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Spare a quid or 2

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Exactly Polski This is a registered charity thats commited to spending 2k on a ten week old pup with parvo virus! There's no certainty that the pup is viable (will survive) would the two grand not be

I totally understand peoples' outrage at the idea of a pup getting meds that humans need and can't get because of their cost but that doesn't mean GAP isn't a kosher charity. If a charity raises funds for a specific project they can't then spend the money on something else. That's something the charity commissioners would not allow, so they can't just decide to reallocate the funds from building costs to vet costs.

Also, to be fair to them, they didn't come on here to ask for money, they emailed people who have previously supported them to ask for help.

And while many people take responsibility for their dogs and take care of them, many don't, and when that happens it's the rescues that pick up the pieces and try to sort it out.

Fair enough, question the validity of spending that much money on one dog - they're not the only to charity to do so - but I don't believe there's any dishonesty involved.

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Once again for the thicko's who cannot read,

I, not Greyhound Gap posted on here.

No'one from Greyhound Gap has asked on this forum for donations, I, mistakenly it appears, thought I was doing them a favour.


Nowhere on Greyhound Gaps adoption process page does it mention working homes.


Foxgun Tom if you had looked at the charity commissioners site properly, instead of just jumping to conclusions you will see that Annual Returns, SIR’s, Trustees’ Annual Reports and accounts must be completed and submitted within 10 months of the end of the charity's financial year. The Annual Return for 31 Aug 2008 for instance was received 25 Jun 2009.


Poacher is there anything that you post that does not involve foreigners?


As i have already pointed out, there are always going to be causes that some think more worthy than others, a simple hope the pup gets well or no post at all would suffice instead of the nastiness, negativity and cynicism.

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I don't think they're being dishonest just hypocritical You cant honestly say that they don't get cash donations that could not be used to cover vetinary costs for this pup? and its not just the comparison between humans needing similar medicines what about the other dogs in their care that need re-homed? rather than spending two grand on a pup which is stricken with parvo and probably suffering? and may not survive? use the two grand for the benefit of the other dogs!!




  On 08/02/2010 at 16:32, Scallywag said:

I totally understand peoples' outrage at the idea of a pup getting meds that humans need and can't get because of their cost but that doesn't mean GAP isn't a kosher charity. If a charity raises funds for a specific project they can't then spend the money on something else. That's something the charity commissioners would not allow, so they can't just decide to reallocate the funds from building costs to vet costs.

Also, to be fair to them, they didn't come on here to ask for money, they emailed people who have previously supported them to ask for help.

And while many people take responsibility for their dogs and take care of them, many don't, and when that happens it's the rescues that pick up the pieces and try to sort it out.

Fair enough, question the validity of spending that much money on one dog - they're not the only to charity to do so - but I don't believe there's any dishonesty involved.

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For us thicko's that can read I bow my head in shame :icon_redface: as your right I did'nt read the Charity Commisoners website in its entirety and humbly apologise :icon_redface:


But your wrong in saying "No'one from Greyhound Gap has asked on this forum for donations, I, mistakenly it appears, thought I was doing them a favour."


I appriciate you were doing them a favour but there is an appeal on here from them! and they are asking for money and its noted by them!!


If Greyhound Gap does'nt mention working homes? is it safe to assume they don't want to acknowledge there is such a thing?





  On 08/02/2010 at 16:45, skellyb said:

Once again for the thicko's who cannot read,

I, not Greyhound Gap posted on here.

No'one from Greyhound Gap has asked on this forum for donations, I, mistakenly it appears, thought I was doing them a favour.


Nowhere on Greyhound Gaps adoption process page does it mention working homes.


Foxgun Tom if you had looked at the charity commissioners site properly, instead of just jumping to conclusions you will see that Annual Returns, SIR’s, Trustees’ Annual Reports and accounts must be completed and submitted within 10 months of the end of the charity's financial year. The Annual Return for 31 Aug 2008 for instance was received 25 Jun 2009.


Poacher is there anything that you post that does not involve foreigners?


As i have already pointed out, there are always going to be causes that some think more worthy than others, a simple hope the pup gets well or no post at all would suffice instead of the nastiness, negativity and cynicism.

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  On 07/02/2010 at 22:01, skellyb said:

Just had this email from Greyhound Gap. If you can spare a quid or 2 or maybe a bit more to help with this pups treatment. :thumbs:


It has been confirmed this afternoon after a snap test and full histology showing a very low white cell count that our special 10 week old staffi x whippet girl Daisie Mae does indeed have as suspected parvo.


However, we are liasing very closely with the out of hours emergency vets and have authorised the very best of treatment. She has now started on not only plasma BUT inteferon a very expensive drug which is her best chance. Inteferon can provide miracles for dogs with parvo if administered quickly enough.


The cost of all this now could come in at around £2000 but we would rather take a gamble on the best we can provide and a much better chance of having a well and alive puppy at the end than a smaller but still large bill and much more chance of us losing her.


We currently have a Valentines photo competition running to help us raise funds the details can be found on the link below...



277 members on face book..guess the moneys done?




ALSO now we have a facebook page to try to help us raise funds for the cost of Daisie's treatment. If you do have a facebook account yourselves could you please add it to your profile and invite your friends to do the same. The link is below....




I have had a couple of people ask how they can make one of donations to help with Daisie Mae's treatment and the details are below....


The usual to treasurer@greyhoundgap.com


Or by cheque payable to Greyhound Gap and sent to


Greyhound Gap

1 Thatched Cottage

Camp Road

Wimbledon Common


SW19 4UR








Many healing and good fight this little lady thoughts are greatfully appreciated x

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skellyb, all I was pointing out is that the trustee of GG is IN FACT very anti-hunting and as such this is probably not an appropriate place to post on their behalf.


Gap do so much good work - we don't have to agree about how they spend their money. I disagree with a few of their known sentiments and standpoints about things, but that's neither here nor there. I also don't really agree with spending that kind of money on a 10 week old pup who is no doubt in a tremendous amount of pain (having assisted in the treatment of parvo puppies first hand I know what they go through). But it is Gap's decision to treat, and I won't fault them.


I do however think that if they chose such an expensive course of treatment they should dip into the massive mortgage fund. As Tom pointed out - is the pup more important than the bricks and mortar? If so, get the money there.


Once again I do hope this pup pulls through, as many do nowadays with parvo. I hope one way or t'other that the suffering it is in ends soon; preferrably in the best possible way.


And Tom if there is no written statement about working homes, it means nothing. A good thorough read through some threads, and indeed some of the summaries about the dogs' they rehome (ie where they were found, how they came to be homeless, etc etc), will lead you to the unwritten conclusion about the general consensus regarding working homes. Again, their perogative .... and one that I wholly disagree with. It doesn't change the work they do, even if we can't agree with the sentiments.

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  On 08/02/2010 at 18:23, lurchergrrl said:

I do however think that if they chose such an expensive course of treatment they should dip into the massive mortgage fund. As Tom pointed out - is the pup more important than the bricks and mortar? If so, get the money there.



As has already been said, if money has been donated for a building fund it cannot be used for vet fees- the charity comission won't allow this.

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But has it??? all charities get cash donations! have they all been donated for a bulding fund? I don't think so!! every charity does and could use cash donated for a number of things eg: petty cash, sundries, printing etc: Who is gonna dig up a dog welfare charity for spending cash on vet bills? this particular charity has numerous fundraising events and also sell's merchandise!!


Ther'e sitting there with cash in hand and need 2K for a pups vet bills which they instigated and authorised and they then have audacity to ask joe public specifically to fund this individual pups vetinary care? What there asking is morally unjustifiable? Bricks and mortar in this instance does seem paramount over the pup's welfare If I had funds sitting in an account somewhere and my dog needed treatment I certainly would'nt be asking the lads on here for a hand out


I certainly would'nt donate to this particular dog rescue charity but I'll continue to support the ones that act resposibly!!




  On 08/02/2010 at 20:07, Merlin Hunter said:
  On 08/02/2010 at 18:23, lurchergrrl said:

I do however think that if they chose such an expensive course of treatment they should dip into the massive mortgage fund. As Tom pointed out - is the pup more important than the bricks and mortar? If so, get the money there.



As has already been said, if money has been donated for a building fund it cannot be used for vet fees- the charity comission won't allow this.

Edited by Foxgun Tom
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  On 08/02/2010 at 20:30, Foxgun Tom said:

But has it??? all charities get cash donations! have they all been donated for a bulding fund? I don't think so!! every charity does and could use cash donated for a number of things eg: petty cash, sundries, printing etc: Who is gonna dig up a dog welfare charity for spending cash on vet bills? this particular charity has numerous fundraising events and also sell's merchandise!!


Of course there are some donations that come in unmarked, but I guess most of it will be through the just giving website, and through paypal donations with instructions on- eg "this is for the building fund". The charity will be run like a business, and have different accounts for the building (I suspect- especially if they do books for charity comission)- but if a paypal donation is made for the building they cannot ue it for something else- if they do and someone reports them- someone who deosn't agree with what they have spent the money on- they'll be at risk of having their charity status removed.

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I'm not closely involved with this particular rescue but I do know their work is entirely self funded, they don't get grants or anything so fundraise for all their expenses. The costs of running a rescue are considerable and it's unlikely they have money lying around to be used on these occasions. The rescue community is that, a big, loose network of people willing to put time money and effort into helping dogs out and it's quite usual to put out a plea for expensive treatments. In this case it's for a pup with parvo, in others it's repairing injuries from rtas or working accidents. These are usually young dogs with years ahead of them if the money is spent to put them right. They're then rehomed and hopefully live long and happy lives. This might not be how YOU would spend the money but you don't run the rescue. You simply don't donate if you don't agree with the way the donations are spent, end of problem, surely?

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  On 08/02/2010 at 21:09, Scallywag said:

it's quite usual to put out a plea for expensive treatments. In this case it's for a pup with parvo, in others it's repairing injuries from rtas or working accidents.


You simply don't donate if you don't agree with the way the donations are spent, end of problem, surely?


As this poster says I have found the same, ordinary donations are used for everyday stuff, for expensive surgery/treatment if you don't agree with it you don't donate.

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I think (having read through all of this) it's important to realise that:


a) Lisa of Greyhound Gap did not put this post on THL. someone else copied a mass email she'd sent out to GG members and put it on, obviously thinking it would help raise a couple of quid towards the vet bills.



b ) what Lisa has said on Gap is:


We were going to hold a Valentines Photo Competition but decided to hold it with all proceeds going to help Daisie Mae.


So no committee members or Trustees of Gap have asked any of THL folk for a donation for Daisy Mae's treatment, it's just a well intentioned person who thought they might like to help a dog in need. Whether Lisa is pro or anti hunting has absolutely no bearing on the pup's treatment.


Some of the things that have been said about Gap's fund raising and finances on THL are well out of order though :icon_eek: People need to understand how a charity works and what they are allowed and aren't allowed to do with specified donations before they start casting slurs


I've been a member of THL and various other similar sites for many years and I've seen all this kick off before just because someone decides to stick a knife in and have a go at someone. However, I believe the saying "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" should be remembered in this instance! :whistling:


I'm very conscious of the fact some of the "working dog folk" look down on us rescue peeps as poor relations and think we're worth taking the piss out of - maybe what you don't realise is that a lot of us pick up the pieces after some of the "lads" f**k up and we take their dogs in- some in states you wouldn't believe, and try to nurse them back to health and find them new homes. We don't do this for money or "glory" or even so someone will say "thank you" - we do it for the dogs.


I've owned Lurchers for thirty years now, worked them and rescued them throughout that period and I reckon I know a little bit about them - mainly from many friends who've let me learn from them and their dogs. Some of these people are Big Names in the Lurcher world but they still help us raise funds to help out dogs which need us, rather than think of us as not worth bothering with. These are people I'm honoured to call my friends and I would pull out all the stops to help them should they need it. However, I would do the same to help a pup who's seriously ill............maybe I'm a mug, maybe I spend too much time worrying about how I can fit another pts case dog in my rescue, how we can afford to pay for an operation...........but I certainly wouldn't be any other way :boxing:

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