Guest chook Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 Is the skin teared off or os there a flap of skin ? if the skins completly teared off, then most vets will treat it as an open wound anyway, as they dont have enough loose skin to pull together, depending on size of course, if it was me i would just keep verry clean, get hold of some intersite gel and if possable bandage up, change bandage and clean every day, if theres a skin flap there, then theres a possability the skin would need to come off, depending on how long its been left, if it seems ok, then clean underneeth with salt water useing a shringe and pull the flap over, put antiseptic cream underneeth and over it and bandage, change and clean everyday, if you have AB's keep giving, as can garentee you it will get infected, if you can aswell, try and shave the area, healing is much easer if theres no hair round the wound, as it can get in and cause problems. Link to post
lurchermania 25 Posted February 14, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 It's a flap of skin the shall of a small terrier jaw it is on the underneeth of her chest so hard to bandage I have stitched it and gunna take her to the vets tomorrow watch out on the news cos if he turns me down I gunna have to unlock the cabinet and do a lil persuasion if ya catch me drift Link to post
barry lurcher 27 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 Ere dirty Rio this is my fifth dog and all 4 insured apart from her cos I had her 2 days and it was a lil stray that bit her I will match any of my 3 working dogs to yors bull grey, deer grey, beddy whippet. And me other a German shepherd so don't come. On here lecturing me matey well if you have had working dogs .i would have thought you would have known how to deal with it and it aint a good idea to be talking about mending dogs on an open forum .but thats your choice good luck if the dogs not bleeding too heavily keep it warm incase of shock and find a vet in the morning maybe try and borrow some money from a mate or family for a deposit a show of faith to the vet ? stiching yourself is not a good idea unless you know what your doing saying stichit is one thing doing is another and oh boot the fecking terrier when you see it ! hope the dog is going to be ok best of luck mate Link to post
chartpolski 24,991 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 If you have to come on here asking advice about the wound, you deffinately should not attempt closing it yourself ! You could end up doing more harm than good, sealing in infection, etc. Only one option, mate, get it to a vet. If you haven't the money to pay, just brazen it out; have the treatment done, then tell the vet you didn't expect such a big bill, and ask them to arrange a payment plan; the dogs wellbeing comes first. Cheers. Link to post
Paul in North Lincs 15 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 YOUR VET SOUND LIKE A TIT!!!. There are not many vets I know that wouldnt entertain a small payment plan, unless he's been ripped before. Its a sad state of affairs when the well being of a dog comes second to monetary gain. My vets are brilliant. I have had times when Ive been 'financially embarrased' and had a dog thats needed urgent treatment. Most are happy to take 20-30 dabs a week till the bills paid!!!! - This dude should even be practicing! He certainly wouldnt get any busimness form me and my friends...infact i'd camp outside his front door and tell everyone that came!!! Link to post
look up 406 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 whos terrier was it .if it werent urs get them to pay for it couse i no what id be doing if they dident Link to post
Sighthound 49 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 It's a flap of skin the shall of a small terrier jaw it is on the underneeth of her chest so hard to bandage I have stitched it and gunna take her to the vets tomorrow watch out on the news cos if he turns me down I gunna have to unlock the cabinet and do a lil persuasion if ya catch me drift You say you have stitched it. Just a warning your vet is not going to be happy that you have done this especially if you have used a needle and cotton Link to post
Night_Runner 0 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 Last Winter my dog had an accedent in the feild at gone 1am,, Took him to my local emergancy vets and they dealt with all in the same night. Also helps if the vets are understanding of feildsports like mine are. But it should be any vets job to see the dog however it injured itself,, The dog should come first, then questions asked later. imo Link to post
waidmann 105 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 do vets not take an "oath" or something? any rescue or home for pets will help you out with a vet(not paying for it but they have one on call). the pink stuff is surgical peroxide by the sounds of it. hope it heals well. Link to post
walshy26 2 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 I had the grey out last night just for a walk an she gt attacked by terrier I have bathed wound last night but its still open. The wound is skin ripped off and you can see muscle under neeth I have just got her and she is not yet insured and I don't get payed till next week what can I do for her ps the bleeding has stopped and I have given an antibiotic. Thanks stew hi pal can understand your frustration and every body elses coments about vets but it is costly ive been racing greyhounds for the last 3 years and ive had some unreal injuries and some unreal vet bills now 1 thing i no they are thin skinned but heal really well untill you can afford to get it to a vet go to chemist ask for potassium permanganate say its for your feet has it has been used for making bombs and some chemists are a bit suspicious now mix a t spoon with water this will clean wound and stop infection get your self some amoxacilin caps and give 2 a day for 7 days clean the wound with salt water at least 3 times a day but do not try and stitch if you have never done it before all that will do is close the infection in the leg and end up with a lame dog Link to post
lamp+battery 98 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 take the dog to a vet get them to sort the dog out then when it comes to the bill just say ui will have to pop in on my pay day as i havent got that much take 20 quid as a start and tell you will get the rest to them asap, any vet will understand use the vet you always go to as you say you have cover for your other dogs so he will no you will not rip him off, do the best thing for the dog and dont do it ya self, is there not a greyhound vet near you try him you never no mate atb....lamp Link to post
walshy26 2 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 I had the grey out last night just for a walk an she gt attacked by terrier I have bathed wound last night but its still open. The wound is skin ripped off and you can see muscle under neeth I have just got her and she is not yet insured and I don't get payed till next week what can I do for her ps the bleeding has stopped and I have given an antibiotic. Thanks stew hi pal can understand your frustration and every body elses coments about vets but it is costly ive been racing greyhounds for the last 3 years and ive had some unreal injuries and some unreal vet bills now 1 thing i no they are thin skinned but heal really well untill you can afford to get it to a vet go to chemist ask for potassium permanganate say its for your feet has it has been used for making bombs and some chemists are a bit suspicious now mix a t spoon with water this will clean wound and stop infection get your self some amoxacilin caps and give 2 a day for 7 days clean the wound with salt water at least 3 times a day but do not try and stitch if you have never done it before all that will do is close the infection in the leg and end up with a lame dog the pink stuff people are on about is hydrogen poroxide very good and only a couple of pound from chemist but like other people have said it melts and bubbles just be carefull around th muscle Link to post
Guest chook Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 YOUR VET SOUND LIKE A TIT!!!. There are not many vets I know that wouldnt entertain a small payment plan, unless he's been ripped before. Its a sad state of affairs when the well being of a dog comes second to monetary gain. My vets are brilliant. I have had times when Ive been 'financially embarrased' and had a dog thats needed urgent treatment. Most are happy to take 20-30 dabs a week till the bills paid!!!! - This dude should even be practicing! He certainly wouldnt get any busimness form me and my friends...infact i'd camp outside his front door and tell everyone that came!!! No vets round hear will even let you do a payment plan, even with the emergency vets you have to pay at least £ quid up front, its getting like that almost everywere, i was lucky with one of my bitch's, she had pyometra i paid the emergency vets think it was 60 quid and then blagged them, so they had no choice but to do a payment plan, it was only because i picked her up on the sunday, when the practices own vets wernt there i got away with it, there was no way on earth i could have stumped up the £900 quid in one day. Link to post
walshy26 2 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 try and find a mate are family member who is on benefits take them to the vets they will sort all paper work out for pdsa and they will sort you a weekly payment plan out most vets couldn,t give a fak about the animal there just interested in the fibre of your fabric if theres a mearley vets any where near you try them they do payment plans Link to post
bull101 35 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 few years ago a patterdale attacked my lurcher, wich was aroun 7month at the time, it tore the skin on her rib cage, luckily it wasnt too bad but i used tea tree cream and spray and kept on cleaning it, with in 2weeks it had just about healed Link to post
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