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PUPPIES WHINING!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP!!!!!

Guest samstheman

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Guest samstheman

We have 11 puppies at 4 weeks old whose mother has no interest in. We have weaned them for the last week on whelpi/goats milk/chicken and beef mince/high protein dried puppy food as often as they want-they still whinge despite having a better diet than we do! Any suggestions PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!We are very,very tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:

Does anybody want to buy 11 puppies, NOW????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by samstheman
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  samstheman said:
We have 11 puppies at 4 weeks old whose mother has no interest in. We have weaned them for the last week on whelpi/goats milk/chicken and beef mince/high protein dried puppy food as often as they want-they still whinge despite having a better diet than we do! Any suggestions PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!We are very,very tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:

Does anybody want to buy 11 puppies, NOW????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

have you got a heat lamp on them, plus lots of deep bedding so they are warm , are you drying the pup after they have had there food , all this will help

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
  samstheman said:
Does anybody want to buy 11 puppies, NOW????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



:unsure: Errr ..... Hang about, Stan: You Bred these Dogs, yeah? So, to have a reason for doing so, they must be potential world beaters, right? I mean, any old Back Yard Breeder can knock out a litter, for a few quid. Because his Dog has nuts or his Bitch bleeds. Right?


So, as ye've bred these future Champions ..... What's the problem, mate? Nothing's too good for a litter of Balyregan Bob's, surely? So chill out. Warm them, like Chris says. Sleep curled round them. They're canine royalty ~ or ye wouldn't have bothered with bashing out another litter. Right?


OR; If that's all wrong? Drop the lot off at the Arsepca and have their little guts pumped full of pentobarbitone. Save yeself all that stress. And learn something.


It's all about " Responsibility ", mate.



Anyway, fact that ye still want money for these pups shows they must be worth something to ye? Good. They're 'valuable' then. So you'll be willing to keep the lot if no one wants to buy them off ye, in a month or so's time? :D Excellent! I applaud you! I know a man who kept most of an entire pair of litters, because he bred them with purpose and wouldn't even Sell to anyone he didn't think worthy. Always nice to find someone else of such standing :good:



I Have got all this right. Yeah? :whistle:

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i see alot of wisdom in your words ditch :clapper: puppies whine for no reason it's part an parcel of the job. keep the worming and food up, and as much human contact as possible, grab any kids ya can find. culling some of the litter might have helped the bitch with rearing and made finding good hunting homes easier, but most planned litters have new homes waiting{in an ideal world}. least ya half way through mate :D

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Guest daisytaff

I've had a litter of 12 now at 7 weeks. I have left a radio on low in the shed with them because if they hear the wind picking up or other noises it sets them off to howl. The heat lamp is the best thing cos they loose their body heat quickly and I clean them up with a towel when they've been eating or running around in the mud that was once my garden ! Full up and warm is the key. 9 have left over the last 2 days, keeping 1 so 2 to go and then I'll get my life back. It's hard work but you've to keep it constant with feed times and contact. The neighbours kids have been a big help. Good luck and try to chill out and see the funny side :angry:

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Guest samstheman
  Ditch_Shitter said:
  samstheman said:

Does anybody want to buy 11 puppies, NOW????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



:unsure: Errr ..... Hang about, Stan: You Bred these Dogs, yeah? So, to have a reason for doing so, they must be potential world beaters, right? I mean, any old Back Yard Breeder can knock out a litter, for a few quid. Because his Dog has nuts or his Bitch bleeds. Right?


So, as ye've bred these future Champions ..... What's the problem, mate? Nothing's too good for a litter of Balyregan Bob's, surely? So chill out. Warm them, like Chris says. Sleep curled round them. They're canine royalty ~ or ye wouldn't have bothered with bashing out another litter. Right?


OR; If that's all wrong? Drop the lot off at the Arsepca and have their little guts pumped full of pentobarbitone. Save yeself all that stress. And learn something.


It's all about " Responsibility ", mate.

:signthankspin: 4 ur reply-they all have good homes waiting for them. Note the ?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!after the above quote? Sense of humour is the key, my pups are very precious to me :kiss:


Anyway, fact that ye still want money for these pups shows they must be worth something to ye? Good. They're 'valuable' then. So you'll be willing to keep the lot if no one wants to buy them off ye, in a month or so's time? :D Excellent! I applaud you! I know a man who kept most of an entire pair of litters, because he bred them with purpose and wouldn't even Sell to anyone he didn't think worthy. Always nice to find someone else of such standing :good:



I Have got all this right. Yeah? :whistle:



  daisytaff said:
I've had a litter of 12 now at 7 weeks. I have left a radio on low in the shed with them because if they hear the wind picking up or other noises it sets them off to howl. The heat lamp is the best thing cos they loose their body heat quickly and I clean them up with a towel when they've been eating or running around in the mud that was once my garden ! Full up and warm is the key. 9 have left over the last 2 days, keeping 1 so 2 to go and then I'll get my life back. It's hard work but you've to keep it constant with feed times and contact. The neighbours kids have been a big help. Good luck and try to chill out and see the funny side :angry:

chilled today ta-sent my boyfriend off to bed with earplugs and i dealt with the pups myself,much more settled night. I reckon they can sense his tension,whilst i am a bit more chilled-sod the neighbours i say,thanks 4 ur help :victory:


  kiwi said:
i see alot of wisdom in your words ditch :clapper: puppies whine for no reason it's part an parcel of the job. keep the worming and food up, and as much human contact as possible, grab any kids ya can find. culling some of the litter might have helped the bitch with rearing and made finding good hunting homes easier, but most planned litters have new homes waiting{in an ideal world}. least ya half way through mate :D

cheers kiwi,they all have good homes waiting,in fact,could've done with a few more :icon_eek: better night last night-sent my boyfriend off to bed and i dealt with the pups,he's more stressed than i am,and they sense tension :signthankspin:

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So theyre eating solids, (appropriate solids) have access to water and are under a lamp or are warm enough and theyre still whining?? Have you taken the bitch away from them completley? I find the only thing that can keep a pups, especialy realy young pups content is their mother, wether they feed from her or not. Shes all theyve known all their life so her recent lack of contact with em will be rather traumatic.


What breeding are the pups?






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Guest samstheman

The puppies are well fed,well watered,warm and are whining less the last couple of days. The mother seems overwhelmed by her babies and prefers to be away from them. She had a bout of mastitis when they were 3 weeks old so I reckon that had a lot to do with it. She can get nasty with them which is why we've seperated her from them,although she does like to check on them from time to time,presumably to make sure we are looking after them for her! She is pure irish greyhound and the sire is collie whippet greyhound,pups will make about 26" and they are all gorgeous! :signthankspin: 4 your interest

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Guest freestate hunter cfc

i have a litter of six pups at six weeks old i took there mother away from them at five weeks old but for a couple of times letting her back in with them to ween them of her slowly and in between having good beding and a radio, plenty of grub i had a quiet whining free result, good luck with yours.ps plenty of warm lambs milk.

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