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Weihrauch safety catches

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No I don't want a gold one, just one that doesn't click loudly. How many times have I aimed for a rabbit pushed the safety bar over as gently as I could, the rabbit has heard the click and scarpered, lots. I presume it's the same with all Weihrauch spring guns. It's a shame as it's a great gun apart from that. I know you can get re-setable safety catches but can you get a silent one anywhere?

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Hi, mate.


Stock off, tap the retaining pins gently out, remove trigger mechanism then slide out the catch (don't lose the spring). Smear some thick grease where the catch engages the trigger then pop it back together.


It won't totaly silence it but it'll help.


Or... Hold the catch in with your thumb when you cock the gun.



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Ok mate will try that. I would rather the safety worked quietly than not at all. When stalking rabbits I often have to put it off early which isn't ideal but at least you don't scare then off. The problems arise when I suddenly see a bunny not 20 yards away and it's edgy but hasn't scarpered yet, the click is all it takes to scare them away. Thanks for the reply.

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