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wats the crack when it come,s to voting over ther lads is it that labor going to keep the ban and the conser are going to get rid of it i dont no gust asking and that stuff in the paper i think is a load of anti bull shit going on

Edited by hogs head
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There was a 17 year old lad in Liverpool convicted this week of cruelty after police found video on his phone of a lurcher killing a cat and a fox cub.


The Liverpool Echo is all over this now, wether it's true or not, one thing's for sure, it's going to f**k the sport up for everyone, not just the local scallies.




See this is the sort of shit that makes my piss boil, its all ok hunting the proper way but a caged fox cub that was probably thrown straight out of its cage into the waiting mouth of a dog for fucks sake that fox had no chance of escape from the start and someones family cat like grow up ffs its not hunting this is torture, c**ts like this should be dropped into the lion enclosure at longleat because they got about the same chance of living as that cat did and then i can film it and mock the silly prick.



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There was a 17 year old lad in Liverpool convicted this week of cruelty after police found video on his phone of a lurcher killing a cat and a fox cub.


The Liverpool Echo is all over this now, wether it's true or not, one thing's for sure, it's going to f**k the sport up for everyone, not just the local scallies.




Hopefully the twat will get whats coming to him.clapper.gif

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I wonder if they do a tracker for a ferret that alerts you to when its got a rabbit cornered, would help me no end. The rest of it well, it aint gonna be decent dog workers is it, its gonna be the chav brigade taking the piss with the staffs. these are the ones that ought to be banned, even better would be stick em in a pit with a hungry wolf or two. :gunsmilie:

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i f****n hate the echo first they start with there big anti 'dangerous' dogs campaign to basically eliminate all bull breeds, then this shit, what can we do tho?


You're not wrong about the Echo, they whipped up a right hate campaign against Bulls after the girl was killed, but didn't do the same after the boy this year .............. could that be because Merseyside Police spent tens of thousands kenneling all the dogs they seized and ended up looking stupid when they had to give a lot back.


As for what we can do, I'd say not much when there are dicks out there doing stuff like that with the same type of dogs proper decent lads use for proper hunting, how is the old lady across the road to know we're not the same as them, we look the same, have the same dogs as that lad in the paper, we must all be the same as far as the public knows.

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As for what we can do, I'd say not much when there are dicks out there doing stuff like that with the same type of dogs proper decent lads use for proper hunting, how is the old lady across the road to know we're not the same as them, we look the same, have the same dogs as that lad in the paper, we must all be the same as far as the public knows.



:yes: The shame is that the ban has glamorised hunting with dogs for certain groups of people, now it's illegal these people are getting their kicks from sticking two fingers up at the law, not the pursuit itself. Killing for killings sake. :yes:

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There was a 17 year old lad in Liverpool convicted this week of cruelty after police found video on his phone of a lurcher killing a cat and a fox cub.


The Liverpool Echo is all over this now, wether it's true or not, one thing's for sure, it's going to f**k the sport up for everyone, not just the local scallies.




See this is the sort of shit that makes my piss boil, its all ok hunting the proper way but a caged fox cub that was probably thrown straight out of its cage into the waiting mouth of a dog for fucks sake that fox had no chance of escape from the start and someones family cat like grow up ffs its not hunting this is torture, c**ts like this should be dropped into the lion enclosure at longleat because they got about the same chance of living as that cat did and then i can film it and mock the silly prick.




Couldnt have said it better my self its these type of people that are spoiling it for every one and the media will be loving this not much the real hunting people can do about it though and there the ones this ban has effected.

Its ok everyone sat there saying f##k the ban but the fact is its there and its only going to get harder than ever to do what so many people have done for years respecting the quarry they persue and the land they hunt on

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:yes: The shame is that the ban has glamorised hunting with dogs for certain groups of people, now it's illegal these people are getting their kicks from sticking two fingers up at the law, not the pursuit itself. Killing for killings sake. :yes:


totally agree with you there mate, like pitbulls for example, i wonder how many chavs would have one if they were leagl, its a shame the small minority of dickheads will ruin it for us all

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These excerpts are taken from your paper. You need to learn about this suject before printing this kind of rubbish. Nobody rips apart foxes Just search the internet for hunted foxes the pictures you’ll find will show the majority have their necks broke by a much larger dog Pre ban of course.


This twaddle is emotive and biased but not only that it is filled with lies. Maybe this is happening in your parks but that is to do with the chavvie tracksuit wearing scum that seems to breed in Liverpool.


Anybody who injured a fox to give it a disadvantage against a running dog or terrier would not be seen as a proper hunter or dog man/woman and would be a pariah there are lots of misleading media regarding the use of dogs and congratulations you have added to the misinformation. Oh and the night screams of death are more than likely natural fox screams of mating or arguing just ask you local police helicopter unit. The majority of time they get called out to screams in the woods it turns out to be foxes and not hunted ones







I cannot believe someone with your level of skills can be an editor even if it is a local rag.



Yours angrily


Just fired this of to the editor :whistling:

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Trouble is more and more of this rubbish is going to be sensationalised in the run up to the election because of labours aknowlegement that the tories are going to take over.I wonder how many court cases are pending for hunting and will get weighed off in the run up to the election and will make the news as they say watch this spacewallbash.gifcensored.gif



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