Guest 2GOOD Posted February 13, 2010 Report Share Posted February 13, 2010 (edited) i like a dog that has drive, seen so many dogs jog half the lamp with rabbits next to the hedge and turn back, makes my blood boil boil away bud ,its all part of the learning curve ,im affraid Edited February 13, 2010 by 2GOOD Quote Link to post
whip x grey 276 Posted February 13, 2010 Report Share Posted February 13, 2010 a brainy dog can have also lots off prey drive a stupid dog,,,,with loads of prey drive,,,,,,is an accident waiting to happen,,, seen a dog with loads off prey drive,,,but not much brains,,,split its self in two almost, on a tree stump,,,,,57stiches,,,,,20lb dog,,,,not a pretty site,,,,or vet bill,,,,,if she had any sence she would have run round that tree stump,,,,as previous dogs we had did in past as we ferreted the same place,,previous, for years and never had any trouble now where did i hear some of this mentiond earlier on what now,,,nogood,,,,inlighten me,,,,,,,pll,s on here are on about,,,prey drive or brainy dogs,,,,i like dog to have both,,,,,,but have seen dogs with that much preydrive,,,,,there almost stupid in there goal,,,do or die so whats the problem,,,,its only my opion,,,,,,or is it u just u have a pet hate towards me or somthing??????? Quote Link to post
skycat 6,174 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 I've had dogs with too much drive and they've always managed to kill or damage themselves badly enough to be put down by the time they were 2 years old. Too much brain, as has already been said is almost as bad, minus the huge vet bills and heartache cos you don't catch a lot! Brainy, committed, but with a good sense of self preservation is what I like. When you see a dog run to the far end of an orchard which is being worked by spaniels and terriers cos it has winded a fox sneaking back through the line and stands waiting for the fox to show: that is brains. When the fox showed a bit further away than she would have liked, then drive and want shortened the distance to get to the fox before it went through a hedge. Grabbing the brush and knowing what will happen is courage under fire, but given the time to line the prey up and take it down the right way so as not to get hurt is brains. I think you need both in equal measure for a dog to be that good. Quote Link to post
adamb20 22 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 the line i mentioned at the start of this post had way above average prey drive and always gave 110% every time my kind of lurcher ive had all sorts over the years inc the ones that used their brains picking their runs and pulling up short because they knew it was a useless cause .well i can tell you this paticalar line caught plenty of useless causes through their drive and determination to catch their prey. i am notsaying the one kind is better than the other its all down to personal preferance and as shown on here allready theres loads of us with differant opinions on the subject. its allright saying drive all the way, everyone wants to see a dog trying 100 prcent every run, but it must be some super fit dog if it can do that all night long, everyslip. ive seen bull crosses collapse doing this and collie crosses that have been there that were still flying for another couple of hours after this. my dog pulls up at ones she thinks she cant catch, and most of the time is right to do so, saving her energy for better chances. she still gets decent bags and never had a slight injury ever, she only 20 month like but we will see how long it continues. shes run some rough ground too. Quote Link to post
anton 0 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 Hi all, Just my tuppence worth.... The two running dogs i have at the mo are like chalk and cheese. The dog collie x grey x whippet good on lamp loads of "prey drive" won't stop till he drops only use him for open spaces and lamping.he was started quite young. The bitch Grey x Collie with deffo more collie than grey, brilliant marker. "prey drive" ok "prey sense" brilliant she's only used for ferreting have started her late with 18 months and it's paid off well. The thing is there is no way that i could swap roles with the dogs and would not want to as the two work together very well The collie will pull up but, she lets the dog run on to catch the otherway around when we are out ferreting the dog waits and lets the bitch do her stuff I'm not saying that they are perfect but they do me well. Use the right tool for the job me thinks Anton Quote Link to post
Casso 1,261 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 i wrote a article in the edrd a few years ago asking what people prefer in their lurcher drive or brains and it started a huge debate with varying arguments and when ime talking about drive i diont mean the average line of lurcher but the lines with exceptional prey drive who want to catch at all costs . i had a line out of buck the famous foxing lurcher and she the bitch and all her litter when i bred her had unbelievable drive and their aim in life was to catch whatever they ran at all costs bella my bitch caught all prey pre ban both day and night and is the best lurcher ive ever owned for putting the catch in the bag so to speak but you would want a big bag for some she caught if you know what i mean. she was threequarter greyhound quarter pit bull and would catch day or night with the same determination big stuff or small she went after them all the same. i have had running dogs all my life and never had a line with the drive that these had . the downfall with this line is the obvious they were injury prone and very used to the vets .but given the choice and as anyone who knows me will know all my running dogs must listen and behave .i would still prefer drive over brains. What i want in my lurcher is terrier, i like the terrier approach to work ,i admire it, it may be a bit reckless at times but i can deal with that. ,the drive that a terrier brings to any situation is second to none, Dogs only running the beam because they feel like it ,is bullshit, a dog picking his own rabbits to run or not to run is a non starter with me, If im paying his wages ie, food,housing him, exercising ,worming,picking up his crap if needed, well if im doing all that, i want committment, i know i get that with a certain type of lurcher, I want the dog to be my hero,i want to admire his qualities, brains are overated, if the dog is given enough work he'll wise up ,I've been in situations out hunting, where balls not brains have given me some of my greatest memories.. , Quote Link to post
Casso 1,261 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 i wrote a article in the edrd a few years ago asking what people prefer in their lurcher drive or brains and it started a huge debate with varying arguments and when ime talking about drive i diont mean the average line of lurcher but the lines with exceptional prey drive who want to catch at all costs . i had a line out of buck the famous foxing lurcher and she the bitch and all her litter when i bred her had unbelievable drive and their aim in life was to catch whatever they ran at all costs bella my bitch caught all prey pre ban both day and night and is the best lurcher ive ever owned for putting the catch in the bag so to speak but you would want a big bag for some she caught if you know what i mean. she was threequarter greyhound quarter pit bull and would catch day or night with the same determination big stuff or small she went after them all the same. i have had running dogs all my life and never had a line with the drive that these had . the downfall with this line is the obvious they were injury prone and very used to the vets .but given the choice and as anyone who knows me will know all my running dogs must listen and behave .i would still prefer drive over brains. What i want in my lurcher is terrier, i like the terrier approach to work ,i admire it, it may be a bit reckless at times but i can deal with that. ,the drive that a terrier brings to any situation is second to none, Dogs only running the beam because they feel like it ,is bullshit, a dog picking his own rabbits to run or not to run is a non starter with me, If im paying his wages ie, food,housing him, exercising ,worming,picking up his crap if needed, well if im doing all that, i want committment, i know i get that with a certain type of lurcher, I want the dog to be my hero,i want to admire his qualities, brains are overated, if the dog is given enough work he'll wise up ,I've been in situations out hunting, where balls not brains have given me some of my greatest memories.. , I would imagen you only go out once or twice a week for a short time,or you dont let your dog have many runs Why Quote Link to post
Guest 2GOOD Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 a brainy dog can have also lots off prey drive a stupid dog,,,,with loads of prey drive,,,,,,is an accident waiting to happen,,, seen a dog with loads off prey drive,,,but not much brains,,,split its self in two almost, on a tree stump,,,,,57stiches,,,,,20lb dog,,,,not a pretty site,,,,or vet bill,,,,,if she had any sence she would have run round that tree stump,,,,as previous dogs we had did in past as we ferreted the same place,,previous, for years and never had any trouble now where did i hear some of this mentiond earlier on what now,,,nogood,,,,inlighten me,,,,,,,pll,s on here are on about,,,prey drive or brainy dogs,,,,i like dog to have both,,,,,,but have seen dogs with that much preydrive,,,,,there almost stupid in there goal,,,do or die so whats the problem,,,,its only my opion,,,,,,or is it u just u have a pet hate towards me or somthing??????? take a chill pill ,i wrote about a dog with no brain will get injerd ,then you wrote a similar thing . Quote Link to post
Guest 2GOOD Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 BRAINS ,first , without it , will get a dog into trouble or killed, no choise . see, Quote Link to post
littletimmy 71 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 I've got a collie x an a bull x. The collie has a bit more brains will follow the beam 100%( out the car over gates etc), runs to where the quarry is heading, which can sometimes put the extra in the bag, watches the lamp everytime you turn it on. Will run anything except a rabbit which she tries to stalk upto rabbit if its sqatting which i hate. Deer preban if they was a good distance a way wouldnt run them because all i can put it down to is she is being overly clever and thinks they are sheep another thing which pisses me off but if she realised what they was she would. If theres an easy way through a hedge she will find it and you can lamp here of the lead etc. The bull x completely differnt, no brains atall, if there is something like a fence in his way of view he his head will be up his arse and wont realise i want him to jump over and he will be able to see. He runs 120% straight at his quarry. Doesnt watch them lamp with much intrest until theres something there. Cant trust him around sheep fullstop. Hes constantly laid up throught bites or hitting things and getting rips. I've seen the dog take run ups at verrry thick horthorn hedges to try and bull dose his way through bouncing off time after time. Personally if i was to choose one or the other it would be drive. I guess the choice really reflect your own personallity. Do you admire the gladiator who would give his all or the man who got the gladitor to do it for him. Horses for courses. Quote Link to post
scotty2306 37 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 i like a dog that has drive, seen so many dogs jog half the lamp with rabbits next to the hedge and turn back, makes my blood boil just because a dog wont run at rabbits next to the hedge dont mean they have no prey drive it just means there brainy, why fight a endless battle.we all know that some of them come back in to the field but more of them get dog does it and at times you think stop pissing about and run that beam but it aint that bad because she picks squaters out of the seat just walks to them a dog that runs the beam flat out will be tired quicker than the one that walks so i can live with missing the odd one on the edge just my oppinion Quote Link to post
Casso 1,261 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 i wrote a article in the edrd a few years ago asking what people prefer in their lurcher drive or brains and it started a huge debate with varying arguments and when ime talking about drive i diont mean the average line of lurcher but the lines with exceptional prey drive who want to catch at all costs . i had a line out of buck the famous foxing lurcher and she the bitch and all her litter when i bred her had unbelievable drive and their aim in life was to catch whatever they ran at all costs bella my bitch caught all prey pre ban both day and night and is the best lurcher ive ever owned for putting the catch in the bag so to speak but you would want a big bag for some she caught if you know what i mean. she was threequarter greyhound quarter pit bull and would catch day or night with the same determination big stuff or small she went after them all the same. i have had running dogs all my life and never had a line with the drive that these had . the downfall with this line is the obvious they were injury prone and very used to the vets .but given the choice and as anyone who knows me will know all my running dogs must listen and behave .i would still prefer drive over brains. What i want in my lurcher is terrier, i like the terrier approach to work ,i admire it, it may be a bit reckless at times but i can deal with that. ,the drive that a terrier brings to any situation is second to none, Dogs only running the beam because they feel like it ,is bullshit, a dog picking his own rabbits to run or not to run is a non starter with me, If im paying his wages ie, food,housing him, exercising ,worming,picking up his crap if needed, well if im doing all that, i want committment, i know i get that with a certain type of lurcher, I want the dog to be my hero,i want to admire his qualities, brains are overated, if the dog is given enough work he'll wise up ,I've been in situations out hunting, where balls not brains have given me some of my greatest memories.. , I would imagen you only go out once or twice a week for a short time,or you dont let your dog have many runs Why because the sort of dog you like,if worked hard they usualy go to the other extreme or get hurt bad they have got to have a good brain so they can control what they do them self Put it this way bud, the type of hunting we'll practised in the past ,would not have room for dog who decides for himself what he's doing, its either shit or get off the pot, i've no room for dogs jumping round barking at quarry, theres no cotton wool covered hounds in my yard, maybe with the ban there, its different ,At the minute im bringing on a 3/4 grey wheaton,but even at 6 months ,i know what he's made of..which is a weight off my mind, wondering will he or wont he,.. Quote Link to post
Guest fence_hopper Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 (edited) i like a dog that has drive, seen so many dogs jog half the lamp with rabbits next to the hedge and turn back, makes my blood boil boil away bud ,its all part of the learning curve ,im affraid fuk the learning curve just dont get a collie blooded dog and you'll be alright i'm not saying they all do it Edited February 14, 2010 by fence_hopper Quote Link to post
adamb20 22 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 i like a dog that has drive, seen so many dogs jog half the lamp with rabbits next to the hedge and turn back, makes my blood boil just because a dog wont run at rabbits next to the hedge dont mean they have no prey drive it just means there brainy, why fight a endless battle.we all know that some of them come back in to the field but more of them get dog does it and at times you think stop pissing about and run that beam but it aint that bad because she picks squaters out of the seat just walks to them a dog that runs the beam flat out will be tired quicker than the one that walks so i can live with missing the odd one on the edge just my oppinion exactly, especialy at the end of the season non come back into field they know exactly where they going. Quote Link to post
whip x grey 276 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Share Posted February 14, 2010 (edited) a brainy dog can have also lots off prey drive a stupid dog,,,,with loads of prey drive,,,,,,is an accident waiting to happen,,, seen a dog with loads off prey drive,,,but not much brains,,,split its self in two almost, on a tree stump,,,,,57stiches,,,,,20lb dog,,,,not a pretty site,,,,or vet bill,,,,,if she had any sence she would have run round that tree stump,,,,as previous dogs we had did in past as we ferreted the same place,,previous, for years and never had any trouble now where did i hear some of this mentiond earlier on what now,,,nogood,,,,inlighten me,,,,,,,pll,s on here are on about,,,prey drive or brainy dogs,,,,i like dog to have both,,,,,,but have seen dogs with that much preydrive,,,,,there almost stupid in there goal,,,do or die so whats the problem,,,,its only my opion,,,,,,or is it u just u have a pet hate towards me or somthing??????? take a chill pill ,i wrote about a dog with no brain will get injerd ,then you wrote a similar thing . you got me there ,,,sorry i had afew beer,s lastnight ,,,,ur sound ,,,,,i need to learn to stay off that demon drink at weekend,s Edited February 14, 2010 by whip x grey Quote Link to post
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