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flat heads for hunting

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What did john darling say about flat heads?


I'll dig his vids and books out and quote what he says about them, I can't remember exactly what it was, but it stuck in my noggin that he used them for something.

Before that I was with the mainstream in saying they were for paper punching at close range!

Wife goes out his aft, so I can put my "Sicko DVD's" on :angel:



Edited by Phantom
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More to do with people shooting quarry but not putting the shot in the kill area mate.


You hit any airgun quarry with a flat head in the kill area and its going to say good night.


I just think that alot of the brands are accurate as hell to 10m but after that they loose their accuracy quickly unless you are lucky enough to have a barrel that likes them lots.


Same as RWS hollow points.


They are deadly at stopping rats and close range rabbits out to 20m, but i cant get them to group well at 30 metres with any of my barrels.



had a hw 99s that absolutly loved them out to about 25/ 30 mtrs but the hw 80 hated them

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What did john darling say about flat heads?



Hey LG, didn't get to review the JD vids this aft :(


But in the book "Air Rifle Hunting" by John Darling, Section two (Ammunition) page 26 he says the following:


"Much depends on your own outfit, but for all my shooting I use the flat-head diabolo design. This is very accurate in flight and when it hits home it transfers all its remaining energy into brutalising the target zone. It kills cleanly"



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ive always used domed to great effect i did use flats once but they never really made much of a difference to me from what i can remember. i think they may have been less accurate too but it was a loonggg time ago so have forgotten i may try them again just to see what happens. id think they'd be worse for birds but better for rabbits but thats just my idea of it. as domed would penertrate plumage better in my imagination although in practice might be total rubbish :) think i will get a tin got me curious again now!

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