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Singlehanded Vs LDR

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im 65 lol and a day , as londg as your happy dan thtas the main thing ,but it would be a kind gesture to say to guys im sorry for counting the mixi and you no thats what counts , and dave slieght has a few dogs simliar way bred like d platts ,dan i no my dogs and how to work them and how to show people a good time been in this game and saw charlatans like plummers and co , and the tricks that thye got up to to press a type of dog before them, we all had deerhoundy colie type like bruce but books and lies ,thru us , just be genuine and apologys for counting the rabbit as it was only 4 4 , lol u cant turn back time but you can make it [bANNED TEXT] ,

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you live in absolute Cookoo land mate!! I have never herd so much shite in all my life. No farmer in this day and age is able to keep poachers of there land, Fact!! It is sad but true and there are no

Whin, are you for fecking real, what a load of shite you spout. Bruce is from a rescue,- no known breeding. You can't argue about the quality of that dog. Lots of good dogs everywhere, but this dog

Well said LDR he just being a totally f*****g TWAT yes you whin

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10 pages ago i asked the question was he happy with the mixi rabit counting , now ive run with some of the best dog menive met and not one of them would had counted it now you are in a final very good , but you have younger members watching like my nephew pals newgbies and they say amixi rabbit shouldnt count ,now if you came to mines and we caut seven rabbits and three were mixi would say mate thye dont count like athre legged hare now you abeter man if yo are in afinal and all that but nobody should be winning on mixis not for fun cash or whatever , simon i dont no who you are but ,it makes sense im sure if my dog caut amixi it wouldnt count or any good genuine dog men

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  On 18/02/2010 at 09:49, whin said:

10 pages ago i asked the question was he happy with the mixi rabit counting , now ive run with some of the best dog menive met and not one of them would had counted it now you are in a final very good , but you have younger members watching like my nephew pals newgbies and they say amixi rabbit shouldnt count ,now if you came to mines and we caut seven rabbits and three were mixi would say mate thye dont count like athre legged hare now you abeter man if yo are in afinal and all that but nobody should be winning on mixis not for fun cash or whatever , simon i dont no who you are but ,it makes sense im sure if my dog caut amixi it wouldnt count or any good genuine dog men

theres not a person on this site who would call a mixy rabbit fair, esp with the result of 5 to 4 on home turf he knows that and cp does thats why they wont answer

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I would imagine when SH said count the rabbit he was thinking along the lines of,

1. I don't want to come across as petty, I'm among friends, I'll be sporting.

2. there's probably a lot more rabbits and action in front of me to pull it back.

3.There's no way a man (especially the one running the comp) will count a myxie rabbit.

Well at least the first one was right, I don't know anyone involved here, or anyone in the comp for that matter but from the outside looking in it doesn't seem fair to look a man in the eye who travelled that distance and run on strange ground that he was beaten by a diseased rabbit. Would have been fairer and caused a lot less hassle to discard the myxie rabbit and tossed a coin. Would have stopped all this bickering .

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  On 18/02/2010 at 08:32, LDR said:

I tell you what Whin, you sit here going on about honesty, integrity and genuine dogmen, give me a fecking break will ya!!!! I can only imagine the endless hours you and that fat prick have twittered away on the phone, i remember it well myself with him, tickling each others undercarriages about what great dogmen you both are....bravo, bravo old chap, do me a fecking favour!!!! I've lost count of the number of times i've defended you to people who've called you worse than shit and i done the same for that silly c**t last year too, my oh my how wrong you can be about someone!!!! I aint even gonna comment on the heat now as i've said what i had to say and so has SH!!!! But lets just have a look at the great honest whin, the great dogman who has a memory thats sharp and never forgets, the great genuine whin shall we, the whin who's said more times than i can count he's seen my dog run over and fecking over again, funny then that the very same dog you couldn't pick out of a picture put up by my lass isn't it???? You know the one whin the same lass you PM'd with the rabbit scarf, saying you were only 40 yrs old....lmfao you sad pathetic little man, thats not really the truth is it whin, or maybe your maths is as bad as your spelling and you cant remember your age!!!!!! Get a grip you fecking loner!!!!



Oh and just to add, i know a couple of other people too that have some dishonest stunts you've tried to pull too!!!!!


Well said LDR :clapper::notworthy: he just being a totally f*****g TWAT yes you whin :wallbash:

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FFS whinge :no:

all you seem to do is try and name drop as if that somehow adds credability to what you are saying.

i wonder if warren,bill doc,dave slight and others know you are dragging them into this crap.

not all people on here know them or if they do they dont all hold them in high regard.

then you go on about fair play,credability and reputation and never shut up about the nlrc :D


Ldr how or why you have put up with this shite for two years is beyond me.

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come on now , dont drag me in to it :tongue2: you know full well im not in it or helping in any way.


personly i would NOT have counted it. but they did chuck it away , and sh said no it should still count.


the thing is hindsight is a wonderfull thing, i bet ldr and charty, are wishing they had left it there in that ditch. then there would be none of this. :thumbs:

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  On 18/02/2010 at 12:02, TOMO said:

come on now , dont drag me in to it :tongue2: you know full well im not in it or helping in any way.


personly i would NOT have counted it. but they did chuck it away , and sh said no it should still count.


the thing is hindsight is a wonderfull thing, i bet ldr and charty, are wishing they had left it there in that ditch. then there would be none of this. :thumbs:

come on sort this out lads

Edited by micheal
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  On 18/02/2010 at 12:58, micheal said:
  On 18/02/2010 at 12:02, TOMO said:

come on now , dont drag me in to it :tongue2: you know full well im not in it or helping in any way.


personly i would NOT have counted it. but they did chuck it away , and sh said no it should still count.


the thing is hindsight is a wonderfull thing, i bet ldr and charty, are wishing they had left it there in that ditch. then there would be none of this. :thumbs:

come on sort this out lads


what do i have to sort out micheal :blink: ?????????

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Personly i think Scrap these daft comps...


Caught more in a night than the whole south and north heats have produced...


Its hardly a compition if a dogs not even breaking sweat its a bad joke..


I think some folk might of well just burnt there £50 quid and still saved a furtune on fuel.

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this lamping comp and any being planed should be givin up as a bad job. competion in hunting are part of the reason hare coursing is now band and a stupid hunting ban is now in place. the ban is no more stupid than lamping competions! ffs what does catching lamped rabbits prove!.


as for your mixi rabbit, a rabbit is a rabbit and they all need to be controled! a mixi is not a lot different to the rabbit that claps tight and wont run so do they not count eithier?


all this carrie on over 9 rabbits :no: its not worth the battery power you use :doh:


atb :thumbs:

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