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Hellicopter up for ferreting ! !

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went on my new 9000 acre permission on sunday. invited friends over from 60 miles away they came along with ferrets, nets, small lurcher and border terreir. my 9 month coursing pup didnt make size for job but shes sensible and marks well so lucky for her shes filled gap of rabbit catcher and she came too.


good day all going well young dogs doing well 13 in bag. all of a sudden heelicopter starts circling over us! !

so i politlie hold a ferret up in one hand and give them the finger :feck: with the other hand.


any way cut long story short 3 police 4x4 and 6 gathers turn up. i call gamekepper to verifie permission which he kindlie does.After seeing rabbits the idiots in blue go home after establishing the hare coursing complaint buy a retarded member of the public was untrue.

its a disgrace how much money is being spent on coursing in cambrigdeshire. I may well wright to my local paper about the sorry eposode.

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lol well its nice to hear someone getting one over on the f :censored: !! it is a waste of time and money!! im having a lot of problems round my way just out lamping!! ive had to get permission forms filled out for each of my venues now!! because they keep waiting by my jeep all cocky!! till im out the field and start to give me the spanish inquisition and thinks its allright to call the landowners at 12 at night to ask if i can be there!! witch as u can imagine pisses the land owners off big time!! thats some land you gone and got yourself try not to get round it too quickly!!! :thumbs:

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years ago me and my pal were ferreting and i seen some one creeping around the wood to come on to us,so i lifted the nets and when he finally came around he thought we were badger baiting with the ferrets the fcuking loone.it goes to show you how thick some people are when they dont nowwhat they are supposed to be looking for atb

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Be very carefull of those sneaky fekers .We were ferreting years ago on some permission of my mates at a place called watton at stone down south and the old bill came with this badger watcher [bANNED TEXT] they saw we were all above board they left 4 weeks later in my home in s.yorks a railway copper came with a summons to appear in court.wallbash.gif

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jesus christ you would think they would go fight some real crime!!!!!!


what height did the bitch make that she is to small?





22 shes breed out of real dogs and im sure shell kill hares but to be honest to me she wont be a match bitch like her mother. shes never seen a hare but cant see her competeing with some 26 27 inch animals and if i take a bitch coursing shes got to be as good as any ones dogs about.

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had the helicopotrs out years ago of the loon bay when we were drifting took nets but never for rabiting ,or hunting bit of a sad case .the do gooder needs a feching lashing that for sure and the landowner sue thenm for damages etc and disturbing natuer and stressing legal pestcontrollers give them it large if you can

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Mate you have the perferct oppurtunity to help the hunting cause by actually going to the papers with this . How much do you think it costs to put a helicpter up in the air? it costs a fortune we are talking thousands of pounds. you could mention the alternatives to ferretting as a pest control namely cymag which kills everything in the hole you could mention the govt released myxi virus. if i was you i would go to town with this. ask the police how many crimes were reprted whilst they were bothering you. For F....s sake a helicopter!!!!!! :wallbash: its incredible!! :wallbash:

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Wednesday past they had the helicopter in the air up here for three lads ferreting, a couple of cars to boot.

I wonder what the total cost to the taxpayer that would amount to ?.

Someone somewhere should keep a note of the number of times this occurs, multiply it with the cost of each operation and make the resulting total public knowledge.



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in the northwest where I am it is a regular event for the helicopter or plane to come over to check you out,the copper's told us that they don't send it up for that sort of call,BUT,if it is in the area they will divert it over to take a look what is going on.WE have lost count the amount of times it has been over us,the last noddie that came on the farm asked us to phone them and tell them when we were going lamping or hunting,we will never do this,it is our duty to piss them off as much as possible so they get sick of getting muddy shoes and shit on their uniform's,let the dogs jump up on them with dirty feet,they f*cking hate it,we have had the armed response out and been cabletied whilst pigeon decoying near to a housing estate,we were once killing rats on a flooded river embankment with our dogs and ferrets when we were approached by four copper's accusing us of badger baiting,we explained we were on permission,showed them it in writing and there were dead rats everywhere but still the thick c*nt's persisted with saying we were badger baiting,the nearest badger set to where we were was about ten miles away,most copper's are thick and have no understanding of the countryside and that's what we are up against,the key point to all this that shines through is to get your written permission and keep it on you,we all stray a bit here and there,I myself lamp all the surrounding land to my permission but the first sign of trouble get to my permission or a road nearby,unfortunately this is modern policing and we are stuck with it,thanks to the labour party.

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