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First outing for fat jill & pink nets

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Our last few ferreting trips had produced plenty of rabbits but were very much of the nature of serious pest-control. They had involved plenty of net-hopping along a thorny 200 yard ridge honey-combed by thousands of burrows .

Today as a bit of light relief we decided to tackle some open grassland buries. Not that these open Downland workings are always easy by any means .I suppose because of the exposed nature of the habitat the rabbits are very alert to the approach of danger and can be a little shy of bolting .Some of these little burrows are worryingly deep whilst others are shallow and seem to be used mainly as temporary bolt-holes for woodland rabbits caught in the open far from their home burrows.

The day started well when my dog marked a spot under my mates garden hedge . This resulted in the placing of a single net over a single hole ,the capture of a single rabbit and several jokes of a physician heal thyself nature .

Once on the hillside I watched my friend and his son start laying-out their motley collection of green nylon and hemp nets .The time had come to bravely unleash my first batch of pink nets upon an unsuspecting world . Now I knew I'd be the butt of some prety predictable micky taking but I think the Elton John and Liberace gags went on a touch too long .

Now we fast foreward to the point when the dogs are settled ,the nets are down and the ferrets must be released to reek their subteranean havoc. I wait until the others have slipped in their slender and experienced polcats before producing shock of the morning number two . post-13773-126557907299_thumb.jpg

I escaped a ribbing ,only because we were all in silent mode by now but my young,rather large ,white and totally untried jill became the object of several visual jokes . At one point she scrambled from a burrow only to be scooped -up by my mate who then proceded to lift her above his head in a sort of Charles Atlas weightlifter routine . To be honest she was useless in the first bury. And the second . The polecats were doing all the work though the rabbits were a bit sticky and several digs were required .post-13773-126557890434_thumb.jpg As we picked -up after the third bury I noticed that despite the fact that she'd spent most of her time bumbling from hole to hole my Amazon had a few strands of rabbit fur in her claws .From that point on she started to work and by way of celibration the first rabbit she bolted came straight out into one of my new pink nets !


From that point-on the mockery of my fellows slipped from my back like dew from a delicate flower .

As if our success on the hillside was'nt reward enough our trip to the game dealer to drop the surplus rabbits off produced the biggest surprise of the day. The dealer put his hand in his pocket and paid -up for all the rabbits we'd left with him since Christmas !.

Edited by comanche
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