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Big Whippets

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Guest fence_hopper
  On 14/02/2010 at 15:02, rock said:

sorry to hijack ive just got a working whippet sooty sam lines dog 21 month old , but cant get no weight on him flead &wormed him but he is one of the skinnist whippets ive seen, very fast and working rabbit well but how do i get him to put a bit on.20 tts



just a sugestion mate you most probably already done it. but worm him regualer. get down the butchers and ask them or the barf and i you can get hold of tripe would do the trick


cheers for the comment above rock she keeps me happy :thumbs:

Edited by fence_hopper
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  On 14/02/2010 at 11:50, lurchergrrl said:

I have a whippet from Fallswater in Ireland - Nimrodel lines if I've got it right.


He's 1yr old now. And a big lad for whippet. 21.5" or just a bit taller, solid and very sturdy.


I'm forever having to defend him - yes he IS a registered whippet. No he's NOT crossed with a collie, etc etc :doh: We were out yesterday with a friend who's got a whippet (no info on her lines, she's a rescue). Looks like a midget next to my lad, she's half his size and fragile looking in comparison.


He's never had so much as a scratch - knock wood. He's confident, outgoing, swims, dives into thick cover ... an excellent lad.


Anyhow, here he is









Not a whippet? I know that he is - but would you say the same?


Anybody else with whippets who are similarly built? Why are some so small delicate, and other big as a house (or is it just mine and he's a freak of nature? :laugh:).

yes ,fallswater are nimrodel,so theres no bull in that line as for big, compared to to some dogs out there masquerading as whippets hes not that big,he looks well lurchergirl

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Theres a old saying that you always now the mother but the farther is a different matter . A mate of mine bought a pedigree dog then he was told by someone that they saw the bitch tied with her brother the day before she went to the stud dog. But that looks a cracking dog no matter what. So dont defend it be proud of it

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Dennis looks realy well LG,

dont think i have ever seen a whip that strong ,

he looks to be big boned compared to the rest ive seen, nice markings too

if they were all that size i think alot more people would own them.






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