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Grey Squirrel Poll

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Well, for what it's worth, I've just registered my third vote in favour of the cull :whistling: As best I recollect, I was about 12 when they announced a bounty on greys. Every tail you took into the council office you got 2/-. ! That's two bob, 10 pence, good money when the average wage was less than &10/wk. Kept me and my kid bro in pellets.

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We are loosing this one badly - and to add insult to injury, Angus McNutter is now posting loads of propaganda.


The no vote has increased by 60 odd in the last 24 hours, the yes by only 100.


We need more votes, and fast. Please publicise this wherever you can (facebook?).

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What is up with these people, i mean seriously, this is a comment i copied and pasted


To cull is to kill, to kill without justification is murder, murder is against the law! Do humans have no integrity with respect to their own laws!



I bet most of these people eat meat wallbash.gif

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What is up with these people, i mean seriously, this is a comment i copied and pasted


To cull is to kill, to kill without justification is murder, murder is against the law! Do humans have no integrity with respect to their own laws!



I bet most of these people eat meat wallbash.gif


I bet they don't, they're just clearly really f*cking stupid. I bet the person who posted that walks around at home on all fours like a cat, purring and lapping up milk out of a saucer lol. Clearly a person that isn't of sound mind.


Every Grey squirrel in the UK should be eradicated with out any argument what so ever! They don't belong here and are causing problems for natives species.


I'd rather them than Paki's though :rofl: (just a joke).

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