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Were going to nip out tonight to do a spot of lamping if we can get something that 'will do'. Would this do do you think:



•Size (H)30.5, (L)24.1cm.

•Shock and water resistant.

•20 times brighter than a regular LED.

•Non-slip rubber grip.

•80 lumens/3 watts.

•15 hours run time.

•Requires 4 x AA batteries (supplied).

•Weight 0.6kg.


If not what would you reccomend from here





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Lee i think that the lamp will be too bright if left how it is mate.


For rabbits you only need to low light buddy or they get very frightened and leg it in the beam Lee.


If the area where you are lamping has been lamped before as well with a white lamp the bunnies will be very skitish pal.


When i first started lamping on my permission with Festa, we could use a dull Deben Stinger without a filter on and get a few.


2 weeks later we wdidnt get a shot with a white lamp mate and needed to use a dull fed filtered lamp.


A bright white light like that will mybe if your lucky get 1 or 2 rabbits, but the majority of what you see and lamp tonight will run off and not sit still for a shot buddy.


Try putting someting like a red filter over it to take out the brightness, you will find it works 100% better pal.


If you can do that i think the lamp will be really good for lamping with a buddy pal.


Remember to take another smaller torch with you to find any shot bunnies so that you are not waisting the rechargable battery in the lamp pal.


Best of luck anyway



Edited by zini
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if it was me i wouldnt buy that lamp lee mate ... you really want summit that goes on top of your scopes not to bright like zini mentioned and a coloured filter (i use red) if you bought that lamp you would need someone to hold it whilst you shoot ...


atb gary

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hi ya lee

i agree with zini and gary buddy but if money is tight i used a mag light with a red sweet wrapper over the glass held on by a rubber band turned the mag light to a spot on beam and to be honest it worked a treat very low bean tho but great upto about 30mtrs witch was good enough for me and dont forget things in the dark seem closer or further away buddy



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cheers for the replies your advice was taken on board and used, we saw a few rabbits but didn't get there while 9ish - and unfortunatley did'nt get any but next time we'll be ready, our stealth wasn't the best - we got some red plasticy sheet from a craft shop - I also took my maglite.

after Iv'e had my weakend in windermere and have some money - i'm getting a tracer kit. here are some pictures of the lamp and a few more pics from when we went shooting the other day but I didn't do write up as I only got a magpie:



dezmond on the left, myself on the right, both looking dodgy!:







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Hi Lee,


Good photos pal and its nice what you managed to do with the lamp buddy :thumbs: .


I don’t know why you didn’t do a write up mate as a magpie is one of the weariest birds and air rifle quarry to shoot, so you should be proud of getting one pal.


If that was me id defo do a write up pal.


Think about it mate, how many magpies have you seen posted on here just lately when there is no leaves on the trees and they can see you coming for miles?


Not many if any pal.


Well done mate again



Edited by zini
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yeah true, there buggers to get, that one i shot I sneaked around a corner and there was a few on the gropund and they didnt see me.

tell you what I did i find out while out lamping, a tree that about 15 magpies roost in, maybe more! were going to think up a tactic to shoot them, I think that may have scuppered some rabbits because the lamp stratled them and it kicked up a hell of a fuss. touch wood theres going to be good write ups from that.

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