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After a busy dig, is your after care up to scratch?

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Not wanting to mention any names,after digging with a so called friend about a year ago and retrieving his bitch, from what was'nt a very deep dig at all, about 3ft max. His bitch had been very busy with her quarry if you know what i mean, she done really well.. But i was soon dissapointed in the fact that after working her little socks off, he had no water to wash her off, or any form of tablets i.e. pain killers or anti biotics with him. So after giving her all, he couldnt even return the favour for her! This meant she was going to be sat in a box with her face swelling and covered in muck for the rest of the day. I ended up washing her face with his bottle of lucozade, not ideal at all but better than nothing! Good to see he had remembered to bring enough fluid and food to keep his own strengh up! but no after care was thought of for his little gladiator! I wash my dogs faces straight off after any dig, making sure their eyes are clear and pop a pain killer and anti biotic staight away, keeping them then on a five day course! it takes two minutes to do and saves a little pain and discomfort, not to much to ask i think.,,The point of this posting is not about the person above. Its about the after care of our little warriors,who give us so much pleasure and ask nothing in return.The least we can do is look after them properly. Yours in sport happy hunting

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Interesting thread manspade dont think you will get many admit to just leaving the dogs when the jobs done etc i am sure every one has there own style and ways they go about aftercare with there dogs after working them, be interesting to see what various ways folk go about it, myself i clean a dog down and wash its eyes when done and give it a drink as my dogs are really not that hard and just pick up peppered bites each dig but i have had them when the quarry has been spikey and i take them back to my vehicle for clean up and then home for proper care.

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Not wanting to mention any names,after digging with a so called friend about a year ago and retrieving his bitch, from what was'nt a very deep dig at all, about 3ft max. His bitch had been very busy with her quarry if you know what i mean, she done really well.. But i was soon dissapointed in the fact that after working her little socks off, he had no water to wash her off, or any form of tablets i.e. pain killers or anti biotics with him. So after giving her all, he couldnt even return the favour for her! This meant she was going to be sat in a box with her face swelling and covered in muck for the rest of the day. I ended up washing her face with his bottle of lucozade, not ideal at all but better than nothing! Good to see he had remembered to bring enough fluid and food to keep his own strengh up! but no after care was thought of for his little gladiator! I wash my dogs faces straight off after any dig, making sure their eyes are clear and pop a pain killer and anti biotic staight away, keeping them then on a five day course! it takes two minutes to do and saves a little pain and discomfort, not to much to ask i think.,,The point of this posting is not about the person above. Its about the after care of our little warriors,who give us so much pleasure and ask nothing in return.The least we can do is look after them properly. Yours in sport happy hunting

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There seems to be alot of people saying anti biotics straigt away,i am not a fan of this method though unless the dog has sustained bad injurys then i will, for peppered bites and puncture marks i clean the wound with an anti biotic lotion and clean for a few days with this or salt water i only give an anti biotic medicine if i see an infection or if the bites have a funny smell i think if you give medicine out every time it loses it effectivness and does the dog no good ie its own immune system etc

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basic care in the feild isn't asking a lot,always carry water,clean the eyes,clean the mouth from clay,roots,hair etc.flush out any dirt from wounds make sure the dog hasn't fanged itself,a bowl to give the dog a drink,just basic stuff,isn't asking a lot till u get the dog home and have a prorer look,personally i wouldn't be giving antiiotics for every knock the dog takes as the they will be less evective when the time comes that he really needs them,

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Guest AngelicAcid

cleaned, eyes and water(not always in that order)

only give antibiotics if really bad.

same as pain killers.


some food as well, sometimes only a bit though.

Edited by AngelicAcid
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I must be a bad owner then. The first thing I'll do is give the dog a drink once we've finished tidying the dig up. The pain relief ( and if needed the anti-B's ) are given when I get the dog home. I'll also get the hose on the terriers and do their eyes properly when I get home as well.



Thats about right mate i also give nice warm bath cooked meal (chicken rice) soon as get home. Wouldnt pump to much antibiotics in them or they just get amouned to it each to their own i guess not a bad topic thothumbs.gif

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Man spade?have a bit of sense.yeclogged the wound with thick glucose which when dried and hardened into a bacteria holdind sugary glue would only cause the dog more discomfort at the end of the day.if yow don t know what your at keep of other lads dogs.your constant use of anti biotics only hinders the dogs immune system but sure if it makes you feel good sure work away.the dog should be kept warm,cleaned as soon as possible,if you ve no water lucozade is no sub!heat and water should sustain a dog till most get home,if not then everyone I know bring sufficient cleaning products,of which lucozade is not one.

Think this is a dodgy thread to post,I wonder?

Antibiotics should not be used everytime regardless of the dogs style as it loses it's effect and does harm.

Edited by madgerboy
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Every dig and end result is different so you have to judge things for yourself on the spot .First thing anyone should do is check the little warrior over and not just the face .A dog that is dug to regular will be immume to fox bites of the puncture variety.Slashes are a different thing though and should be priority clean up.Dirt in the eyes looks bad but is not a priority and can be dealt with when the dog is home .Wasing the dog down with cold water on a cold day can be detrimental and may trigger shock .Far better to clean properly at home with warm water and if the dog is that bad then home is where you should be headed .If a trip to the vets is needed then clean your dog up as best you can at home BEFOREHAND .Offer the dog water after a hard dig but be concerned if it refuses it as shock may be setting in .Get the dog warm fast and electrolyte jabbed if you have one or off to the vets you must go .Commen sense should tell you whether the dog is good for another dig that day .Personally ,i only use antibiotics when absolutely necessary .Your dog will develop immunity to all but the worst bites .May seem harsh and is no reflection on my husbandry ,just what works for me .A syringe or two of salt water at home will cleanse anything combined with cotten wool pads . Warm dry kennel with quality food is essential too .

Heres a tip for bad ear bites .Turn the ear down like a corner of paper ,cover in tissue, and hold it with a cloths peg .Undo when you get home and in most cases the bleeding will have stoppped .Dont leave the peg on !

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