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No mate,


Your not waisting your time at all with a .177 calibre rifle.


In alot of situtaions i think that they are better than a .22


For a new shooter they have a flatter trajectory so there is not so much holdover/under to worry about.


Watch Davy shooting his on scope camera he can hit a target from about 20 yards out to 40 yards with no holdover or under. Brilliant bit of footage and eye opening to what a .177 can do mate.


The pellets tend to be cheaper


They have greater penetration on long range shots so travel deeper and faster into the brain.


You will be able to kill humaley with a full power (11.5 FP) .177 to 55 yards if your shooting is up to it pal and you can put a pellet in the kill area.


Gone are the days now when people say that a .22 is more powerful than a .177


Both calibres will do the job mate.


I shoot .22 because i like the calibre and thats what i have nearly always shot.


I have had some good results with my .22 from time to time so dont change it pal.


As Yellow says though you need to put in a lot of range time if you intend on shooting at all rangers due to the curved trajectory.



Edited by zini
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No mate,


Your not waisting your time at all with a .177 calibre rifle.


As Yellow says though you need to put in a lot of range time if you intend on shooting at all rangers due to the curved trajectory.




Can't argue with that :no:


Apart from clarifying that its the .22 that has a more pronounced trajectory :tongue2::angel::laugh:

The .177 has a flatter trajectory.

But as to what can be killed with it is 'All legal airgun quarry'.


Its not so much about power or kinetic energy transfer (as long as were not talking silly low power), its more to do with putting the pellet into the kill zone.

Once you've mastered that, your ready to shoot live quarry - Hence so much time on the range is needed to make sure you can do it.



Edited by Phantom
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I've had .22 springers many years ago one of which was a old Webley Hawk MKII with interchangable barrels, I finally saved all my pennies up from my Goverment Trainning scheme and brought myself a .177 Barrel which screwed straight in and nipped with a Grub screw! since then I have never looked back and much prefer the .177 for all the reason's Phantom mentioned above, plus the Pellets are cheaper tongue2.gif.....


I had a good few years away from seriouse Air Rifle shooting although always had a couple of guns kicking about one of which is .22 Vulcan and shoots lovely for a old springer, thankfully I have now got a PCP in .177 which requires a fair bit less hold over at range so I'm back in my comfort zone again wink.gif.......



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Hi, mate.


I use all three but mainly .22 at the moment. As has been said it's all about putting the shot in the right place.


With the p*ss poor amount of power we're allowed, I really don't think caliber is that important. Use what you feel confident with.



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You will be able to kill humaley with a full power (11.5 FP) .177 to 55 yards if your shooting is up to it pal and you can put a pellet in the kill area.


:no: 55 yards is a long way for a legal limit air rifle, the problems involved mean there is too much chance of wounding. No doubt you will tell me my gun isn't good enough or that I can't shoot. I expect that if you hit the quarry in exactly the right place it will drop but how likely is that? If you wrongly estimate the range at that distance even by just 5 yards you may well miss. At 55 yards the slightest breath of wind makes a big difference. I have met set several people who claim to be able to drop quarry at 50 yards+ and I expect they do sometimes but how much gets missed or wounded? I expect a lot does.

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