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Even Taxi drivers are now accused of racism for displaying signs saying they are 'English speaking'!

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Up to a dozen drivers have been showing off notices bearing the St George's Cross on the back windows of their cars in Southampton which declares the cab is being driven by an 'English speaking driver


And i thought the fast food outlet WIMPEY stood for we import more pakis every year

  On 15/02/2010 at 23:42, The Seeker said:

Agree most Indians are good people, Remember many Indians fought alongside us in WW2 who on this site would have anything to say against the Gurkas? not me that for sure


Yeah the Gurkha's, It was a disgrace the way our government treated those lads up until recently. They'll fight for us when ever needed in these wars our government cause, and only recently they reluctantly gave them the permission to come and live in our country.


F*cking idiots they haven't got a clue. They didn't want to let the Gurkha's in, but as good as welcomed illegal Muzzie's in by the lorry load.

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Attack Fell and Rough Coat, you both need to grow up. I always have and always will vote Conservative, im far from being a lefty. However i can get my message across without using offensive words and acting like a child. This is because you two have the brains of Zippy and Bungle and need to use that zip now and then eh........ That was hint. :thumbs:


I contribute to whatever post i feel a need to. Im not a pakistani Rough Coat, im british both sides. I respect my country, im happy. Clearly your not. There is help out there. Use it.



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  On 12/02/2010 at 18:33, ROUGH COATED said:




there aint no black on the union jack,full stop

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  On 16/02/2010 at 09:34, artic said:

Attack Fell and Rough Coat, you both need to grow up. I always have and always will vote Conservative, im far from being a lefty. However i can get my message across without using offensive words and acting like a child. This is because you two have the brains of Zippy and Bungle and need to use that zip now and then eh........ That was hint. :thumbs:


I contribute to whatever post i feel a need to. Im not a pakistani Rough Coat, im british both sides. I respect my country, im happy. Clearly your not. There is help out there. Use it.






HAHA :rofl: So you're a Hypocrite as well as a self righteous gobshite!


You start of that post by saying we need to "grow up" and say "i can get my message across without using offensive words and acting like a child" then you start to throw childish names at us both with your Killer "Zippy and Bungle" line :whistling: and yet you don't answer the questions I put to you in my earlier post.


You've been had like a bag of chips in this thread I'm afraid :snack::duh: .

Edited by Attack Fell Terrier
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new labour and the conservatives, one and the same the political classes

the masses have been brain washed into accepting multiculturalism.

it has been a slow long drawn out process , only white people are racist :whistling:

immigration is a good thing :whistling: , the doogooders have taken over , the people

most affected have no say in the matter the poor white classes of this country

with young white males suffering the most :yes: , , on mass we should pile into are cars

board train, ferry's and planes , all go to France and burn your pass ports then

re enter and claim asylum leaving the , pole's pakis etc to work hard and support

us poor misguided Brits , and make arctic premier :angel: ,

Edited by phantomflanflinger
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  On 16/02/2010 at 14:19, Alan108 said:

In my local town of Gravesend a Sihk temple is being built at an estimated cost of £10,000,000,can you imagine Christians being allowed to build a Church in a muslim country? I very much doubt it :angry::angry::angry::angry:

sihk are not muslim my friend , sihks do not ram there religion or culture down any one throat ;)
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  On 16/02/2010 at 14:19, Alan108 said:

In my local town of Gravesend a Sihk temple is being built at an estimated cost of £10,000,000,can you imagine Christians being allowed to build a Church in a muslim country? I very much doubt it :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


Don't wanna burst ya bubble mucker but sikh's ain't muslims mate and they're not too bad as a whole or at least the ones I've met were/are ok.


But your damm right about the building churches in muslim countries :thumbs: Not a sniff. In preston they're buying churches and converting them to mosque's. :no:

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  On 16/02/2010 at 09:34, artic said:

Attack Fell and Rough Coat, you both need to grow up. I always have and always will vote Conservative, im far from being a lefty. However i can get my message across without using offensive words and acting like a child. This is because you two have the brains of Zippy and Bungle and need to use that zip now and then eh........ That was hint. :thumbs:


I contribute to whatever post i feel a need to. Im not a pakistani Rough Coat, im british both sides. I respect my country, im happy. Clearly your not. There is help out there. Use it.




So artic,you strongly defend muslims and accuse people of being racist if they dont accept this situation? Youve "allways voted conservative and allways will" I assume then that you voted conservative during "Aparteid" in S.Africa,the South African govt was staunchly supported by the conservatives,Dennis Thatcher had a huge amount of investment in South Africa along with many other conservatives FACT.

Mrs Thatcher signed a contract to help promote smoking in third world countries[i assume these people were not white]so mate you call other people racist yet support the worst racists ever[exept Hitler maybe] Nice one,one word mate HYPOCRIT.

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  On 16/02/2010 at 14:31, mushroom said:
  On 16/02/2010 at 14:19, Alan108 said:

In my local town of Gravesend a Sihk temple is being built at an estimated cost of £10,000,000,can you imagine Christians being allowed to build a Church in a muslim country? I very much doubt it :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


Don't wanna burst ya bubble mucker but sikh's ain't muslims mate and they're not too bad as a whole or at least the ones I've met were/are ok.


But your damm right about the building churches in muslim countries :thumbs: Not a sniff. In preston they're buying churches and converting them to mosque's. :no:


Sorry for the confusion,I know sihks aren't muslim,just trying to make the point of building Churches in other religion countries.In this country we seem to accept other religions building temples and mosques,but, try building a church overseas.



Edited by Alan108
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  On 16/02/2010 at 12:12, artic said:

:clapper: Aft, you got it all wrong, but you cant help it can you?


Free your mind, dont look into things DEEPLY.......


Right ive got my Vespa and Lambretta to polish. We're attending a rally tomorrow.


Have fun chaps!




Meh, what a pathetic attempt at a reply.


First we had to be grateful to the paki's for making our clothes and fishing tackle, then me and Rough Coated were being childish after you'd called us names, now I'm looking into things too deeply.


You sound as if you don't know you're arse from your elbow, and yeah I think you would be better off polishing Lambretta's than contributing another waste of time post to this thread.



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