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Mysterious sightings, have you ever seen....

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get ursells up dunstonburgh castle 2 pals fishing there , about 1 am heard a growel like a banshy getting closer and closer, then 5 deer ran past, they carried on fishing, then it started again, thats it pals off like a shot about a mile back to car, parked craster, all fishing gear tripping nfalling all over the place they said it sounded like hooves bounding down on them , totally chit it these 2 , that was 4 years back NEVER BEEN BACK OR EVER WILL is it tale o fiction but locals up there think theres something there ANY IDEAS

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  On 14/02/2010 at 11:49, thewindcallsmyname. said:

i thought i seen 1 on the way back from exeter but ive seen a tread on here with black foxes so dont really no.


was that any chance about 7 or 8 years ago around the splatford split area,me and my cousin saw it two nights on the trot,big black thing dint fancy getting to close to see exactly what it was,especialy as i was young and only had the 410 in my hands,it wasa seen a few days later in the daylight and then never seen again

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ive seen it 4 times now,i have plaster casts of its prints they are similar in size to a tax disc took them after seeing it run down a track away from us,put a bucket over it and went back next day,,i know where there is a roe carcass 20ft up a oak tree still,been there a while now like..

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Traveling back from sterling me an the lads seen a animal what was a sandy colour like a fox but about twice as long and about three foot wide I only. Caught a glimpse of it and turned to Tue lads and we all said at the same time did you just see that. If it wasn't this creature peop/e roumor about then I don't know what it was it had a big loot head and when it ran over the road it went at about 40 mile an hour. We got out the. And got the lamps out with all 4 of the dogs on slip but couldnd see a fing. Atb stew

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I was driving up by the sheep walks in kinver in the west-mids one summers night at dusk,a medium sized cat crossed the lane right in front of me, it had spots on its body and a ringed tail like a racoon, with white spots on the back of its ears,about the size of lynx. Any big cat experts out there know what it was??

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I saw tony tiger on a pack of frosties this morning when my lad was having his breakfast there gggreat lol, No on a serious note there was a team of people i came across in a part of sherwood forest bordering some farm land round my way they were doing some kind of investigation to sightings i was told, i dont doubt there could be one round were i live its thick vast forest in parts with alsorts of game in there large and small but i have to be honest in all the years ive been in there and of the beaten track ive never seen or heard anything

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