to hear! :clapper:

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for your first time mate well done .if your happy thats all that matters.ive seen some so called super dogs come away from there quarry so for a first time then you done well.get a digging partner though mate,it makes it a lot f*****g easier believe me.keep at it ,all the best mouse.

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